The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 968: I am not satisfied


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to complete the ‘Great Swordsman Oya’ mission, gaining 1 million points of experience, 10,000 points of Xianli, and the heroic skill ‘Woodblade Waltz’ can be given!”

Jianli King Kong is in place!

Longfei’s heart was happy, and when he wanted to give the ‘Walblade’ to the Oya, the system sounded again.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’, let Oya be willing to make a living, get the first 100-degree woman, and get special rewards.”

"I rely!"

"Is this all right?"

Longfei was a bit fierce. He didn't think that there would be a special reward for completing 100 points. If he knew it, he would do his best, but... Longfei’s heart showed a lustful smile. “It’s 100 points, it’s not Unlock everything?"


"The schoolgirl's version of the skin's unparalleled sword, professional ol, holding a stick of ass, on the bed..."


The picture is too child-friendly, and Longfei thinks that there are some things that can't be swelled below. The power of the wilderness is just around the corner. If you don't close your thoughts, you really have to break out.

I saw the gift box in my mind glow.

The idea is moving, "Open!"

The gift box is opened and the system then sounds a beep.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘source plan? Fire’ suit!”

"I rub!"

"Send skills, but also send suits?" Longfei's heart was shocked. 'Source plan fire' is a suit of Wushuang Jian Ji, and it is very gorgeous. Longfei is only a replica, and there is no such powerful momentum. , and the power of that source plan set.

"Looks like..."

Longfei’s heart secretly said: “The higher the level of goodness, the better the system rewards. The source of this plan is that he can at least give Aoya the strength of a big realm. If there is such a suit, I’m afraid The elders of the Temple are not her opponents."


Longfei thinks about some things. "The body of the giant spirit of Li Yuanba, the power of the Holy Spirit of the heavenly spirit, that Aoya... Will her power be the set of source plans?"

At this moment.

Long Fei looked at Oya Road: "Given your own promises, these are the things I have given you."

Take out a martial arts ‘Wellblade Waltz’ and ‘Source Plan? Fire’, and say: “You will understand the true meaning of the waltz in the practice of martial arts. This set of gods will wear you a surely strong watch.”

Oya looked at two things, his eyes trembled, and he was moved by a mess.

No one has ever been so good to her.

She stepped forward and squatted on Longfei's shoulder and burst into tears. She was crying and heartbroken, which made people feel very distressed. .

Long Fei gently patted Ouya's back and said: "Don't cry, cry again, it's not good, and..."

Oyana’s figure, chest, and the unsuitable picture of children in Longfei’s mind are intertwined. Longfei’s lower body has a reaction in an instant, but in the face of more than a hundred thousand disciples of the Emperor’s College, how can you get it? Hold back.

Oya's original icy goddess is now completely melted by the dragon.

Oya nodded lightly: "Well."

A little woman who becomes obedient in an instant.

The hearts of countless male disciples broke again.

at this time.


The last elder of the Immortal was killed by the hand of Noxus, and the body became a pool of blood.


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Elder of the Temple’ with an experience of 194,0000 points, a power of 20,000 points, and an energy value of 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Xianjing*113’

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get 300 special items of gold coins!”



“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ card character’s “Hand of Noxus” upgrade, the current level of the Holy Order!”


"Nock is also upgraded?" Longfei excited, looked at the properties of Noxus, his strength became stronger, and the cooling time was a little less, although not much, but as long as the level is higher, he played cooling Time will be less and less.

"On the Lord, the mission is complete!"

"I'm going to rest!"

The hand of Noxus uttered a sentence and then disappeared in place.

Longfei quickly said: "First wait!"

Longfei’s eyes lifted slightly, staring at the nineteen that had not dared to look at Longfei’s eyes again. Longfei’s voice slammed out and said: “Mom, who else?”

"Nineteen Dean?"

"You just said that you want to kill me?"

"Come and come, come down and kill Laozi!"

The nineteen directors turned white and shivered, and their lips groaned: "Longfei, I, I, I haven’t said that. I just said, I was confused for a while, I was wrong, I was wrong, I beg you. Raise me once and watch what I used to help you."

He is afraid.

Really afraid!

He was afraid that he would also like the eight elders of the Temple, and he would be directly killed by the basketball.


He now understands that Longfei is a monster.

His strength.

His exercises, as well as the characters she summoned, are all monsters.

The dean of the Eighteenth Military Academy was killed by him. Hundreds of elite disciples were killed. The first demon slayer was killed. Now eight elders of the Temple are turned over by him. Who else? Who else can resist his footsteps?

Such a person is too horrible.

Long Fei mouth corner slightly hooked, said: "From today, I don't want to see you at the Emperor's College, understand?"

If the 19th is a big man, he said: "Understand, understand, I understand, I will definitely not appear in the Emperor's College again."


When the nineteen turned and ran out, she hated the old lady and gave birth to a few legs.

Longfei’s eyes were low, and he screamed. “Who else is not convinced? Ah?”

"Who is not convinced?"

The sound is soaring and the whole battlefield is crushed.

The master was all beaten by him, who is still not convinced?

Just at this moment.

The sky is sinking.


Longfei’s wound cracked, a blood spurted out, and the body slammed sharply, almost squatting on the ground, looking at the sky with both eyes, and the fists clenched together, “too respected...”

The clouds of the sky are scattered.

The Tongtian Temple is suspended in the air and is clearly visible.

Too reverent and angry, both eyes staring coldly at Longfei.

Standing behind him, there are hundreds of elders in the temple, each of them is above the realm of Jinxian...


They are the most powerful existence of the fairy tales.


These people are not wrapped up in the old monsters who lived for more than four hundred years old, and the existence of the ancestors!

Golden light!

The golden light of the sky.

Very glaring.

The dragon's teeth bite the squeaking sound, and the golden dragon ancestor is also desperately resisting, and the body will not be able to withstand it.

The sound of too cold and cold sounded, said: "I don't accept it!"


third chapter,

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