The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 990: Zongmen system is on

The second family of ancient family!

Huang family!

Longfei has seen the family rankings. The reason why the Huang family is ranked second is not because his strength is weak and the family, but because the Huang family has only a few people.

The knife is powerful.


What is even more horrifying is their judgment of the future. No one knows the secrets of the Huang family except the dragon who was the **** of the year.

The blood of the Huang family is the blood of the prophet.

It can sense everything within a few thousand kilometers. It can know what is happening in the future. It can see everything. This kind of prophet is comparable to the dragon's big prophecy. If it is cultivated to the peak, it is even stronger than the big prophecy. one cent.

This is the horror of the Huang family.

The prophet's bloodline will be uploaded to the woman of the Huang family, and the man's words are a natural knife madness.

The Emperor's Eight-knife is the knife that the Huang family passed down.

Inheriting the knife of countless years.

Legend has it that it is the knife method created by the Emperor of the Emperor. It is the knife that the black knife dreams of.

Long Fei gave him the knife, and the black knife also said his identity without reservation.

The black knife said slightly: "Our Huang family has also suffered from the crushing of the dragon family, but the dragon godless did not treat us like that. On the contrary, he helped us cover up the facts and let the Huang family avoid the disaster."

"Dragon, you are my boss from now on!"

At this moment, the black knife will take Longfei as the boss in the true sense. This is his true return!

The mad knife returned home.

The system also sounds a beep at this moment.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to complete the ‘eight King Kong’ mission and receive a special reward ‘master order’!”

Looking at the dragon-studded token in the mind, Longfei’s mind was tight, “finally completed the eight King Kong missions!”


“Do you establish a Zongmen?”

Longfei did not hesitate, said: "Yes!"

"System prompt: Please set the name of the gate."

"Tianwu mainland, it is called Tianwuzong!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to establish ‘Tianwu Zong’ to gain 10000000 points, Xianli 100000 points, and 100,000 points for special rewards!”


"The eight King Kong homing."


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ triggering the ‘Zongmen System’ to gain 100 points, 100 points for Xianli and 100 points for special rewards.”


“Do you want to check the Zongmen system?”

Longfei’s thoughts moved and said: “View!”

System Name: Zongmen System

Zongmen level: 0

Number of Zongmen: Nine people (can enroll 50 people)

Zongmen experience: 0

Zongmen contribution: 0


Zongmen description: The higher the level, the more people recruited, the more people recruited, the monsters that members hunted, and the people who can get experience...

When I saw this, Longfei was excited.

"My sect... As long as it is my disciple, I can get the experience of their cultivation. Whether it is alchemy, refining, killing, killing the beast, I can bring the experience value from the sect system. Or proficiency."

"This is this..."

Longfei looked at the system description and stunned!

A person is very slow to upgrade.

The one hundred people will upgrade you, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million, and the whole plane will upgrade for you?

Not only experience.

There is also the skill of alchemy, the proficiency of refining, and even the proficiency of the magical skills of Longfei cultivation. All of these can be upgraded through the Zongmen system. How strong is this, that is to say, the future Longfei does not use anything. Do him to upgrade!

It’s such awesome!


"The eight King Kong missions, really good!"

This is his mission in the South Sky.

It is one of the three major tasks.

Look for the dragon domain, look for the Elf family, the three major tasks of the Eight King Kong mission!

One of them is done.

Longfei opened the sacred door system, except for himself, there are currently only eight people.

Sovereign: Longfei (Jinxian Jiupin)

Eight King Kong: Li Yuanba (Shenzhen King Kong, strength??) Luohan (Devil King Kong, strength??) Tianling (Yu Ling King Kong, strength??) Lin Yousheng (Tian Shui King Kong, strength??) Chen Tianfei (Shenjia King Kong strength gold仙七品)Aoya (Sword Power King Kong strength Jinxian seven products) Luohan King Kong (strength??) Huang Shi (Knife King Kong, strength Jinxian nine products)

Help the public: 0

"The four kings of Xianyu, except for Luohan King Kong, have not released, the other King Kong wars are realistically repaired. The strength of the four King Kong strengths of Nantianyu are all question marks, unknown, Yuanba, how are you?" Longfei is very worried inside.

The changes in Tianwu mainland have been too great in recent years.

Just like a giant wheel crushing, the speed is fast, and there is a feeling of panic in the heart of Longfei.

in fact.

He did not know that this was a sign before the catastrophe!

"As soon as possible to solve the problem on Xianyu, you must go to Nantianyu as soon as possible." Longfei thinks that there is always an ominous premonition in Nantianyu. Nantianyu must have an accident, but... The only thing he can confirm now is Li Yuanba. King Kong is still alive.

Otherwise they won't appear on the list of sects!


"Longfei brother?"

The black knife and the cloud looked at the dragonfly of the bun.

Longfei recovered his look and smiled slightly: "I was scared by your identity."


Longfei looked at Yuner and said: "Yun, your ability should not let others know, the most important point, don't touch my future."

Longfei is not afraid of his future.

I am not afraid to face it.

He is worried that he will worry about the people around him.

He does not believe in the future. He only believes in himself, does not believe in the sky, does not believe in the land, and does not believe in fate. He only believes that people will win the day!

Yun Er did not understand, but nodded, said: "Ye!"


Longfei walked out of the room.

In the yard, Fu Xishan was waiting for him.

Longfei smiled and said: "There is something to forget to tell you. In three years, I have established a sect. The name is Tianwuzong. Do you want to join my sect?"

Fifty places.

They must all be collected.


The level of the Zongmen should be upgraded. It is useless to rely on the dragon to fly alone. It depends on the efforts of all people.

After half an hour.

All the people in the yard were put away, and fifty people were also assembled.

Also at this moment.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to pick up the disciples and trigger the ‘monster siege’ system!”

"In three days, the monsters attacked the city."

"The player ‘Longfei’ must hold the city of the gods. Once the city is broken, the 50 people of Tianwuzong will be completely obliterated by the system!”

"The countdown starts!"

The system prompt tone is complete.

Longfei is stupid, "I wipe, Laozi knows that there is not such a good thing!"

"System your uncle, your grandfather's grandfather, you are going to play with me, kill them all? Is it too much to play?"

骂 骂.


The monsters attacked the city and made Longfei excited!

The chance of a big explosion is coming!


chapter Five,

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