The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 992: I want to be too respectful

A roar.

The Thunder rolled and rang through the miles.

Also at this moment.

The people of the entire Emperor City are a glimpse, look up.

Fu Xishan’s face changed greatly. “Dragon is to deal with Taizun!”


When Chen Fatzi put down his hand, he rushed out. He thought of the picture that appeared in the military field three years ago. He rushed out in desperation, and absolutely couldn’t let that happen again, absolutely not!

Everyone thought that Longfei would go to the Emperor's College to settle accounts with some elders of the Immortals, but... his goal is to kill them too three years ago!

The heavenly fairy temple is too respectful.

Three years ago they were shot, the power they couldn't shake, even now they all broke through, but they were not too respectable opponents, even if they combined their combined strength is not an opponent.

Too respect is really too strong.

They don't even know what his power is.

There is no margin in the strong.

How is an opponent?

Just in the moment when the fat man rushed out, Qiu Wandao figured a move and directly blocked the fat man's road. He said: "Can't go!"

"Qiu old, you let it go!"

Chen Fatzi is a little angry: "How strong is it, you know better than me. If the old assembly is dead, he will die."

Everyone rushed to the door of the yard. They all wanted to rush out. The old man in Tsing Yi also fell down and stopped his way. He said: "It’s too strong to be strong. It’s useless to go to all of us. Why does Long Shao go alone? ?"

"He just didn't want to see the scene three years ago happen again."


Qiu Wandao took the message: "Dragon is definitely not a reckless person. He must have thought of a way to deal with Taizun. If we go, it will only give him trouble. We have to sit down and explain what he said!"

The people were silent.


When they went, they just added trouble to Longfei.

Their power is difficult to deal with even the elders of the Temple, let alone too respectful.

Song Qianqian looked at Yuner and said: "Yun, can you get there?"

Yuner shook his head and said: "Thousands of sisters, I promised to fly Longfei brother, definitely not to see his future, I know too strong, his strength is the most powerful I have ever seen, but I believe Longfei brother I believe he can do it."

She didn't dare to look.

I really can’t look at it.


She was worried about seeing the scene where Longfei fell in a pool of blood.

It is also a very painful thing to see the future!

The people are silent.

Chen Fatzi smashed a piece of rock with a fist and said: "I am useless!"


"Who is that voice?"

"Do you dare to scream with too respect?"

"Is he crazy?"

"This voice seems to have been heard somewhere, familiar, and the arrogant tone is very familiar."

"Hurricane? Who dares to be arrogant in front of the Taizun, is not afraid that today is his jealous day next year."

"Dare to be arrogant in front of Taizun, then this person... Longfei?"


In the streets and alleys of the Emperor's College, all are talking.

The name Longfei once again caused a sensation.


Because some people dare to go to the Emperor's College, and dare to fight against the Heavenly Temple.

Some people dare to fight against ‘God’!

In the hearts of ordinary people in the Imperial City, the Temple of Heaven is the Jingu Temple, and the Too Supreme is the supreme God!

They are unbeatable.

They can't shake.


They are also hateful!

The arrogant voice of Longfei has made many people feel excited.


The peak of the Emperor Mountain.

Longfei once again sighed, "Tai Zun, you roll down Laozi!"

"Dragon fly!"

"You are too arrogant, dare to be crazy here, you are tired!" A fairy elder is drinking a lot. "The district Jinxian realm will dare to arrogate, you really take yourself seriously, if I am you, from When the place of death escapes, you should find a place where everyone is good and steal it. You also go to the Emperor's College to scatter the wilderness, and dare to scream with the tyrant, you are looking for death, you know?"

Longfei’s eyes narrowed and he looked at the elders who spoke. He said, “I have no time to take care of you today, and please shut up. I am going to turn over the Temple of Heaven every day. You are going to cool down, I just said Never, don't mess with me!"

Don't want to worry!


Some people always like to be guilty.

Then the elders of the Xiandian were angry, and the power of the Yuanxian realm was crushed up. The powerful strength of the body turned into two palms and flew to the dragon. "Dog things, you give me death!"

Longfei’s eyes glanced at the dragon’s knife on his shoulder.


The figure disappeared.


At the moment, the human head flew up and the blood burst out.

Longfei fell back to the original place and said with full play: "I really don't want to kill, I said, don't mess with me, don't mess with me, why don't you listen? I am here today to get through the Temple of Heaven, if you If you want to die, then don't blame me."

The words get colder and colder, and finally they are like the sounds coming from hell.

Everyone feels cold in their hearts and their hearts are shaking.


The current Longfei is completely different from Longfei three years ago.

Three years of killing.

The road to survival in the land of three years of death, the heart of Longfei, the breath of his body has all changed.

The elders of the Yuanxian realm were directly killed.

This is how terrible it is.

He was not an opponent three years ago!

The elders of the Emperor's College were so heavy that they didn't dare to speak. They didn't even dare to breathe and watched Longfei quietly.

at this time.

Tongtian Temple.

Taizun looked at the dragon in the mirror, the mouth of the mouth showed a cold smile, cold and cold: "Longfei this is your own death, then don't blame me."

Turn around.

The gate of the Temple of Heaven is open.

A huge atmosphere is falling.

The atmosphere is covered by the entire Emperor City.

The sky sank.

The figure is like a fairy, just like the **** in the fairy world.


In the heart of Taizun, he regarded himself as the **** in the fairy field.

The supreme god.

"Dragonfly!" Too sighed with contempt, cold smile, said: "From the land of death, you should live like a dog, but come here to die, you talk, are you guilty?"

The voice of too respected came out from all directions.

The pressure is also crushed from all directions.

Very strong and strong.

The pressure is stronger than that of three years ago. Longfei’s mind and the sea are shaking.


Compared to three years ago, Longfei is not the same!

Long Fei mouth corner with a cold smile and said: "Do you have to turn over, what is the meaning of living?"

"Too old thief."

"The whole fairyland has been smothered by you. You are not responsible for being a fairyland. Do you think you are still the first to be the first of Xianyu?"

Too sneer and sneered: "How about the smog of smog, mortals are like ants, how many deaths and injuries? What about you, Longfei, what do you want to say these words? Do you want to be the head of Xianyu?"


Longfei excitedly smiled and said: "You are doing a good job, I want to be too respectful!"


Chapter two,

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