The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 998: Double violent, burst!

A billion blood boss is really terrible.

It’s just that one billion people can make people crazy, but Taizun is not the strongest boss in Tianwu, and the elders on the stage of the Tianwai Palace, as well as the super invincible existence of the flying fairyland in the West. Boss, how high is their blood volume?

He glanced at the ancient sky in the sky, and said: "The billions of blood in the realm of immortality, the amount of blood in the ancient elders of the elders, I wipe, this Nima really wants to be mad what."

Just when Longfei was panting.

Too sturdy and cold, and smiled awkwardly, said: "Is Xianli exhausted?"

"Dragon fly!"

"Give me mad again."

"Come on Laozi."

"No way!"

"Ha ha ha..." Too sullenly smiled, the whole body was blood, and was bombarded by the dragon. Now his eyes are all killing.

He had been crushed by Longfei for the first ten minutes.

Very unhappy.

The inner anger is constantly backlogged, and the inner anger is constantly backlogged, extremely unhappy.

just now.

Longfei Xianli is exhausted, then even if he has strong strength, the strong exercises can not be released. In this case, Dragonfly is the fish on the cutting board. How to kill it, **** it.

Taizun stepped out of the deep pit step by step, bloody.

The breath that comes out of the body is terrible.

The people around the Emperor's College were all stunned, and they were crushed into this look. They really didn't think of it.


Too respect is too respectable. Except for the Tongtian Temple, no one can kill him except for a few superpowers, and no one can kill him.

"Too much anger."

"Dragon is going to die."

"I have never seen Taizun so angry, too horrible."


Gu Tongtian could not help but worry, Xianli was exhausted, there was no room for backhand, and the voice sank and crushed: "Too respect, you can't kill him!"

Too smugly, a cold smile, "Master respects adults, your life is more expensive than anything else, do you think you can stop me?"

"No one can stop me from killing him."


Too stunned, the look became incomparably furious, and was crushed by the dragon for ten minutes. All kinds of powerful forces were bombarded and bombed. He was fried and not adult. He was angry and angry, so he must kill. Longfei!

Killed the dragon family.


A screaming, too respectful figure disappeared.

He is very afraid that Gu Tongtian will stop him.

Once Gu Tongtian shot to stop, he did not have a chance. The gap between the realm of immortality and the realm of Feixiang could not be described. The difference between heaven and earth could not describe the gap between the two realms.

and so.

He has to take the first step!

"Dragon fly, give me death!"

The shadow of too respectfulness was crushed, and this time he had a golden sword in his hand.

Yan Huang’s ancestors immediately excited, “Good things!”

Dragonfly's mouth is a hook, "That's mine!"


Longfei looked at the stern that was rushing up, and the corner of his mouth was lightly hooked. He smiled and said: "I said, anyone who wants to kill me, I will let it go to **** first. You are too respectful, from you. My day... No, it should be from the day I saw you, I will vow to overthrow you!"


Long Fei’s eyebrows screamed, and he screamed, “The hand of Noxus, let me come!”

"The power of Demasia, let me come!"



The gods of the two great Saints will fall.

Summon them without spending Xianli.


Longfei does not have Xianli?


He also has a fairy blast, one million at a time. The reason why it is not necessary is that this is a post-invitation. The dragon dynasty has not been used in front of the living. This is his last two trump cards. He will never use it easily.

I will never reveal my own cards easily.


Longfei’s thoughts moved.

Galen took the lead and rushed up.

The hand of Noxus followed.


"What are the things that are not there, just rely on them?" The cold and screaming of disdain, did not put Galen and Knock in the eyes, can kill the Elders of the Eight Great Halls, but... Who is he? He is the esteem of the Heavenly Temple.

It is the supreme being.

Can't kill him at all.


Three years ago, three years ago, it is now.

Knock also upgraded.


Longfei spent three years to create a set of costumes for them, six endless blades.


Killing the Quartet, a long line of damage on the top of the head.

Before he reacted, Galen’s big sword spins out, the whirlwind is mad, and the madness is crit damage. Their attack power is dozens of times that of the dragon fly, the damage is the same, every time is 100% hit.

Every time he is jealous.

Taizun was resisted.

Longfei looked smug and pointed at the adoration: "Come on, kill me, too respectable? I am going to kill you today, just replace it, you **** hit me."


Taizun was completely blocked by Galen and Knock.

The cooperation between the two is completely perfect.

Completely sturdy.

Taizun just wants to attack, Galen is a q up, the inexplicable practice is interrupted, has not waited for him to react, is a disabling blow, waiting for him to escape is another iron hook pull back, a meal Beat!

The key is.

Super crit damage.

The power of six inexhaustible forces is fully exerted.

Originally, he was seriously injured, and he was continuously crit, so that Taizun was even more stunned. The reaction was not over, his power could not be displayed at all, and he could only be beaten by Galen and Knock!

"This is the power of six endless blades!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"If it's one-on-one, maybe it's not your opponent, but in the past three years, the two of them have reached a perfect level." Longfei's inner ecstasy, three years was not wasted.

To deal with too respect, they are enough.


Longfei stared at the golden light on Taizun's body, and his mind moved and controlled: "You can start."


There are five drops of black blood in the body of Su Zun, which has already triggered Nuke’s big move. When he got the order of Longfei, Knock suddenly jumped up and picked up the basketball. The Tomahawk seemed to be deducted. ”

A loud noise.

A super incomparable damage figure floats up.

Longfei was excited and said: "Gailen, killing it with a big sword."

Galen’s big move has violent attributes.

If you add the violent energy value released by Longfei, it means double violent, this is the rhythm of the sky!

Galen’s heavy roar, “Ah...”

The big sword falls from the sky!

Longfei’s mind was tight and said: “Give me a burst!”


third chapter,

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