The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Vol 2 Chapter 4235: Distressed hijacking

Chapter 4235 Distressed hijacking

The atmosphere inside the car has become a bit heavy, because the road conditions are very bad, the peacekeeping soldiers who drove no longer talked and drove.

The atmosphere in the car improved slightly until the gunshot was heard.

Libya's national conditions are very complicated, and political turmoil is an important reason. In the late 1980s, Libya broke out in civil war. The war continued until the 21st century. The country was not a country, the family was not home, all the infrastructure was destroyed, and all the economies had Continue to be negative growth, and even a decent road should not be found in the country of Libya.

The peacekeepers sent by our country have entered this land. Life and death are closely related to this land. In the face of illegal armed elements’ looting of materials, peacekeepers have to stand up and communicate with them. It is a trivial matter to rob the materials. The gun threatened that the head was mentioned above the belt.

From the airport to the town of Cowell, in less than two hours' drive, Ye Jane encountered four chaos, marching together, and a small-scale explosion. A Western media car was hijacked by illegal militants and finally took money to eliminate the disaster. And there is another one... It’s their turn to be “forced” by several black kids with guns.

The gun was a real gun. There were not many bullets in the gun. Ye Jian used the $10 to "buy" the guns of the two children. The child was very old and used English: "It can help you get more." The US dollar, a lot, a lot, more than you gave me."

Destruction of basic equipment, including schools.

In the big cities, the capital of Libya will be slightly better. Although the school is destroyed, at least the students can still attend classes. Like the small town in a small town, the children here have no chance to go to school. There is no school without a teacher. They even go to school. No qualifications.

The ten children who hijacked Ye Jian’s vehicle, the oldest at the age of sixteen, had studied in the classroom for a year, wrote his own name, wrote his brother’s name, and wrote twenty-six English letters. Then, He became the highest-ranking child of ten children and became the leader of the children.

A very clever child is delayed by his own country.

If there is a country, there is a family, and if a family has a country, when one country does not become a country, the family will not become a family.

After paying two SKS semi-automatic rifles with ten dollars, I removed the magazines and folded them directly into one part. When the car opened for a while, she lost a few parts and went out. After a while, she threw a few more at the window. The parts went out and it took two hours. She threw all the parts of the two guns out of the window.

The SKS gun with 10 capacity has already been eliminated, which is equivalent to an antique gun. I did not expect it to be seen here.

"A lot of guns are eliminated, and the source is not investigated. Some illegal militants give some people and take advantage of the people to do something for them. Here, the guns in the hands of the people think it is safe."

When mentioning some of these civil strife, the peacekeepers are also very helpless. All they can do is within their own responsibilities. If they do not, they will not be able to be targeted by the United Nations, which will cause trouble.

The heavy tone of the peacekeepers made Ye Jian squint, and she looked out of the window and looked a little condensed.

Civil strife has always been the beginning of a country's differentiation, and it is also the beginning of the suffering of a nation.

For a long time, Ye Jian was whispered: "One day will end, and when the day is over, you will be able to return to China."

(End of this chapter)

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