Chapter 4241 Encounter

The Miao Commissioner waiting for the rescue did not panic. Similarly, the three students did not panic. Yang Heng’s work on the small classics was different. The people who met were different, and the state of mind was also very stable. Plus the people who caught them said they from the beginning. There is not much malice, as long as they cooperate, there will be no accidents. Therefore, Yang Heng does not have much confusion.

Now it is this air-raid shelter that seems to be a bit unstable. The ash on the ground is getting more and more, and the ground vibration frequency is getting higher and higher. It seems that the air-raid shelter will collapse.

How do you feel that this has become a heavy battle zone?

Yang Heng’s mind just flashed such a thought, and there was a very rapid footstep in front of him. Yang Heng stood up and squinted and stared at the front.

The iron gate opened, and the Miao Commissioner and their team of five were transferred urgently.

Intensive gunshots sounded in all corners of the city, and the bullets that fell in the sky gradually fell into the sky, with the fire tail crossing the blushing straight money track.

Not far from the town of Coville, there are less than forty kilometers of roads, all the way is Ye Jian driving, two hours of detours, and then from time to time because of road obstacles, Ye Jian by his own hard drive Technology, hard life and back will only be up to one and a half hours longer than the original planned arrival time.

If it is as smooth as before, it will take 30 to 40 minutes to reach the town.

The look of the last three people became more and more tense, and did not relax because they could get to the town as soon as possible.

The sky has already faded, and the twilight is coming with stars, and Ye Jian, who has no driving lights, will slow down the speed of the road too high.

The traffic in Libya is quite poor. The whole country is riddled with holes. Almost none of the roads connecting the cities and towns are good. The war destroyed the land and destroyed the road.

Especially the road leading to the village and the town. Before the civil war broke out, it was a yellow dusty road. After the civil war broke out, it was even worse. A ups and downs, the pitted road was not covered by the deep pit left by the shells. There are huge residual trees blocking, Rao is a good technical technique, and there are several times when the wheels are trapped in the artillery crater.

As the sky became darker and darker, it was about to enter the town of Cowell, but it was cut off by people.

Ye Jian stared at the front with only two wooden horses, one left and one right, with a check-out mouth cut down to the child's arm and thick trees in the middle, and the fundus was a bit gloomy.

Fortunately, the sky was not completely dark at this time, she saw the level in front of the distance, saying that the level was lifted.

She sat in front of her, and the two peacekeeping soldiers who were responsible for observing the left and right did not find it. The vehicle that rushed to drive suddenly suddenly slowed down. Although it did not find anything in the first place, it was different in the first time.

The speed of the car slowly dropped from sixty yards to fifty, and the most was only a dozen yards, almost moving.

Keeping in front of the leaf, Jane put down the window glass on the left and right sides, and also blown into the car with the wind of the daytime heat waves.

Her eyes were cold and she asked two peacekeepers. "When you came over, did you have such an inspection?"

"Yes, the towns of Kewell and the city of Niger are controlled by the government. They are very cautious." The older peacekeepers replied that he was the old squad leader, surnamed Feng, the first group of soldiers to be sent to Libya.

The young peacekeeping soldier is surnamed He Mingwei, and Feng Banchang is a soldier in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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