The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Vol 2 Chapter 4250: Gun live ammunition

Chapter 4250 Guns live ammunition

The voice of anger flocked into Ye Jian’s ear from time to time, making Ye Jian’s twilight more and more dull. These people had differences in chasing and not chasing, and they had a dispute.

They don't chase, it is natural to her.

The stars in the sky are twinkling, and the night is full of smoked sputum. The visible range is up to ten meters. After the leaf on the ground is barely able to hear the footsteps, she gently slams the mouth and mixes the earth. Damn, slowly stand up.

In the end, these gave up the pursuit, because they have to keep the outside, no longer let people come in.

They want to turn the town of Cowell and the city of Nie into a lonely town and a lonely city. They must clear all the government offices and NRPL militants in the two places.

As for the Chinese peacekeepers who entered the two places, they did not say what would happen.

However, it can be seen from their pursuit of the Chinese peacekeepers that they are hostile to the Chinese peacekeepers, but they are also the target of their removal.

These people, why are there such great confidences to turn a small town and a city into their territory? Where can we come from, and can we confront the government forces and NRPL militants?

Ye Jian, who left the woods, kept thinking about it for a moment. She wrote down the map to the town of Cowell, and even though she was thinking about things in the brain, she knew how to walk.

It’s been an hour since the cover of Feng’s squad leader and He Wei’s body. Ye Jian’s skill and his sniper’s keenness are in the hot forest and about two kilometers in the horizontal The strength of the troops was entangled for an hour.

An hour is enough for Feng Banchang and He Wei to arrive in the camp of the Chinese peacekeeping force in the town of Cowell.

A truck drove out of the camp. The sentinel had already opened the iron gate of the camp. The strong lights illuminate the front and opened the night like a sword.

There were fifteen peacekeeping soldiers armed with live ammunition in the car. Feng Banchang and He Wei, who returned to the camp five minutes ago, also went to rescue the female special forces who came to support with the remaining 13 peacekeepers.

"She won't have anything to relax. The special forces are not so easy to get rid of." In the car, Feng Banchang gently patted He Wei, who had tight muscles. "Nothing will happen, she will be safe."

The young peacekeeper was holding a steel gun and his jaw was very tight. Now, he regrets why he did not stay, he should stay.

"I should stay with her. I shouldn't let her face it alone, even if she is a special female soldier... I need support."

He Wei’s voice is dumb, heavy, and heavy. “Two people are better than one, aren’t they?”

"No, it is not for her." Feng Banchang said: "She is the support that China has already arrived in Libya's special forces. It shows that her ability is extraordinary. Otherwise, it is impossible to let a female soldier come over."

"We stayed, but for a special soldier who is good at night fighting and good at individual combat, it is cumbersome, because our ability is not enough to be her support, and can't keep up with her combat power."

One of the words made He Wei's fist grip tighter, so they still tired her.

"Don't think too much, she said she will get away, I believe she will be able to get out!" Feng Banchang, who was also deeply worried inside, patted the soldier's shoulder heavily. He didn't want to say it, and he didn't want to add more psychological pressure to the young soldiers.

I’ve been chasing after a few days, I’ve been playing for a long time, and I’ve been chasing after a long time... Then, the update is messed up. In the evening, there is still a night, the play has been chased by me.

(End of this chapter)

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