Chapter 4256 Heroic

Ye Jianjin and Niecheng are extremely unsatisfactory. The road leading to the city of Nivel in Kewell town is also controlled by illegal militants. The government troops are carrying out a comprehensive cleanup, which makes Ye Jian have to abandon the car halfway through, and then pass through alone. Cross the fire to the city of Yeoni.

When it was dangerous to arrive in Nissan, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and the war in Nicheng continued. The three parties did not stop, and the whole city was so confused that no one could sleep.

The traffic, lighting, and communication of the entire city of Nie were all stunned. The ears of the two ears listened to the sound of artillery and fired into the city of Yee, and the leaf in the sky was so shocked that it could not be moved for a long time.

Nieki City is located on the longest coastline in Libya and is also the northern part of the most beautiful coastline. It is rich in scenery and beautiful, and the building is beautiful and beautiful. It is the most characteristic tourist city in Libya. Before the civil strife did not happen, it was once a paradise, attracting countless travelers to come to Niecheng for a holiday.

And now, where is the shadow of heaven.

The broken beam broke into the pillars and looked desolate. The night did not cover the ruins of the city. Instead, it added a little bit of despair into the mud. The old days were not there, only the wars that did not know when to stop.

There was a shattering movement, hiding the slight side of the leaf in the dark, and the line of sight was locked with a moving place.

She saw two small figures crawling through the ruins, you took me, I took you, and it took turns to help climb out of a ruin that was destroyed by gunfire.

They were thoroughly exposed to Ye Jian's eyes as soon as possible, but there were still subtle sounds coming from their feet. They didn't know that there was a pair of eyes in the dark and they looked at them until they walked away.

They fled in the direction of the city. Here, the home is no longer, and they can only leave their homes.

The corner of the mouth with a tight eyelids lowered the rifle in the lower hand, and when it was lifted again, the cool color in the eyes added a bit of suffocation.

Without stopping, Ye Jianfei quickly headed for the train station.

At this time, Yang Heng, who was as heavy as water, stood in front of several illegal militants and blocked their way.

After Yang Heng was behind Miao Commissioner and his three students, the Miao Commissioner was injured by a stray bullet. It was difficult to walk. Yang Heng stood at the forefront. Three students stood in front of the Miao Commissioner. Their eyes were cold staring. These illegal militants.

Three hours ago, they fell into the hands of illegal armed elements from the hands of NRRL militants. They are now in the office of the train station staff and are controlled by four illegal militants.

Just now, three illegal armed militants entered the office and the visitors were not good. They came in and pointed directly at the gun.

Yang Heng stood in the first place when he reacted. When the other party did not speak, he was silent and waited for the other party to speak.

The glare of the flashlight flashed over, and the three illegal militants armed with the gun seemed to be confirming what, one by one, until the flashlight light fell on the lower leg of the Miao Commissioner who was blocked.

"He, give it to me!"

The cold voice sounded, and the hand pointed to the Miao Commissioner sitting.

Two illegal militants have already come to the Miao Commissioner with guns, and they intend to forcibly tow away the inconvenient Miao Commissioner.

Yang Heng's footsteps blocked the way of the two men. The cold road: "They are just ordinary construction engineers. I am the translator sent by the Chinese troops. I am a Chinese peacekeeper."

Ordinary construction engineers and Chinese peacekeepers... illegal armed elements have chosen peacekeepers.

I wrote about Chapter 4255 and I don’t know how I thought about the heroine of the book, Gu Chen. If one day, Gu Chen and Ye Jian met, what kind of story would there be? What kind of story will there be when Duan Zhaoan and Xia Lingyuan meet?

Will Gu Shuai teach Ye Jie how to bully Xia Lingyuan?

Gu Shuyun’s Gu Shuai is not an ordinary cow fork. Write a paragraph between her and Ye Jian, and they must be quite energetic!

One is to dominate the king with speed and strength. One sniper and reaction is called the king, and it is very strong!

Come and come, sign a small story of two people fighting side by side, select the top three stories to reward 5000 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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