Chapter 4261 The fearless soldier

The Niecheng Railway Station is a huge circular building with rounded domes surrounded by Libyan features and spires outside the promenade.

The round shape is a huge square. It passes through the promenade, passes through the marble column, and then goes down to the circular plaza. The center of the circular plaza is a fountain. The civil war is not between the civil wars. A tourist attraction.

Numerous tourists will sit on the stone steps on the four sides of the square, watching the high and low fountains in the middle of the square, listening to the songs of the wandering musicians, various sounds of the piano, watching a pigeon and the tourists walking along the square. In the palm of your hand, put a little snack, and the pigeons who used to get into the crowd to find food fluttered their wings and flew away from the food and then flew back to the square.

A group of young Libyan youths followed the music and danced on the beat. Countless tourists raised their cameras and “咔嚓咔嚓” took pictures of the Nisshin train station.

Even before the civil war broke out, even the railway station was a paradise.

Now, almost all the buildings around the circular plaza are destroyed. The circular promenade designed by the dome will collapse halfway, where it collapses halfway, and the huge stones are scattered all around, full of defeat.

As for the fountain in the middle of the square, the civil strife broke out and there has never been any clear water, and even the pipes have been rusted.

The leaves in the corner of the waste stone in the hidden corridor spit out a bit of turbid gas and continued to approach the west side.

When she hides the clock tower, she sees Alva with her guards going to the west side of the train station. Now the entrance to the air-raid shelter is also on the west side, and I have to find a way to enter the air-raid shelter.

The railway station is not calm. The illegal militants who have occupied the railway station have begun to plan. They will take the railway station as the center and drive out all the government troops and NRPL militants in the entire city. Here, they are rebel. Alva hides his stronghold.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, which is why Alva did not leave the city, but instead entered the train station with heavy firepower.

The government forces were only afraid that Colonel Alva, who had thought of rebellion, had left the city of Nie.

As Ye Jian sneaked close to the entrance of the air raid on the west side of the railway station, the water monsters of the storm commando also began to sneak quickly. They had to join with Ye Jian as soon as possible, let her enter the abdomen of the train station alone, all the water ghosts. I am very worried.

"Three directions, sentry posts, avoiding."

"Go three hundred meters forward, turn right!"


In the ruins, dozens of black shadows progressed with the alternation of front and rear warnings. There was no excessive language exchange and they entered the hinterland of the train station at the fastest speed.

A military vehicle with heavy machine guns drove out of the station's original bus station, and then an open-top jeep and a truck carrying dozens of illegal armed elements drove out. The motor sound of the car made the moving shadows move quickly. Avoid the line, so that the leaf leaves on the west side of the train station are tumbling several times and finally hidden in the corners of several boulder piles.

"In some cases, at least three cars are coming out from the west side of the train station." The well-kept Ye Jian whispered to the outside comrades. At this moment, the storm commando is her comrade-in-arms.

The night vision folding telescope is taken out from the tactical vest, and the hidden corner of the leaf is swept to see the direction of the motor sound. The line of sight is blocked and cannot be viewed for the first time.

Asked: "My line of sight is blocked, the west is a parking lot, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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