Chapter 4823 Father-in-law!

The appearance of Xia Jinyuan was really scared by Ye Jian, and he was scared to think that he had an illusion. He squinted and looked at it again. He found that the man standing at the fence was indeed a man. Ye Jianlian’s heartbeat was almost a few shots. .

Xia team, how could he be in Duncheng?

Still at the train station!

Obviously, he is picking himself up!

Laughing, from the heart, the bright teeth, the beauty of the people, standing outside for a few hours, Xia Jinyin saw her laughing smile, all the tiredness was swept away, all waiting was worth.

Raise your hand and wave, smile and smile, and greet your beloved girl with the gentlest sight.

Just now his little fox was obviously scared and couldn't believe how he would meet him at the Duncheng Railway Station.

I will tell her later, the next two people will go in the same direction and troops, will they be as excited as he is.

Definitely excited!

At that time, I learned that I had no way to report to the brigade for the first time. The look in the face of the slap in the face was lost, like the abandoned kitten, causing him to feel pain.

Well now, although I was unable to report to the brigade for the first time, I was able to work as an instructor in the same unit. I was able to go with her every day. After returning to the team in the latter half of the year, I returned to the team in the second half of the year. He accepted it in full!

If you don't accept it, the boss of Jingli will be angry and jump to his feet, pointing to his nose and swearing at him.

The leaves that confirm that they have no eyes are soft and soft. Although they have not been staring at the man outside the fence, they often look up after seeing a few words with the old man.

He stood in the place where she was looking up, waiting for her to come.

My heart is full and full, like a warm, warm water. Every step, my heart is warm and hot.

I want to go faster, but the old man’s pace is not fast. The leaf singer who is not urging is still good temper to accompany the old man and slowly walks out with the crowd.

As most of the passengers in the front have already left the station, the pedestrians who have received the outside have also dispersed a lot. Fu Dashun, who was originally standing behind, went to the front and just stood in the fence and looked into the station. Suddenly bright.

He saw his daughter!


Fu Dasheng’s voice, the voice of the exit was buzzing, but she couldn’t stand Ye Jian’s hearing. She was faintly heard, and she immediately turned to the fence on the other side of the exit.


Fu Da once again raised his voice. This time, Ye Xiaoxiao smiled at the eyes like a star. She actually saw a father who had not seen for a long time!

Ye Jian and Fu Da have not met each other since returning to Beijing. The two fathers and daughters have never met each other. Apart from occasional correspondence, even the phone has never been contacted.

This year, I went to the side of the Myanmar drug dealer to become an undercover, and even the letters were interrupted.

After returning to China, I was afraid that Fu Da would see the clue from her letter, and I planned to wait until the unit was assigned to give Fu Da a safe report. Knowing that she was assigned to the northwest, she also thought that if she had a fake, could she go to the base to visit relatives, and she thought that the average person couldn’t get in, she couldn’t find it anywhere in the past!

All the buildings where Fu Da’s base is located are not on the ground, but all built underground. Ye Jian will never find the door in the past.

The two fathers and daughters were on the line of sight, and Ye Jian was so excited that she even shouted "Daddy". On the other side, she was full of joy and waited for her girlfriend to come over to Lieutenant Colonel... dumbfounded.

Fu Da’s first voice was “Jianer”, and Xia Jinyuan, who was equally keen on the other side, was thundered.

Not yet not... The voice of the future father-in-law?

The most difficult future father-in-law is also there?

(End of this chapter)

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