The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Vol 2 Chapter 4873: Want to keep people

Chapter 4873 wants to keep people

The faces of the three deputy companies are also not good-looking. Twenty male soldiers are all from three companies. They are one of the best hard characters in their respective companies, but they are forced by the female soldiers. Where can they be hanged?

Tian Ying’s face can’t be hanged.

Although Tian Yingchang’s face couldn’t be hanged, it’s good for these female soldiers to enter the camp area from the soldiers in his camp.

Moreover, losing one can allow the soldiers to reflect on it. In the future, they will strengthen the training of the Tian Yingchang. They also believe that although they lost, they learned the lesson and made it even more important.

Seeing that the soldiers had lowered their heads, Tian Ying’s voice was quiet and open. “It’s not a bad thing, it will make you see that you are not enough! After the female soldiers are your example! All male soldiers have!”

Losing is not a bad thing, but punishment still has to be!

Twenty male soldiers were quickly lined up, and Tian Yingchang pointed out outside the camp. "Five kilometers of light running! The company leader took the lead!"

The company commander included Zhu Lianchang, Sun Lianchang, and three deputy companies.

The company commander and the deputy company ran. The platoon leader and the squad leader did not dare to run.

I wish the company commander to run first. He would rather run for five kilometers and would not want to stay in front of the storm of the battalion commander. The five-kilometer light-loaded anger of the battalion commander’s heart was also scattered a little. It would be safer to show up again.

The male soldiers were running five kilometers lightly, and Ye Jian was the whole team to let the female soldiers disband and rest, and they will go out tomorrow morning.

In a short time, Ye Jian directly let Zhongyi Yangzhen serve as the squad leader, and the two lieutenants served as the deputy squad leader.

The female soldiers disbanded and lined up, and Ye simply walked to the side of the station and watched Tian Yingchang.

Standing, saluting, "Reporting battalion commander, female soldier instructor Ye Jian reports!"

Tian Yingchang immediately retaliated with the military ceremony, and then he was very familiar with the laughter: "You don't have to be so formal, relax and relax." Then, the hand has already extended. "I am the pioneering camper, Tian Tianguo, and you will need to worry more about it later!"

Sure enough, Xiaofu!

When you meet for the first time, you can shock him!

When the shooting results came out, Tian Yingchang was again shocked by the bullet holes on the target shot by Ye Jian, and turned to the Tang political commissar. "I really should give them a look at the target."

"It’s already enough, and I’m going to fight again.” Tang’s political sigh sighed and said to Ye Jian: “How to do Xiaoye, I want to leave you in the camp for a long time.”

Xia Jinyuan’s heart suddenly burst, and Ye Jian smiled: “The political commissar can only think about it, don’t actually act, I will be very stressed.”

In exchange for the Tian Yingchang and Tang political commissars laughed loudly.

With the performance in front of Ye Jian, Tian Yingchang was very concerned about it, and strongly expressed in his conversation that he had great expectations for this women's combat team. He hoped that through the leadership of Ye Jian, he could make the first branch only have a prototype. The women's combat team, which was not fully established, was trained as a powerful combat team, laying the foundation for the subsequent becoming a women's special force.

Because only half a year, the training time is quite tight. Through the expressions of today's female soldiers, Ye Jian has rushed out a more targeted training arrangement, from individual to team, to take advantage of everyone. The disadvantages are all listed one by one.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, Jane Jane listed the strengths and weaknesses of the 20 female soldiers. After formulating the targeted training, they will hold the uniforms of the military uniforms and the summer doors of Xia Jinjin.

Xia Jinyuan, who was stretching, heard the sound of the door, and Junyan, who was illuminated by the desk lamp, smiled slowly and looked at the military portable that had not been shut down. Xia Jinyuan picked up the water cup and set it up.

(End of this chapter)

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