The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 111 I asked you to build a radar, but you built me ​​a 10,000-ton destroyer?

"Already done?"

On the other side of the phone, Qin Shan was startled when he heard Su Heng's voice on the phone, and then he was instantly ecstatic: "Xiao Su, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. Mr. Qin, you can come over and take a look, or can I have someone send you the technical information?"

Facing Qin Shan's inquiry, Su Heng spoke directly.

"No! Are you at Galaxy Technology now? I'll be right over."

As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, Qin Shan couldn't wait to speak.

After Su Heng responded and confirmed the location, Su Heng hung up the phone without saying a word, then quickly stood up and left the office.

Not long after, a special plane took off directly from the airport and headed towards Hanzhong...

On the other side, after ending the call with Qin Shan, Su Heng didn't say much.

Just wait quietly.

Just a few hours later, Qin Shan, who was in a hurry, arrived directly at Galaxy Technology.

"Xiao Su, where is the active phased array radar? Show me quickly."

As soon as he entered Su Heng's office, Qin Shan couldn't wait to ask.

Hearing this, Su Heng felt helpless.

Shaking his head, under Qin Shan's impatient gaze, Su Heng slowly said: "Mr. Qin, I'm wrong, it's not an active phased array radar, it's a comprehensive radio frequency radar, or a multi-functional integrated radio frequency control system. "


Upon hearing Su Heng's response, Qin Shan was stunned.

After a moment, he asked doubtfully: "Multifunctional integrated radio frequency control system?"

Facing this name that he had never heard of before, Qin Shan was extremely confused.

He also knew about the active phased array radar. After all, it was Blue Star's most advanced radar system.

But what is this multifunctional integrated radio frequency control system?

Faced with Qin Shan's doubts, Su Heng did not show off and said directly:

"Simply put, this multi-functional integrated radio frequency control system is a collection of radar, electronic warfare, communications, navigation, identification and other radio frequency functions to achieve the organic combination of resource sharing, radar equipment, electronic warfare equipment and communication equipment. A new generation shipborne combat system that overcomes the inherent flaws and shortcomings of a single device, maximizes the overall combat capability of the weapon system, improves the overall combat effectiveness of the warship, and can perform diverse tasks! "

“Specifically, the multi-kinetic energy integrated radio frequency control system replaces the numerous antenna apertures on the previous platform with fewer distributed broadband multi-functional apertures and adopts a modular, open, and reconfigurable radio frequency sensor system architecture. ,"

"And combined with functional control and resource management scheduling algorithms and software programming, it can be organically integrated with the hull platform and combat system in the specific limited space of the ship in frequency bands..."

"The multifunctional comprehensive radio frequency control system has high integration and strong survivability. While greatly enhancing the overall electromagnetic compatibility performance of the ship and effectively controlling the volume and weight of the ship, it also greatly reduces the ship's RCS index..."

"In addition, the system's shipborne radar based on the digital array system implements ultra-low side lobes and adaptive zero-point technology, which not only reduces the impact of interference signals on the system's work, but also reduces the probability of interception of radio frequency signals. At the same time, it has strong Electronic countermeasures and capabilities against anti-radiation missiles…”


“Finally, due to the adoption of a modular design concept, it also has self-test and correction functions, reduces the number of special spare parts, and realizes the common use of radio frequency units. In addition, the use of an open system structure unifies standard interfaces and multi-functional integration. RF control systems are extremely low maintenance! ”

Su Heng spoke eloquently for nearly half an hour, and finally explained the general situation of the multifunctional integrated radio frequency control system to Qin Shan.

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qin Shan's eyes also lit up.

Although he didn't understand many professional things in what Su Heng said.

But he understood the general meaning of what Su Heng said. To describe it simply, it is——

What kind of radio frequency system is this, awesome! Very good! Very awesome! !

According to Su Heng's description, the active phased array radar he had most hoped for before was just one component of this multi-functional integrated radio frequency control system!

"Xiao Su, is this system really as powerful as you say?"

For a long time, Qin Shan suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then asked calmly.

Hearing this, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then said: "How should I put it? I can't explain the specific one or two sentences. Mr. Qin, you just need to know that this multi-functional integrated radio frequency control system can definitely beat the current world." That’s the command system of any warship.”

Su Heng did not explain any more technical aspects.

Those things are too complicated to explain, and I can't even explain them for ten days and half a month.

Even Su Heng has been studying this thing for a long time in the time and space of the spiritual space that has accelerated countless times.

And Qin Shan was not a technician, so it was useless to talk too much about professional things. Su Heng simply explained it in the most intuitive way.

After saying that, without waiting for Qin Shan to say anything more, Su Heng walked directly to the computer, then turned the computer screen to Qin Shan and said:

"Mr. Qin, take a look at this."

Hearing this, Qin Shan also came to his senses and turned his attention to the computer screen in front of Su Heng.

When his eyes touched the thing on the screen, Qin Shan's spirit was shaken, and his pupils shrank suddenly at this moment: "Is this?"

What I saw was a silver-white painted, clean and natural warship on the computer screen, quietly standing on the blue ocean!

Compared with the bloated and messy warships that Qin Shan had seen most in the past, the polar bears, which were piled with everything, this warship looked nothing like a warship, but more like a work of art! !

Even the so-called most advanced black and white eagle warships looked like clowns in front of this ship!

"It's so beautiful!"

Subconsciously, an exclamation came out of Qin Shan's mouth.

With just one glance, Qin Shan felt that he had been conquered by this warship!

This warship was simply the dream ship that he had dreamed of for decades!

At this moment, the aircraft carrier that Qin Shan valued and wanted to own the most in the past was pushed aside in his mind!

Qin Shan's eyes and heart were filled with only the image of the warship in front of him!

"Xiao Su, where did you find this picture? What is this warship? Is it a new type of warship of Black and White Eagle?"

"What model? What's its name? Are there any specific parameters?"

After a long time, Qin Shan finally came back to his senses from the shock of the picture, and then he couldn't wait to ask Su Heng beside him.

One question after another, like a string of cannonballs, kept blurting out from Qin Shan's mouth.

Faced with the question, Su Heng smiled slightly, did not hide, and said directly:

"This is a warship I designed after comprehensive consideration after searching the Internet for Black and White Eagle and the warships of those maritime powers. The multifunctional integrated radio frequency control system I just mentioned is part of this warship"

"???" Hearing Su Heng's response, Qin Shan was stunned.

Then, Qin Shan suddenly reacted, couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said: "Xiao Su, what did you say? Did you design this warship?"

At this moment, Qin Shan couldn't sit still at all.

Although he had not really seen the warship in the picture, just by seeing it, Qin Shan had a hunch that this was definitely a powerful warship that could crush all the current warships!

The unprecedented beautiful structure simply overturned all of Qin Shan's imaginations.

Especially the chocolate-shaped launch silos on the warship.

Although he only took a glance, who was Qin Shan?

With just one glance, he almost saw the chocolate launch units in the picture.

No more, no less, a full 112!!

112 launch units!

It also means at least 112 missiles!

Not to mention the other performance of this warship, the number of missiles alone is enough to make people unable to ignore!

Look at their National Defense Forces themselves.

The most advanced destroyer currently in service in the National Defense Forces has only forty-eight launch units.

Even the latest destroyer that was just launched not long ago has only sixty-four vertical launch units.

It is only half of the warship in the picture!

The gap in weapons and equipment is already clear at a glance.

Looking around the world, the only ship with more launch units than this one is the cruiser of Black and White Eagle.

If Su Heng said that this ship was Black and White Eagle's, Qin Shan would not be surprised at all, after all, Black and White Eagle already had so many advanced ships before.

Now they are still researching a new type of Zum-class destroyer, and it is not surprising to make a more advanced ship, but now, according to what Su Heng said, this ship was actually designed by Su Heng?

"I don't know if there are similar ships on Blue Star, but this one is indeed designed by me"

Facing Qin Shan's unbelievable eyes, Su Heng nodded slowly in response.


Hearing this, Qin Shan was silent.

Su Heng didn't know if there were similar ships on Blue Star, but could he not know?

It's hard to hide such a big thing as a battleship.

Who in the world doesn't have some spies in their own country?

The Zum-class 10,000-ton destroyer that Black and White Eagle is currently designing has been known to the world not long after the project was launched.

The prototype was also exposed as soon as it was formed.

In other words, the warship in the picture can't be found anywhere else except here in Su Heng!

"So, did you really design this warship?"

Thinking of the key, Qin Shan's eyes were extremely complicated.

"It's the real deal!"

Su Heng smiled slightly and said directly.


Hearing this, Qin Shan was silent again.

After a long time, Qin Shan spoke again:

"Does it have a name?"

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