Su Heng even has such technology, how can he still be unable to build missiles?

But then, a doubt emerged in everyone's mind:

"So, Xiao Su, why didn't he equip the battleship with missiles?"

Su Heng obviously has the ability to make missiles, but he didn't. Why?

Facing everyone's doubts, Qin Shan smiled bitterly and then said:

"I think he thinks we can solve these problems ourselves..."

After a pause, Qin Shan said again: "Before he came into contact with us, Xiao Su was a complete military novice, the kind who didn't even know how to use a gun if he was given one."


Hearing this, everyone fell into silence.


Can they solve it themselves?

Well, Su Heng has designed such an advanced warship, as well as the previous submarine, the Sword 21 carrier-based aircraft, two world-class fighter jets from the Air Force, and the world's leading drones. This is a small military project. white.

Then they couldn't even design a missile, but they became professionals?

Who is the professional?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other and immediately smiled bitterly.

After a long time, one of the old men sighed slightly, and then said:

"Then having said that, should we go find Xiao Su again and ask him to help design matching missiles and other weapons and equipment?"

Hearing the old man's voice, everyone was thoughtful and a little moved.

But at this moment, a voice sounded directly:

"I think we should solve these things ourselves. Although our technology is not as good as Xiaosu's, so many of our military experts are not vegetarians. Xiaosu has provided us with so many technologies. Combining these "If we can't get a few missiles, then what country are we going to protect?"

"You can't leave everything to Xiao Su alone, right? He has enough things to do now. If he has to do all the trivial things, then even if Xiao Su has great ability, he won't be able to tell the difference. So much effort, when steel and metal get tired."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Then everyone nodded.

Even the old man who just asked Su Heng for help sighed slightly and said nothing more.

Yes, not to mention that Su Heng still has hundreds of thousands of people to support. Even if he didn't, Su Heng was not made of iron. How could he keep running around the clock.

After thinking about this, everyone did not continue to talk more about this aspect.

One of the old men said directly: "Let's do it. Regarding the battleships, if Xiaosu can arrange production, then they will arrange production. Let's arrange eight ships for the first batch of battleships. I will personally discuss the funding issue with them."

"We also have to find ways to produce it ourselves. No matter what method we use, we must use the fastest speed to put such advanced warships into service!"

"Not only this battleship, but also our most advanced destroyer. Those that have been launched will be tested first and then put into service as soon as possible. Those that have not been launched and those that have not yet been scheduled for production, let them take a look at Xiao Su. Technology onboard a battleship”

"Then analyze whether the technology on this battleship can be used on other battleships. We not only need big ships like the one designed by Xiao Su, but also second-tier battleships, with high and low configurations!"

"Time waits for no one. Black and White Eagle has become more and more active recently..."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and then nodded.

Yes, time waits for no one!

Recently, Black and White Eagle has changed two fleet commanders. This third Pacific Fleet commander, Antonio, is more radical than the previous two.

And according to the results of their investigation, this person is a real hawk among black and white hawks!

It can be expected that the world will only become more complicated in the future. The Dragon Kingdom must strengthen itself as quickly as possible, otherwise all the previous humiliations may happen again!

Such a result is not something their National Defense Force, let alone the Dragon Kingdom, can bear!


While Qin Shan and others were discussing.

On the other side, across the ocean, Tongyong Atomic Company——

"BOSS, we have contacted the informants in the Shaluotuo National Defense Force and have found out clearly that the batch of drones owned by Shaluotuo came from the Dragon Kingdom. They were orders negotiated by Shaluotuo Prince Modalahaner in person. "

"The UAV is codenamed Falcon. Sand Camel is currently equipped with eighty Falcon attack drones and twenty Falcon reconnaissance drones. These Falcon attack drones have a power of up to one thousand three hundred and eighty-five." It has a load capacity of one kilogram and is designed with eight missile racks. Its loading capacity is no less than that of our Reaper drone!”

"In addition, the Falcon UAV has a maximum range of 5,000 kilometers, a maximum speed of 450 kilometers, and a maximum endurance of 35 hours! It also has features that are more advanced than our Reaper Intelligent control system!”

"Judged from all aspects, the performance of the Falcon drone far exceeds that of our Reaper, and its price is the same as the castrated version of the Reaper we sell externally! It only costs 10 million dollars per drone!"

"Our God of Death has no competitive advantage at all in front of these drones..."

In the office of the president of Tongyong Atomic Company, in front of the president of Tongyong Atomic Company, the president's secretary reported the information he had just obtained to his boss word for word.

Listening to the news brought by the secretary, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company looked gloomy.

They and Yongtong Atomic Company were still in contact with Shaluotuo a few months ago. Shaluotuo even stated that as long as they were willing to export the complete version of Death, Shaluotuo would directly purchase a batch of Deaths for installation, but they have never agreed. , as we all know, it is impossible for them to sell complete versions of arms.

Whether it's fighter planes, drones, or even tanks and armored vehicles, all the arms they export are monkey versions.

After several months of negotiations, after they made price concessions and lowered the export price from 13 million to 10 million, Shaluotuo finally relented and revealed their willingness to purchase their Death God. Intention, if nothing else goes wrong, the other party will most likely purchase their monkey version of the Reaper drone!

But I never thought that a falcon would appear halfway!

The Falcon's performance is completely inferior to their monkey version of Death, or even to the full version of Death!

And the price is only comparable to the monkey version of Death!

Then Sha Luotuo decisively gave up on them, turned around and purchased hundreds of Falcons in one go!

It’s a duck in the mouth, and orders worth a billion dollars disappeared out of thin air!

Thinking of this, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company felt that his heart was bleeding!

"Have you found out which company's product this Falcon is?"

For a long time, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company suppressed the anger in his heart, and then slowly spoke.

"According to the information disclosed by our informants, it is a technology company in Dragon Kingdom called Galaxy Technology."

Faced with BOSS's inquiry, the secretary immediately responded.

While talking, the secretary handed a photo to his boss and said: "This is the company's icon."

Hearing this, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company took the photo from the secretary's hand. Looking at the silver-white icon surrounded by a star ring, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company's eyes flickered slightly.

"Have you found out about this company?"

After a moment of silence, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company asked again.

"I have arranged for people to conduct an investigation in Longguo. According to the current investigation results, Galaxy Technology is a technology company established eight years ago. The company's main product is drones. Currently, they have more than ten models. Drones are on the market and have received good market reviews."

"The Falcon is their company's latest product. It is not currently on public sale. The specific situation is unknown. This company was not well-known at all before. It didn't even have a plan to go public, and its establishment time was too short, so we did not participate in it internally. There are insiders..."

After a pause, the secretary continued: "In addition to these, we learned from the information disclosed by Galaxy Technology that this company is still affiliated with a company under Jiuding."

"Jiuding?" When he heard the name, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company frowned slightly. Faintly, he felt that the name was somewhat familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't think of anything.

At this moment, the secretary continued: "Jiuding, also known as Jiuding Group, is a large unlisted enterprise in Longguo. It has dozens of subsidiaries. The previously famous Taigong Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Jiuding. a subsidiary"

"Tai Gong Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd.?"

Hearing this name, relevant information finally emerged in the mind of the president of Tongyong Atomic Company!

No wonder he found the name Jiuding familiar.

The carbon fiber incident at Taigong Fishing Tackle Company caused a lot of fuss before, and he also went to investigate it.

They even went out of their way to purchase a batch of carbon fiber materials!

More than four hundred dollars per kilogram of T30 grade carbon fiber is so delicious. Even though he has always been repulsive to Long Guo, in the face of interests, he still suppressed those personal feelings and purchased ten tons of T30 grade carbon fiber in one go. carbon fiber!

And these carbon fiber materials have been used by him in their latest Reaper drone.

After evaluation by the technical department, these carbon fiber materials from Taigong Fishing Tackle Company have better performance than their domestic T30 carbon fiber from Black and White Eagle!

And the price is only a fraction of their domestic T30 carbon fiber material!

With such a low price, even if their Reaper is made entirely of carbon fiber materials, the cost is far lower than the original Reaper drone. In comparison, the cost can be reduced by a full 30%!

Moreover, the performance can be slightly improved. The maximum load of the new generation of Death can be increased to 1,400 kilograms!

After learning the news, he went to Taigong Fishing Tackle Company and placed an order for one hundred tons of T30 grade carbon fiber!

Currently, one-third of these carbon fiber materials have been delivered!

He has already paid half of the remaining two-thirds as a deposit!

According to the scheduled delivery plan, his order will be fully delivered in up to two months!

But they didn't expect that this carbon fiber production company was actually the same drone company that had robbed them of orders worth one billion! !


Thinking of this, the president of Tongyong Atomic Company couldn't help but turn a little dark, and he couldn't help but let out an angry curse.

At this moment, his mood was as if he saw half a fly in his rice while eating!

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