
Tang Wenwen was stunned when she heard Su Heng's voice.

Take off... take off your clothes? ?

If she hadn't been from the special forces and had never doubted her hearing, Tang Wenwen would have almost suspected that there was something wrong with her hearing.

Not to mention she was a woman, even if she was a man, is it appropriate for Su Heng to suddenly ask someone to take off their clothes?

Not only Tang Wenwen, but after hearing Su Heng's voice, the secretary next to Su Heng looked at Su Heng in disbelief as if he had discovered a new world.

But at this moment, Su Heng opposite Tang Wenwen seemed to have thought of something.

He said again: "Call all your team members up, and then you all take off your clothes."


Facing Su Heng's voice, Tang Wenwen was stunned again.

Then, Tang Wenwen fell into silence.

The secretary next to Su Heng opened his eyes wide, and his big bright eyes were completely shrouded in incredible color.

Opposite Tang Wenwen, Su Heng frowned slightly when he saw that Tang Wenwen had no response.

But not long after, looking at the incredible expression on the face of the secretary next to him, Su Heng also realized some problems, and then said helplessly:

"Don't get me wrong, I just want you to do a physical examination..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Heng said again: "Forget it, don't take off your clothes, come with me."

After saying that, Su Heng turned around and headed in one direction.

Looking at Su Heng's leaving figure, Tang Wenwen became more and more confused.

However, after thinking for a moment, Tang Wenwen did not delay any further, and directly pressed a very delicate-looking earring on her ear, and then said: "Team Jiaolong, gather in Area B..."

After saying that, Tang Wenwen did not stay where she was, but moved directly to chase after Su Heng...

In the gym with an area of ​​three to four hundred square meters, Tang Wenwen stood neatly on the spot with 11 Jiaolong players who looked ordinary and had nothing special about them among the crowd.

Opposite the twelve people were Su Heng and Su Heng's secretary.

After glancing around at the twelve people, Su Heng immediately raised his right hand, pointed at something like a camera next to him, and said:

"This is a biometric scanner. Captain Tang, you come first and scan your body data."

After a pause, Su Heng specifically asked: "You don't need to take off your clothes, just stand in front of the scanner."

After saying that, Su Heng turned around and walked behind the scanner to operate it.

Not long after, a red light flashed above the scanner's lens.

At this time, Tang Wenwen also followed Su Heng's instructions and walked to the scanner.

Almost at the same time that Tang Wenwen walked to the designated location, a red light appeared directly from the top of Tang Wenwen's head, and then the red light spread rapidly, scanning Tang Wenwen's whole body from top to bottom.

"Okay, next one"

Looking at the data scanned on the screen in front of him, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then spoke directly.

Hearing this, the eleven dragon players standing there looked at each other, and then the middle-aged man at the front walked out...

In less than a cup of tea, the body data of twelve people was scanned.

"As expected of an elite special forces unit, their physical fitness..."

Looking at the scanned data in front of him, Su Heng couldn't help but admire it.

This biometric scanner was something he built a few years ago. Its original purpose was to check the health of parents.

Later, Su Heng himself used it frequently to avoid unnecessary physical damage.

This scanner can scan the human body and then determine basic physiological data.

In order to study this, Su Heng previously invaded several biological databases at home and abroad...

Now this small instrument contains almost the entire human biological data information.

And through the comparison of the scan results just now, whether it is Tang Wenwen or the other eleven Jiaolong members, although they are of varying heights, they are not at all like the tall and uniform 1.8m tall men in TV dramas and movies, or even Not even 1.8 meters tall.

But whether it is a male player who is only 1.7 meters tall, or Tang Wenwen, who is only 1.69 meters and not even 1.7 meters tall, or even one of the small male players who is only over 1.6 meters tall, their physical fitness is far beyond Ordinary humans.

Taking Su Heng himself as an example, his physical fitness is considered that of a normal adult male.

The estimated comprehensive value is five, and the average physical fitness of an adult male in the Dragon Kingdom is 4.2 (including sub-health).

As for the Jiaolong players in front of me, the worst ones all had a level of 11.5! !

At this level, among ordinary people, he would be like a superman!

If one beats ten, that's not bragging!

As the captain, Tang Wenwen, although she is a woman, her physical fitness is as high as 11.7! !

Among this group of superhuman male special forces elites, they all belong to the middle level!

Su Heng had no doubt that if he had a conflict with Tang Wenwen, this seemingly weak Jiangnan girl would probably be able to slap him to death!

Among these twelve people, the most exaggerated one is the deputy team member, the shortest male player, whose physical fitness is as high as 12.1!

Superman among supermen!

The gold content of this special force was even more exaggerated than Su Heng had imagined before!

After some exclamation, Su Heng fell into deep thought while looking at the data in front of him.

On the other side of Su Heng, watching Su Heng in deep thought, the members of the Jiaolong team became more and more confused.

Everyone looked at the captain Tang Wenwen at the same time.

Facing the eyes of the team members, Tang Wenwen was also confused.

She wanted to ask, but thinking of her mission, Tang Wenwen could only suppress her doubts.

Before coming, Qin Shan had repeatedly explained that their mission was only to protect Su Heng, even if they had to sacrifice their own lives, they had to ensure Su Heng's safety!

Apart from that, they didn't need to worry about anything else. They didn't ask what Su Heng was going to do, and they didn't even look at it.

The less they knew, the better for them!

Seeing that Tang Wenwen didn't want to ask, the rest of the Jiaolong team members were confused, but they didn't say anything.

Together with Tang Wenwen, they quietly looked at Su Heng in deep thought and waited.

At this moment, Su Heng's voice suddenly rang out: "Are you very confused about what I want to do?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Wenwen nodded slightly under Su Heng's gaze.

Seeing this, Su Heng continued: "If you have any questions in the future, you can ask me directly. Don't be so cautious. The things here are not as important as you think. As long as you don't talk nonsense when you go out, it's fine."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and then fell into silence.

Not important?

Just kidding, they have been here for a few months, and many of the things they have seen are enough to shock the world!

Isn't this important?

Seeing everyone silent, Su Heng shook his head and said:

"This time I asked you to come here, mainly to upgrade your equipment..."

After speaking, Su Heng cast his eyes on Tang Wenwen, and then continued:

"Captain Tang, take out all your equipment for me to see"

Hearing this, Tang Wenwen was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly, and signaled to the teammates next to him, and the twelve people quickly turned around and left.

Not long after, the twelve people returned to their original place with their own equipment.

At this time, they had twelve more large bags on their backs.

Each of them was holding a suitcase in their hands.

At Su Heng's signal, Tang Wenwen led the eleven team members to open the twelve large bags and suitcases.

As the large bags and suitcases were opened, one by one, the equipment that was not backward in the world and could even be called first-class appeared directly in front of Su Heng.

Tactical vests, bulletproof vests, assault rifles, pistols, sniper rifles, daggers, night vision goggles...

Adding some special equipment such as pointers and pocket crossbows, the equipment of the twelve people almost covered half of the gym.

Looking at the equipment in front of him, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

To be honest, this was also the first time he had close contact with these real guns and ammunition. Even if he was not a military fan, he was somewhat touched.

"Please introduce these equipment to me."

After checking them back and forth, Su Heng suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Tang Wenwen nodded slightly, then walked to Su Heng, picked up a pistol on the ground, and said:

"Type 05 pistol, a special pistol for the elite special forces of Longguo, with a capacity of 12 rounds, a caliber of 9mm, an effective range of 100 meters, within a range of 100 meters, the error is ≤10mm, within a range of 50 meters, the error is ≤3mm..."

"Type 09 assault rifle, a special assault rifle for the elite special forces of Longguo, with a capacity of 30 rounds, a caliber of 7.62mm, an effective range of 600 meters..."

"Type 10 precision marksman rifle, a special precision marksman rifle for the elite special forces of Longguo, with a capacity of 10 rounds, a caliber of 7.62mm, an effective range of 800 meters..."

"Type 10 sniper rifle, a special sniper rifle for the elite special forces of Longguo, with a capacity of 8 rounds, a caliber of 7.92mm, an effective range of 1200 meters..."

"Type 05 bulletproof vest..."


Under Su Heng's gaze, Tang Wenwen told Su Heng all the data and information of all the weapons and equipment.

After listening to what Tang Wenwen said, Su Heng fell into deep thought while looking at the equipment in front of him.

In a place where no one noticed, Su Heng's mind had sunk into the spiritual space in his mind.

Along with Su Heng's thoughts, countless data information continued to emerge in the spiritual space.

Not long after, the countless data torrents gathered into a series of figures.

Looking closely, the illusory figures were Tang Wenwen and others who had just been scanned by Su Heng.

After simulating the figures of the twelve people, Su Heng did not stop the action in his hands, and countless data information emerged again.

The equipment that Su Heng had just seen outside appeared on the twelve virtual figures.

Unlike Tang Wenwen and others who were dressed in plain clothes outside, at this moment, the twelve people in front of Su Heng were twelve people who were truly armed to the teeth!

If the combat power of twelve people with bare hands is one, then the combat power of twelve people is at least one hundred now!

After simulating the twelve fully armed people, Su Heng thought for a moment, and then, streams of data emerged around Su Heng again.

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