"That transport aircraft is equipped with a Meteor 130 high-bypass ratio turbofan engine, which is an upgraded model of the Meteor 100 engine. It is far more powerful than the Meteor 100. Therefore, the maximum load capacity of that transport aircraft has reached 90 tons. , 24 tons more than the Y1000 transport aircraft, and its range reaches 12,000 kilometers..."

"But again, I was just a businessman before, and I had to consider cost-effectiveness in everything I did. Based on this situation, I did not produce this type of transport aircraft. If I have to say it, it is the only one produced. It is the Meteor 130 engine. I have produced several of this engine as a technical verification..."

Under the watchful eyes of Qian Zhizhong and others, Su Heng unhurriedly told all the information about that transport aircraft.

After listening to what Su Heng said, the faces of the four people around Su Heng, Qian Zhizhong, couldn't help but have a look of ecstasy that was difficult to conceal.

"Ninety tons!"

"Twelve thousand kilometers of flight!"

"Okay! Great!!"

At this moment, the four of them were in extremely excited moods.

Especially Qian Zhizhong, he was born in the Air Force, and no one here attaches more importance to transport aircraft than him!

Not to mention the distant ones, during the natural disaster a few years ago, there were not enough transport planes in the country, so many supplies could not be sent to the front line as soon as possible!

If they could have enough transport planes at that time, they would be able to send materials and personnel to the front line as soon as possible. In that way, many people would be given a new life!

It's a pity that there is no if in reality!

But now they have such an opportunity!

They can't make up for what happened before, but with these large transport aircraft, if similar things happen in the future, they will never have to worry about transportation problems again!

As for war, let alone that.

With enough large transport aircraft, Dragon Kingdom, like the Black and White Eagle, can deliver the most materials, equipment and personnel to the battlefield in the shortest time!


After a long time passed, Qian Zhizhong took a deep breath, then looked at Su Heng again and said:

"Xiao Su, can you produce this kind of large transport aircraft of ninety tons here?"

Hearing this, Su Heng shook his head slightly, and then said:

"The load capacity of this large transport aircraft is more than 20 tons more than that of the Y1000, and its range is 3,000 kilometers longer. Correspondingly, its maximum take-off weight has also increased sharply!"

"I didn't plan to produce this kind of transport aircraft before, so I didn't build a related production line. The production line I have now can only produce a 66-ton transport aircraft like the Y1000 at most."

"If we insist on producing that kind of large transport aircraft of 90 tons, we can only build a new production line..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was immediately disappointed.

But he immediately suppressed such thoughts and continued:

"Xiao Su, if we build such a production line now, how long will it take to complete it? How long will it take for this kind of transport aircraft to be put into production?"

After hearing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng also fell into deep thought.

He really hasn't thought about this question.

Seeing that Su Heng was lost in thought, Qian Zhizhong and the others did not say anything more, but stood quietly, waiting for Su Heng's response.

Time became extremely short at this moment.

It seems like a century has passed.

Until a certain moment, under the gazes of four people, Su Heng finally came back to his senses. Then, under the gazes of several people, Su Heng slowly spoke:

"Mr. Qian, instead of producing it myself, I have another suggestion."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others who were ready to hear Su Heng's answer were startled. Qian Zhizhong subconsciously said: "What's your suggestion?"

Faced with the inquiry, Su Heng said slowly: "I can't produce this kind of super-large transport aircraft right now. The only way to produce it is to build a new production line. But I think that instead of building a production line here, it's better to directly Move the production line to your side"

"I now have the production task of thousands of twin-tailed drones, and then there are the production tasks of Jian Shi Kai and other fighter jets, and then there are the production tasks of power armor, the production of submersible dragons, and the production of electromagnetic guns. mission, plus the subsequent production of transport aircraft such as the Y1000..."

"To be honest, if another super-large transport aircraft is produced, it will be difficult for me to be busy..."

After a pause, Su Heng continued: "Even for large transport aircraft such as the Y1000, I have already planned to move them out of the Galaxy Science and Technology Park and find another place for production. There are too many tasks here in Galaxy. It would be really difficult if they all get together. I’m too busy…”

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and the four of them looked at each other and immediately fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a long time, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly and said, "That's okay."

After Su Sheng's reminder, Qian Zhizhong finally remembered that Su Heng's tasks seemed to be a bit too much.

A person's energy is always limited, and Su Heng doesn't have three heads and six arms. What's more, Su Heng has such a big company behind him and so many people to support. If Su Heng didn't have many capable people under his command, it would be so difficult. There are so many things going on that my scalp has become numb...

After pondering for a moment, Qian Zhizhong continued: "So Xiao Su, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Su Heng said directly: "I think so. I have produced the engines of this kind of transport aircraft before. If we continue to produce them, it will not be a big problem. There are also avionics equipment, which can be completely matched with the avionics of the Y1000." The equipment is universal, just make some detailed changes and that’s it.”

"I can solve the most difficult aspects of avionics and engines. The rest is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive process, which is the construction and assembly of the airframe. When the time comes, I will help you build a transport aircraft production line, and I will also provide engines and avionics equipment. Here you go, you just need to complete the production and assembly of the machine body."

For Su Heng, it is easiest for him to produce high-precision things.

On the contrary, the bigger it is and the less technological it is, the more inconvenient it is for him to produce it here.

If it weren't for concerns about quality issues and technical leaks, Su Heng would have even planned to outsource the body of the Y1000 transport aircraft...

Now that Qian Zhizhong and the others have taken the initiative to come to the door, Su Heng just goes with the flow and delivers these directly, a win-win cooperation!

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about technology leaks on the military side. If Qian Zhizhong and the others want, Su Heng can even give all the technology to Qian Zhizhong and the others at any time.

After all, this kind of super-large transport aircraft is useless in itself and has no market. There is no use in keeping it...

Look at the loss of the empty-shell 380 produced by one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturers.

Empty shells are losing money, and airlines that buy empty shells 380 are also losing money.

That seemingly largest passenger plane in the world has now become something that almost everyone despises...

In front of Su Heng, after listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong pondered for a moment, and then nodded slightly: "No problem, although we have no experience in producing such super-large transport aircraft, we still have the technical personnel to produce transport aircraft. of……"

Su Heng also breathed a sigh of relief after receiving a positive answer.

But soon Su Heng got a headache again.

Now the big plane seems to be gone.

How was he going to tell Wang Wei?

Call Wang Wei directly and say: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, your plane is gone again?"

Noticing Su Heng's changes, Qian Zhizhong quickly thought of the key. Then, Qian Zhizhong patted Su Heng on the shoulder and said:

"Xiao Su, are you worried about Shun Feng?"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "You don't have to worry about this issue at all. I will negotiate with them later, and the compensation that should be paid will be in place. I guarantee that you will not suffer any losses."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng nodded slightly.

It seems that there is really nothing to worry about, although Wang Wei has already given him several billion in deposits.

But Qian Zhizhong and the others couldn't swallow his money.

Although the Dragon Kingdom is not very wealthy now, it is still trivial to spend these billions of funds.

As for Wang Wei's losses, there is nothing to worry about. Wang Wei's drone was intercepted before, and the state also provided corresponding compensation. In addition to financial compensation, there is also policy compensation!

Just like his tax exemption for the previous ten years, in fact, for a company, the value of such policy compensation even far exceeds the economic value!

Many times, this thing is almost equivalent to Shang Fang's sword!

Thinking of this, Su Heng was relieved.

Later, Su Heng discussed some rough arrangements with Qian Zhizhong and others.

Until late at night, Qian Zhizhong boarded the plane non-stop and flew towards the imperial capital with the technology given by Su Heng.

Three days later, Qian Zhizhong returned again.

When he came to Su Heng, Qian Zhizhong's face glowed brightly and he said: "Xiao Su, the above has given approval for our cooperation in the production of large aircraft, and approved special funds for this aspect. This is the document from above, Xiao Su you can take a look"

While speaking, Qian Zhizhong directly handed a sealed kraft paper document bag to Su Heng.

Seeing this, Su Heng did not hesitate and directly took the document bag and looked at it.


Just a moment later, Su Heng couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

"Isn't that surprising?"

Seeing Su Heng's performance, Qian Zhizhong asked with a smile.

"Indeed." Facing Qian Zhizhong's question, Su Heng nodded slightly.

He really didn't expect that according to the information in this red-headed document, there was no problem with the cooperation he had mentioned with Qian Zhizhong and the others.

It even gave special approval. For example, Su Heng and Qian Zhizhong originally discussed that he would be responsible for the production, and Qian Zhizhong and the others would be responsible for helping sell the exoskeleton power assist system, and then Jiuyi divided into.

And on this, Jiuyi was directly deleted, just like the previous drones, now the National Defense Force is working for him in vain!

There is also this big aircraft cooperation.

His original idea was to move the production line to the Air Force, but on this document, a circle was drawn directly not far from him!

In a mountainous area less than a hundred kilometers away from him, according to the plan in the document, the country will spend 300 billion special funds to build a super industrial park here!

This super industrial park will be fully connected with him next, and the National Defense Force will be fully responsible for all personnel and equipment!

The people in charge of the industrial park are Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan, and he also put his name on this industrial park, just below Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan!

The position is deputy director of the industrial park!

Yes, a deputy director who sounds ordinary and is responsible for a super industrial park of nearly 100 square kilometers!

Su Heng felt a little numb when he saw his name.

Good man, Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan are above him, how can his scalp not be numb? ?

And he is not stupid, he can see at a glance that although his name is deputy director, his immediate superiors are Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan!

Who are Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan?

Let them manage this?

In other words, the two "directors" Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan are just two empty titles.

Help him to calm down!

In fact, he is the real director of this industrial park!

Then according to what is said in the document, he can manage the next 300 billion special funds!

Whatever he does is fine!

The meaning is to write clearly that even if he uses this money to buy food, drink, defecate, or even go to bars and clubs to spend money, no one will care...

In addition to these, this industrial park also has a special special service force.

A whole brigade!

And it is a heavy armored combined brigade! !

Tanks, missiles, armored vehicles, helicopters, and all kinds of big guys are all available in this elite force!

And this special forces will completely obey his command in the future!

Good guys!

After reading this, Su Heng exclaimed good guys!

"And this..."

Just when Su Heng's scalp was numb, Qian Zhizhong, who was smiling like an aunt, took out another document and handed it to Su Heng.

"What is this?"

Looking at the document that was also sealed in kraft paper, Su Heng asked subconsciously.

"You will know after reading it"

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong did not say much, but kept it a secret.

Hearing this, although Su Heng was puzzled, he did not say much and directly opened the file bag in his hand.

Not long after, Su Heng saw the contents of the file bag clearly.

"Build a water plant?"

After reading the document, Su Heng's heart moved.

At this time, Qian Zhizhong also smiled and said:

"That's right, it's to build a water plant, to be precise, a desalination plant"

"Didn't you say before that you have dozens of water plants in Shaluotuo? I told the higher-ups about this matter, and after discussion, we unanimously decided to ask you to solve the water shortage problem in the north of our Dragon Country"

"What do you think? Xiao Su, do you dare to take this task?"

Hearing this, Su Heng also fell into silence.

Solve the problem?

Is this a solution?

This is obviously to stuff a big piece of fat into his mouth!

How much money is there in this, he can imagine it with his toes!

Not to mention the huge Dragon Country, just in the desert, he has been eating a lot of fat in these years!

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