The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 138 The spirit of the machine remains! Shunfeng’s surprise!

Under the fighter plane, both Qian Zhizhong and Su Heng suddenly felt something in their hearts.

They subconsciously looked up at the fighter plane.

For some reason, they always felt that something was watching them from above.

But when they looked closely, they saw nothing.

The cockpit of the fighter plane was empty, and above the fighter plane was the vast sky, with nothing but blue sky and white clouds.


Coming back to his senses, Su Heng looked at the fighter plane in front of him thoughtfully, and silently remembered the title that Qian Zhizhong murmured in his heart.


After thinking for a while, Su Heng slowly said: "Mr. Qian, tell me his story"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was startled, and then fell into silence.

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly, and then said: "His name is Qian Xiaojun, an ace pilot of our National Defense Air Force"

Qian Xiaojun?

Hearing this name, Su Heng subconsciously glanced at Qian Zhizhong.

In his mind, he could not help but think of Qian Zhizhong stroking the fighter plane with a complicated look.

That look was like an elder stroking his beloved junior.

And now, combined with this name, Su Heng almost instantly thought of the connection.

While Su Heng was thinking, Qian Zhizhong seemed to know what Su Heng was thinking, and continued:

"Just as you thought, he is my junior, my son. When he got into trouble, he was about the same age as you..."

"At that time, he was also a young man with high spirits and aspirations who cared about the country like you!"

"It's just that his life was frozen on that day..."

"That year, he drove this fighter plane and shot down and damaged five enemy fighter planes!"

"However, when he intercepted the enemy for the last time, this fighter plane was under maintenance at the airport, and he drove another fighter plane out and never came back!"

At the end, Qian Zhizhong's voice was a little low.

His eyes were a little red.

And Su Heng, at this moment, fell into complete silence.

He didn't know what to say, nor did he know whether to comfort the old man in front of him.

Thousands of words seemed extremely pale at this moment...


Looking up at the cockpit of the fighter plane above his head, thinking of the inexplicable feeling before, Su Heng also vaguely realized something.


"Is it you who just appeared?"

Looking at the cockpit of the fighter plane and the vast sky above, Su Heng whispered secretly.

At this moment, Su Heng even felt that the figure had reappeared in the sky!

It seemed to smile at him!

After a long time, looking at the vast sky, a faint murmur came out quietly from Su Heng's mouth:

"Go with peace of mind, I will help you complete your mission!"

The voice was not loud, but it was decisive!


Qian Zhizhong left.

With Su Heng's promise.

At the same time, he left a stick, a baton of the times!

Of course.

In addition to these, there are two documents!

A document for the super industrial park.

A document for the desalination plant!

Just one week later.

A completely secret engineering team of the National Defense Force arrived directly in Hanzhong.

Then, in the circle planned on the document, the Dragon Country speed began...


On the other side, at the headquarters of Shunfeng Group.

Wang Wei, the president of Shunfeng Group, was completely dumbfounded when he saw the person in front of him.

"Mr. Wang, this is a document issued by the National Defense Force. Take a look. If there is no problem, we will sign an agreement according to the content of the document. At that time, we will compensate your company for the loss..."

Opposite Wang Wei, a middle-aged man in a suit who looked no different from an ordinary person slowly spoke to Wang Wei.

While speaking, the middle-aged man took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Wang Wei.

Facing the document handed over by the middle-aged man, Wang Wei did not take it over immediately, but was directly stagnant in place.

At this moment, there was only one thing left in his mind.

That is - his plane is gone again!

Following the last double-tailed drone, in just a few months, when he was busy preparing for the airline, his big plane was gone again!

At this moment, Wang Wei really had the urge to cry.

What did he do wrong?

He just wanted to buy a few transport planes...

At a certain moment, he even had the idea that Su Heng was deliberately playing with him.

But as soon as this idea emerged, he was directly dispelled.

He and Su Heng have been doing business for a long time.

The reason why his express delivery business has developed so rapidly is that a large part of the credit should even be attributed to Su Heng.

It was Su Heng who helped him upgrade his express delivery sorting and management system. At the same time, almost all of their large-scale operation centers of Shunfeng, the intelligent express delivery operation lines in them were built by Su Heng!

And the express delivery sorting robots in those operation centers...

He even took the initiative to invite Su Heng to invest at the beginning, and took out 10% of the shares!

But Su Heng refused. According to Su Heng, this kind of labor-intensive and logistics-based industry is too troublesome. He is a technical person and can't play this...

In fact, Wang Wei knew very well that with Su Heng's ability, if he really entered this industry, it would definitely be a dimensionality reduction attack on their industry!

Just look at those intelligent express delivery operation centers!

He was able to surpass so many domestic express delivery companies and become the leader of Longguo Express today because of this intelligent operation center!

So Su Heng could not have done it on purpose.

However, the more he thought about it, the more Wang Wei wanted to cry.

His plane...


I don't know how long it took, Wang Wei finally forced himself to suppress the thoughts in his heart that wanted to cry but had no tears.

After calming down again, Wang Wei also picked up the document in front of him and then checked it carefully.

After seeing the information on the document clearly, Wang Wei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

According to the document, the Y1000 large transport aircraft he purchased involved state secrets, so it was confiscated...

In short, his big plane is gone again!

For a long time, Wang Wei suppressed the bitterness in his heart and continued to read down.

But the next moment, Wang Wei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Director Chen, are there any restrictions on the Z10 transport aircraft?"

Wang Wei asked directly without wasting words.

Hearing this, the person opposite Wang Wei, Chen Yue, who had met Wang Wei many times before, nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, there are no restrictions on the Z10 medium-sized transport aircraft. If you still want to buy it, you can continue to contact Su..."

After listening to what Chen Yue said, Wang Wei's eyes became brighter.

Although the Y1000 is gone, the Z10 can still be bought!

Although the load capacity of the Z10 is only 40 tons, it is a full 26 tons less than the Y1000.

But if it is just a domestic route, the Z10 is actually enough.

The load capacity of 40 tons is completely enough to meet their freight needs.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei's bitterness and depression just now were swept away.

Even more excited than when he bought the plane before.

Now the closer the relationship between Su Heng and the National Defense Force is, the thicker Su Heng's thigh is!

Not to mention that it will not affect his interests now, even if it really affects him, it is completely worth sacrificing some interests to cling to the thigh!

In recent years, Shunfeng has sacrificed its interests to cling to the thigh in order to grow and develop. It is not just Shunfeng. Looking at the world, all enterprises are not new things...

"Director Chen, there is no need to say anything. I understand confidentiality. We don't want Y1000, and we don't need compensation. All the deposits given to General Manager Su before will be used to buy Z10 transport aircraft!"


On the other side, Hanzhong-

On Blue Star, in terms of infrastructure capacity, Longguo is second, and no one dares to say it is first!

And now this engineering team in the super industrial park fully interprets the meaning of Longguo's speed!

In just less than a month, this super industrial park has taken shape!

All the surrounding hills and gullies have been cleared and leveled, and a plain covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers has appeared in this deep mountain that was originally sparsely populated!

Around this "plain", circles of high fences have been completely built!

The average height of the fence is no less than five meters, and it is covered with dense electrified barbed wire!

In addition, there is a sentry tower every hundred meters of the fence, which is completely built of reinforced concrete and soil. According to the plan, there will be at least two soldiers on guard in each sentry tower in the future!

In addition to these sentry towers, there is also a small military camp every kilometer!

According to the plan, at least one company of rapid response forces will be stationed inside. Once there is a problem anywhere nearby, the rapid response forces of this company will respond immediately and go to the corresponding place for support!

And in the four directions outside the industrial park, four military camps were also built at the same time!

Next, these four military camps will be stationed with an entire heavy-armored combined brigade!

The protection of the industrial park can even be described as crazy!

Even Su Heng was a little shocked after knowing these plans.

He really couldn't imagine who would be able to break through the defense of this industrial park when the industrial park was completed.

If such a defense standard is to be broken through, even a division of Black and White Eagle would be terrified!

What's more, where is this place?


The heartland of Dragon Country!!

Millions of national defense forces are guarding on all sides!

Even Black and White Eagle cannot directly break through the defense of these millions of national defense forces!

In other words, once this industrial park is completed, it is destined to become a super industrial base that can never be broken through!

Three months later, the supporting buildings of the industrial park were basically completed!

The only thing left was the internal mechanical equipment.

Such a speed made Su Heng dumbfounded.

In the end, the only thing Su Heng could say was four words - Dragon Country is awesome!

Building a super industrial base of hundreds of square kilometers in three months, apart from Dragon Country, is there anyone who can do it?

Let alone which country, it is still unknown whether all those countries can do it together!

In addition to basic construction facilities, the relevant supporting machinery and equipment for the National Defense Force are also being quickly built in factories that are inaccessible to outsiders!

With the technology provided by Su Heng, there is no shortage of corresponding talents in the National Defense Force!

There is nothing else in the Dragon Kingdom, but there are so many people!

This person is not only an ordinary person, but also a talent!

With a base of hundreds of millions of people, even if there is only one talent among 10,000 people, there are 10,000 talents among 100 million people!

After removing 90% of the ordinary talents, only 10% are left, which means there are still a thousand!

Even if it is more stringent, if half of these thousand people are removed, there will still be five hundred left!

And these 500 people are already one in 500,000 talents!

Looking around the world, who can do it?

How many people do smaller countries have in total?

If they were asked to spend 500,000 yuan to select a talent, the number of talents could be counted on their fingers!

The only country with the same basic conditions is the White Elephant Kingdom next door, but what they have is only population conditions. As for education?

Baixiang Kingdom’s investment in basic education is not even one percent or even one thousandth of that of Dragon Kingdom!

Ninety million out of one billion people are illiterate!

What kind of talent is this?

No matter how smart a genius is, he will become useless without education...

Such cases abound in the history of the Dragon Kingdom...

Longguo has never been short of talents, it only lacked time and opportunities.

But now, the technology brought by Su Heng has directly accelerated this time countless times!

Under such circumstances, the heat exerted by this huge talent reserve can only be described as terrifying.

Under such crazy large-scale construction, super industrial parks are being built at a terrifying speed every day.

While the super industrial park was being built, Su Heng was not idle either.

With the national team taking action, Su Heng found that he was free.

He only needs to give technical advice occasionally, and he doesn't need to worry about the rest.

Under this situation, Su Heng also freed up most of his time to study the electromagnetic gun helicopter he had talked about with Qian Zhizhong and the others.

There is also the electromagnetic close-in defense gun that Qin Shan mentioned.

These two technologies are actually not difficult, especially the former, which is just to install an electromagnetic gun on the helicopter. This kind of technology does not even require Su Heng to come forward. Su Heng directly hands it over to the researchers below.

As for the electromagnetic close-in defense cannon, this was a bit troublesome, but in less than a month, Su Heng solved this problem.

In addition to dealing with Jiuding's affairs and studying the electromagnetic gun, Su Heng spent almost all the rest of his time with the heroic fighter plane brought by Qian Zhizhong.

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said about this fighter plane, Su Heng had an idea.

That is to give this fighter plane a new lease of life!

Heroic veterans shouldn't end like this.

In the previous era, they were guarding it. In this era, why can't we let them come with us?

Looking at the fighter plane in front of him, Su Heng's thoughts kept passing through his mind.

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