The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 147 One hundred million per aircraft? Give me one hundred!

"You want to test us, are you qualified?"

Boom! ! !

This sentence, like a depth charge, the whole scene exploded!

Almost everyone who heard Chen Yue's words at the scene couldn't help but open their eyes wide, and their faces showed horror!

Opposite Chen Yue, Clement's face became extremely ugly at this moment!

Not only Clement, but also the black and white eagles beside Clement, all had gloomy faces!

"Good! Very good!"

"Mr. Chen, you are very good!"

At this moment, incomparable anger burned in Clement's eyes.

Even the body was shaking at this moment!

When has he been treated like this?

And now, in front of so many people, Chen Yue dared to talk to him like this!

"Crazy, crazy! This Dragon countryman is really crazy!"

And next to him, people from various countries who witnessed all this couldn't help swallowing hard.

They really couldn't imagine that Chen Yue dared to say such words!

Is this still the Dragon Country they knew?

At this moment, everyone felt that their three views were about to be completely overturned.

After an unknown amount of time, Clementin finally forced himself to calm down.

After taking a deep breath, Clementin looked at Chen Yue in front of him coldly, and then said in a cold voice:

"The performance of your radar has improved so much that it is indeed beyond my expectations, but you don't really think that our fighters are only at this level, right?"

"The Fighting Falcon E fighter is just one of our export models. Even if you win by chance, it doesn't mean anything at all."

"It doesn't prove that your radar is an active phased array radar!"

Before Chen Yue could speak, Clementin continued:

"As far as I know, your gallium arsenide technology is still at a standstill. It is still at the level of the 1980s, and has not entered the practical stage at all. Without gallium arsenide technology, how did you make an active phased array radar? "

"Or can you create active phased array technology out of thin air?"

Finally, as if he had thought of something, Clementine said again:

"By the way! By the way, I would like to remind Your Highness that the radar on our Tomcat fighter, which has been completely retired, can also detect up to 250 kilometers! And the radar on our Tomcat fighter is just a pulse Doppler radar!"

Hearing this, everyone around was stunned.

Then they all turned their eyes to Chen Yue.

Indeed, as Clementine said, the radar on the Tomcat fighter of the Black and White Hawk can also detect up to 250 kilometers.

This is not confidential data. After all, the Tomcat has been retired, and pulse Doppler radar technology is not an advanced technology. Countries around the world that can produce second-generation fighters have basically mastered it. This is basically public technical data...

Just now, Jianshi 10 did show extremely excellent radar performance, but this does not mean that the radar on Jianshi 10 is an active phased array radar.

After all, until now, except for Longguo and Sand Camel, no one has really gone up to test Jianshi 10...

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then said slowly:

"So, Mr. Clementing thinks that the scientists of Sand Camel can't even distinguish between mechanical radar and phased array radar? Or does Mr. Clementing's Doppler radar work the same way as phased array radar? Even more advanced than phased array?"

Hearing this, Clementing's face froze.

Modalahan'er's eyes next to him also became very unfriendly.

Although their technology is not as good as the black and white eagle, they still have the ability to distinguish between mechanical radar and phased array radar.

And now Clementing asked such a stupid question, what does this mean?

Just when Clementine looked grim, Chen Yue continued:

"In addition, Mr. Clementine said that your Panda also has a detection range of 250 kilometers. We do not deny this, but I really want to know, can the Doppler radar on your Panda also achieve real-time tracking?"

"If the information we have is correct, your Doppler radar updates data every eight to ten seconds"

"I would like to ask Mr. Clementine, how much can a subsonic fighter, or even a supersonic fighter, do in eight to ten seconds?"

Faced with Chen Yue's inquiry, Clementine's face became more and more ugly.

How much can be done in eight to ten seconds?

That's too much!

If both parties use the same radar, it's okay, the eldest brother doesn't say the second brother.

But if one party is a phased array, or even an active phased array radar.

Other fighters can scan and receive data in real time, while you have to update the data for several seconds.

What does that mean? Anyone with a brain can't help but know!

At this moment, Chen Yue's voice sounded again:

"Finally, there is the gallium arsenide technology that Mr. Clementine mentioned. To be honest, I admire Mr. Clementine's intelligence ability. This is our confidential data, and you are able to know it..."

"But who told you that our radar uses gallium arsenide technology?"

Not gallium arsenide?

Hearing what Chen Yue said, Clementine's pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, as if he thought of something, Clementine subconsciously said: "Has your gallium nitride technology been successfully developed?"

Before Chen Yue could respond, Clementine said again: "This is impossible! We still have gallium nitride technology..."

In the middle of speaking, Clementine suddenly stopped.

However, everyone can already judge the content revealed in his words.

In response, Chen Yue just smiled and continued:

"Mr. Clementine, who told you that we can't have technology that you don't have?"

Hearing this, Clementine's face became even more ugly.

Then, Clementine gritted his teeth and said: "This is absolutely impossible! With your technical background and R\u0026D capabilities, it is impossible to develop gallium nitride technology within ten years! Moreover, gallium nitride materials are so rare. you……"

Halfway through, Clementine's voice stopped again.

At this time, Chen Yue took a deep look at Clemens Court and said meaningfully:

"It is true that our technical foundation is not as good as yours, but we have nothing else but a lot of rare earths. We tried one by one, and we tried out the technology. Alas, there were too many materials, and there was nothing we could do... …”

At the end of the sentence, Chen Yue deliberately spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face.

Seeing this, Clementine's mouth twitched slightly.

Everyone around Clementine also had their eyebrows pounding.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone realized that there might not be many other things in Dragon Kingdom, or even rare.

But as for rare earth materials, no one in the world can find more than Dragon Kingdom!

It can even be said that 90% of the rare earth materials in the world are exported by the Dragon Kingdom! !

Dragon Kingdom’s proven rare earth reserves are almost ten times the total proven rare earth reserves in the world! !

If the country in this desert area is a country sitting on oil, then the Dragon Kingdom is a country sitting on rare earth!

You can say that Dragon Kingdom lacks everything, but you cannot say that Dragon Kingdom lacks rare earths!

Even though Dragon Kingdom’s almost destructive mining and export of so many rare earths in the past few years, Dragon Kingdom’s rare earths are still the largest in the world!

And rare earths happen to be the core of modern industry!

Especially for active phased array radar semiconductors, the core material is rare earth!

"Fuck Fuck!!"

Thinking of this, whether it was Clementine or Ilson and others behind him, they all cursed in their hearts.

"Damn it, why does the Dragon Kingdom have such rich resources? Those things should all belong to our Great Japanese Empire!"

Behind Clementine, a man in a suit with a face similar to Long Guo's was also looking gloomy.

I couldn't help but feel angry secretly in my heart.

Compared to the anger of Clementine and others, he was more jealous!

In his opinion, those things should belong to them, not to the people of the Dragon Kingdom who are backward and ignorant in their eyes!

At the same time, Mo Darahan'er, who was next to Chen Yue, also had a look of envy in his eyes.

Although they have abundant oil reserves, this does not prevent them from envying the Dragon Kingdom for its rare earths!

It can be expected that in the future, Dragon Kingdom’s rare earths will surely become the focus of the world’s attention!

And the Dragon Kingdom that controls rare earths is equivalent to controlling the future to a certain extent!

If anyone really annoys the Dragon Kingdom and bans rare earths directly, the whole world will be caught blind!

Thinking of this, Modalahaner made a decision in his heart.

They, Sha Luotuo, must have a good relationship with the Dragon Kingdom!

Now Longguo has materials, technology, talents, and equipment...

Almost everything!

Give the Dragon Kingdom some time, and by then the Dragon Kingdom will surely become the country that stands on top of the world again!

And if they establish a good relationship with the Dragon Kingdom, will they follow the popular ones from the Dragon Kingdom?

By then, maybe the Dragon Kingdom will be able to help Shaluotuo with their industrial upgrades!

Even if one day they run out of oil, they won't lose the backbone of their industry all of a sudden!

Thoughts passed through Modalahan's mind one after another.

For a long time, Modalahan forced the thoughts away from his mind, and then said directly:

"Chen, just tell me, how much does this fighter plane cost? We want it!"

The sudden sound made everyone stunned.

Especially Clementine and others next to them.

Immediately afterwards, Clementine and others reacted quickly, and then Clementine hurriedly said: "Your Highness, you..."

"Mr. Clementine, this is a matter between us and the Dragon Kingdom. We spend our own money. I don't think Mr. Clementine needs to intervene."

Before Clementine finished speaking, Modarahaner spoke directly, interrupting Clementine's voice with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Modalahan'er's voice was very impolite.

He didn’t even say it directly - I am spending our own money, how we spend it is our own business, what are you doing here?

Being interrupted unceremoniously by Mo Darahan, Clementine's face was as gloomy as water.

At this time, Modalahan completely ignored Clementine and others, but turned his attention to Chen Yue again.

Facing Mo Darahan'er's gaze, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then stretched out a finger.

"One hundred million?"

Seeing Chen Yue's hand, Mo Darahan'er's eyes lit up.

Hearing this, Chen Yue nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Mo Darahan couldn't help but show a look of ecstasy on his face, and said quickly: "Okay! Chen, your Dragon Kingdom is indeed our Sha Luotuo's best friend! Such an excellent fighter only costs 100 million. Rice knife!”

"Chen, don't say anything. Give us a hundred such fighters!!"

Looking at Mo Darahan'er who looked excited, Chen Yue's heart twitched.

One hundred million meters? ?

Good guy, what he wants to say is 100 million dragon coins!

The construction cost of a Jianshi fighter is almost 80 million dragon coins. Including the cost of modifying the radar, the cost is only 90 million.

He sells a 90 million fighter jet for 100 million and makes a profit of 10 million.

Firstly, it is to clean up the inventory, and secondly, making 10 million is quite a lot. The Jianshi modified fighter designed by Su Heng cost only more than 50 million!

If you sell five swords and ten G, you can earn one sword and ten changes!

However, Modalahan'er's opening of his mouth immediately turned one hundred million dragon coins into one hundred million knives, which is seven hundred million dragon coins!

The price skyrocketed sevenfold!

Good guy, seven hundred million!

This is enough for them to build a dozen Jianshi modified fighter jets! !

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yue still felt that his conscience was a little hard to bear, and couldn't help but remind him: "Your Highness, some of these fighter planes are modified from our current fighter planes..."

Hearing this, Modalahan was startled, and then said: "Chen, are your current batch of fighter planes very old?"

"Of course not." When asked, Chen Yue shook his head directly, and then said: "Most of our current batch of Jian 10 and Jian 11 fighters were mass-produced after entering 2000, and their maximum service life does not exceed ten years." Years! And except for a small number of fighters used for training and daily patrols, most of the fighter planes have not flown more than two hundred hours!”

Hearing Chen Yue's response, Modalahan nodded and said directly:

"Then it'll be fine, Chen. As long as the performance of the fighter you modified is the same as the current one, it'll be no problem. One for 100 million swords, Jian ShiG will give us a hundred of them!"

For Mo Darahaner, the price of one hundred million is simply a waste of money!

Look at Clementine and the others from before.

A Fighting Falcon E-type fighter jet sells for as much as 250 million!

The price of one is as much as 2.50 for Jian ShiG! !

The most important thing is that at such an expensive price, the Fighting Falcon E cannot beat the Sword Ten G! !

In this case, even if the price of Sword Ten G is the same as that of Fighting Falcon E, he will choose Sword Ten G without hesitation!

Not to mention that the price of Sword Ten G is so much cheaper!

"By the way, there is also your Sword 11G. Your Sword 11G is also the same as the Sword 10G. Is it equipped with the same radar?"

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