The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 163 Filial sons and grandsons? We really have these things!

"Is this the Jianshi BG fighter?"

"Why do you think it looks similar to Jian Shi?"

"Nonsense, just by the name, you can tell that this fighter is obviously an upgraded version of the Sword Ten."

"This photo seems to be similar to the fighter plane in the previous video."

"Indeed, so the previous fighter jets were really improved versions of Sword Ten?"

Looking at the photos on the screen in the live broadcast room, countless people were puzzled, and barrages appeared one after another.

The videos on the Internet were very blurry before.

Only a general structure can be seen, and the specific situation is completely unclear.

The fighter plane in front of me looks very different from the shadow in the video.

They are all obvious canard layouts...

At this moment, the host’s voice sounded again:

"Bureau, since it's the Jianshi BG Tianlong fighter, why are the previous videos taken off the shelves? Haven't all the Jianshi BG Tianlong fighters been exported? In this case, there is no need to do anything to keep it secret. Bar?"

Hearing this, everyone in front of the live broadcast room was startled.

Then they all came back to their senses——

"Yeah, since it's Tianlong, why are you taking it off the shelves? You've already exported it and you're afraid of being seen?"

"Indeed, it's too suspicious. Isn't the director specifically here to fool us?"

"I suddenly remembered, didn't the bureau chief say before that our carbon fiber technology was lagging behind and that it would be impossible to catch up with foreign countries within ten years? As a result, in just a few months, we not only developed it, but also directly developed it. The T30 grade carbon fiber is priced at a bargain price, and now the foreign carbon fiber companies in Japan and Black and White are already suffering and are almost closing down!”

"Damn it! It sounds like that! The boss is a big liar. I almost believed the boss's lies!"

"So our stealth fighter is true?"

Along with the host's voice, barrages appeared one after another.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the director shook his head slightly and said:

“There’s nothing strange about videos being removed from the shelves, right?”

"As we all know, our aircraft carriers and submarines are very backward, especially the aircraft carrier. Our aircraft carrier was rebuilt from the broken ship brought back from Xiong Er's family. Black and White Eagle knows this best. When we brought it back, our aircraft carrier except A rusty shell and nothing else.”

"It doesn't even have the most basic power system. The tens of thousands of tons of shells are completely towed back by tugboats. They would probably find it troublesome to sell this thing to Black and White Eagle for scrap metal, but even so, our Isn’t the aircraft carrier kept secret all the time?”

"All related videos have always been under control. This is normal and not worth making a fuss about..."

After a pause, the director continued:

"And as we all know, although the canard layout can bring superior maneuverability, it also brings bigger problems."

"That is the increased radar reflection area due to the canard wing. The radar reflection area of ​​the canard wing layout fighter is generally larger than the radar reflection area of ​​the conventional aerodynamic layout. From this aspect, the canard wing layout fighter is completely unsuitable as a stealth fighter."

"Not to mention whether we have the ability to develop a stealth fighter, even if we were to develop it, there is a high probability that it will be the same as the Black and White Eagle, or the polar bear."

"Take the path of the Black and White Eagle Raptor, or the path of the Polar Bear T50. In this regard, they are already ahead of us. We have a lot of technologies that we can learn from. With these technologies that we can learn from, we can completely We took many detours to create our stealth fighter at the lowest cost and fastest speed."

"On the contrary, there is currently no prototype of a canard-wing stealth fighter in the world. It can be said to be completely blank in this regard. If we want to take this path, we can only explore it step by step."

"In this way, let alone whether it can be successful or not, even if it is successful, the cost of manpower, material resources and time will reach an astonishing figure! This is really not worth the loss for us."

"So I don't know if things like canard-wing stealth fighters will be available in the future. At least now, or even within ten or twenty years, we won't be able to build them!"

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the director looked regretful and helpless, and explained the shortcomings of the canard layout and the current situation from various angles such as practical needs and technical needs.

After listening to what the director said, countless people in front of the live broadcast room fell into deep thought.

Even the people who just thought the bureau was a big liar fell silent.

Indeed, as the director said, the inherent defects of the canard wing are there.

And now Blue Star does not have any canard stealth prototype.

If you want to develop a brand new stealth fighter from scratch, you can imagine the difficulty with your toes.

Just look at Polar Bear’s T50 stealth fighter project.

This project has been established ten years ago, but this stealth fighter has not yet entered service!

And this is despite the fact that the T50 fighter aircraft has inherited a large number of technologies from the original Golden Eagle and other fighters.

Although there is a factor in this that the polar bear has no money, even so, it is enough to illustrate the difficulty of developing a stealth fighter!

If the polar bear has no money, will the Dragon Kingdom have money?

In the past few years, the Dragon Kingdom was so poor that it was almost like a crotch. They even sold two kicks. Is this called rich?

And putting aside the issue of having money or not, look at Black and White Eagle. Is Black and White Eagle rich?

Not only do they have money, they also have technology!

However, even so, it took a full thirty years for the Black and White Eagle to develop the Raptor fighter from project establishment to completion! !

It took another four years from the completion of research and development to the time it was put into service!

From start to finish, it took thirty-four years to put the Raptor into service!

This shows how difficult it is to develop a new stealth fighter from scratch.

"Hahaha, let me just say, how can it be so easy to develop a brand new stealth fighter? Some Chinese people can only do YY, but also YY."

"Indeed, it took the Beacon of Civilization so many years to complete the research and development of the stealth fighter, and you just finished it with just a few words? It's so funny!"

"They always talk about overtaking on curves, and want to run without knowing how to walk. Can you run? People in the past have said it a long time ago, it's easy to talk nonsense when you take a big step!"

"YY is hurting the country. Some Chinese people should wake up early and keep their feet on the ground. The main thing is to be down-to-earth. People are so powerful because they made it step by step, not what you call overtaking. Please reflect on it!"

As everyone fell silent, strange news appeared again on the Internet.

After seeing this news, countless Chinese people who were silent suddenly became angry——

"Mad, what about my reflection? Didn't you say before that we won't be able to build a world-class fighter aircraft for another fifty or one hundred years? Now your father's so-called most advanced fighting falcons are treated like dogs. Come on, why don’t you filial sons say anything?”

"That's right, I just climbed over the wall to take a look. There are a lot of videos of your father, Eagle, being walked by his dog. Why don't you go to those videos where the dog is barking?"

"You only bark at your own house. How much dog food have you eaten? Do you know how filial you are?"

Faced with the angry scoldings of countless Chinese people, all the voices that were so angry just now fell into silence.

But not long after, barrages appeared again:

"Haha, the quality of the Chinese people is just like this. They just won a game by luck and opportunism. Everyone who knows knows that the fighting falcon is just a monkey version. Those who don't know really think that the monkey version of the fighting falcon is for the lighthouse's own use. Woolen cloth"

"And even if a fighter jet has some achievements, is it necessary to be so public? Can't you keep a low profile? If a third-generation fighter jet has kept up with you, can others keep up? Do you have a stealth fighter? Do you have a large transport aircraft? Do you have a strategic bomber? A heavy-duty bomber? Does Wuhan have it? Does it have a heavy transport helicopter? Does it have a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier? Does it have a strategic nuclear submarine?

"There are also space stations, engines, CNC machine tools, operating systems, industrial software, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, high-precision GPS, etc. Do you have these?"

"You have nothing. What's the use of just having a fighter jet? If your engine jams, your machine tool is disabled, and your GPS is disabled, you'll just have to lie down and scratch your head. What's the point of being proud of?"

"Besides, the lighthouses were all three-in-one twenty years ago. Are you still living in the era of a single combat mode? No, right?"


Looking at the snowflake-like messages on the barrage.

Countless people fell silent again.

Yes, they are still far behind.

It's just a fighter jet catching up. Stealth fighter jets, large transport aircraft, strategic bombers, heavy military helicopters, heavy transport helicopters, etc., etc., they don't have any of these!

Not to mention aircraft carriers. The only aircraft carrier we have now is just an old broken ship that was dragged back with great effort a few years ago.

They do have strategic submarines, but their strategic submarines are still the "underwater tractors" that are laughed at when they go out!

On the other side of the ocean, looking at the video screen in front of him and the countless barrages, a smile quietly appeared on the face of the middle-aged black and white eagle man sitting in the office.

No matter what else, at least their remote breeding technology is definitely leading the world, and it is leading by a cliff!

Even if Long Guo was given a hundred years, it would be impossible to catch up with them!

And just as the video barrage said, even if Longguo's fighter jets caught up, it would only be a third-and-a-half-generation fighter jet...

But at this moment, the hook-nosed man in front of the middle-aged man suddenly said:

"Sir, there is no doubt that this man from the Dragon Kingdom is lying!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned.

Seeing this, the hook-nosed man continued: "Sir, according to the news that came before our people lost contact, the fighter plane he saw was a two-engine fighter. Although it also had canard wings, it was obviously larger than the Dragon Kingdom's Tianlong. The fighter plane is much bigger!”

"Although the Tianlong fighter is excellent, it is only a single-engine medium-sized fighter, which is obviously different from the twin-engine heavy fighter. However, this video was shot in a hurry, the distance was too far, and the angle was wrong, so this point was not reflected... "

"However, if we analyze it carefully frame by frame, it is not difficult for professionals to judge the engine layout of this fighter jet. I think the fundamental reason why Longguo removed the video we posted so quickly is this."

"In other words, this so-called bureau was simply deliberately called out by the people of the Dragon Kingdom to deceive us! The purpose may be to make us relax our vigilance."

"Coupled with the Dragon Kingdom's control over the research institute in Tianfu, there is no doubt that the Dragon Kingdom's stealth fighter is a fact!"

At the end, the hook-nosed middle-aged man paused, and then said in a deep voice:

"Sir, I suggest starting the mole and thoroughly investigating the situation of the Dragon Country's stealth fighter! If the Dragon Country's stealth fighter is confirmed to be true, then I think we need to take targeted measures to curb their growth!"

"Their development speed is too fast, and their potential is too great. If we continue to let them grow wildly, it will be a huge challenge for us!"

"Even if they are given enough time, they may become the next opponent like the old polar bear!"

Hearing the old polar bear, the middle-aged man's face couldn't help but change.

Although the old polar bear has fallen, the remaining power of the old polar bear is still impressive!

If they hadn't destroyed the old polar bear's ideology from the inside and disintegrated the old polar bear from the inside, even they would not have made the old polar bear disappear!

And now, as the director of FBl, Ilson actually gave such a high evaluation of the Dragon Country, even he had to carefully consider his attitude towards the Dragon Country!

At the same time, Longguo——

“These sheepdogs are really hateful!”

Looking at the barrage in front of them, Qian Zhizhong and the others also frowned.

Although the Bureau Chief was specially arranged by them to release the smoke bomb.

In order to make Black and White Eagle believe that they really have stealth fighters, they took the initiative to say that Black and White Eagle might not believe it unless they directly exposed Jian Twenty completely.

But their main purpose this time was to divert Black and White Eagle’s attention from Su Heng,

so that the Bureau Chief’s smoke bomb was born.

What people believe most is always what they are willing to believe!

What they infer is the most trustworthy!

Whether it is the Bureau Chief’s smoke bomb or the various actions before, they are all for Black and White Eagle to make a "correct" inference!

It’s just that now the big rat has not been hooked out, but a bunch of stink bugs have been hooked out, which makes Qian Zhizhong and the others a little disgusted.

At a certain moment, the two even wanted to take action directly to clean up all these stink bugs.

But thinking of the next plan, the two of them forced themselves to suppress the thoughts in their hearts.

"Wait a little longer! Let these bugs jump around for a few more days."

Looking deeply at the screen, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but sneer when thinking of the guys in his own warehouse and Su Heng's production line.

They don't have stealth fighters, large transport planes, and bombers?


After this period, they will let these bugs know what "nothing" means!

They didn't have these things before, but now they have them all!

And they are better than the Black and White Hawk!

More advanced!

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