After hearing the conditions stated by Chen Yue, everyone around Modalahan looked at each other, and then fell into silence.

Seeing this, Chen Yue did not say anything more, but quietly waited for everyone's response.

He has said everything that needs to be said.

The rest of the choices are up to these people.

If you can join, that would be best, but if you can't, that doesn't matter.

Anyway, the National Defense Force never thought of selling stealth fighters at this time.

It will be the same if you take it out after a few years.

Although the performance of Jian Twenty is not as good as that of Jian Shi Kai and Jian Twenty One, as a stealth fighter, thanks to the technology provided by Su Heng, the performance of Jian Twenty is only as good as the Black and White Eagle's Raptor!

It’s impossible to worry about no market for it in a few years…

While everyone was deep in thought, Modalahaner spoke directly:

"Chen, I've thought about it. Our Sha Luotuo is willing to join the cooperation team. On behalf of Sha Luotuo, I will invest 10 billion U.S. dollars!"

? ? ?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this voice.

Many of the people who came with Modalahan couldn't help but widen their eyes.

How many?

Ten billion knives?

"You're not the one arranged by Long Guo, are you?"

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but have the same thought in their minds.

Although they all came together, before that, because they did not know the specific conditions of the Dragon Kingdom, they did not have detailed consultations with each other, but only briefly discussed whether to join.

And now, Modalahan's price is 10 billion as soon as he opens his mouth!

Good guy, that’s 10 billion knives!

Even if it is placed in the hands of camels like them, it is not a small number!

They are rich, but their money has to be knocked out bucket by bucket of oil by a kowtow machine, and it cannot come out of thin air just by talking about it.

This opening is 10 billion, is this serious?

Not only the camels, but also Chen Yue, if he didn't know it well, he couldn't help but wonder at this moment whether the superiors had discussed with Modalahan in advance and then let Modalahan be the leader. This is a big deal!

After a long silence, Chen Yue finally said in a deep voice:

"Your Highness, are you sure it's 10 billion swords?"

Hearing this, Mo Darahan nodded directly and said: "Of course, I am absolutely sure that 10 billion knives will be used. If it is not enough, we can add more."

"..." Looking at Mo Darahan who was serious and didn't look like he was cheating at all, Chen Yue fell silent again.

Even though he had undergone professional training, he could hardly help but break his defense at this moment.

It’s 10 billion as soon as you open your mouth. Do you want to be so aggressive?

And according to Mo Darahan'er's tone, it seems that they can continue to increase the price at any time if they want!

Are you sure this means 10 billion knives, not 10 billion Zimba dollars?

Just when Chen Yue was silent, Mo Darahan'er's voice sounded again:

"But we can't pay cash for this money."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again.

Chen Yue also looked at Modalahaner with some confusion.

Under the gaze of everyone, Modalahan continued: "Chen, in addition to the three billion, we plan to use oil for the remaining seven billion in equivalent exchange. According to the current market price, Chen how do you feel?"

After listening to what Modala Haner said, Chen Yue frowned slightly.

Use oil to offset it?

After pondering for a moment, Chen Yue slowly said: "I have to ask the higher-ups for instructions on this..."

Facing what Chen Yue said, Modalahan nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Chen Yue didn't think much, got up and left the conference room...

"Sha Luotuo plans to invest tens of billions?"

Qian Zhizhong was also stunned when he heard the news from Chen Yue.

Even though they had guessed that Sha Luotuo might invest a lot of money before, the current figure of tens of billions still exceeded his expectations.

"Yes, this is the news from Modalahan'er himself, but Modalahan said that they can only come up with 3 billion in cash, and the remaining 7 billion want to use oil to replace it. With the current oil prices, one-to-one equivalent exchange.”

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Chen Yue also responded immediately.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong also fell into thinking.

Use oil for equivalent exchange?

"Old Tang, what do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Qian Zhizhong turned his attention to Tang Jianjun, who was handling affairs next to him. After briefly talking about the situation, he asked directly.

Faced with Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Tang Jianjun also fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Tang Jianjun said: "I think it's okay. Although the price of oil is a bit high now, in any case, the number of 10 billion is worth our money."

"Besides, oil is also a necessity for us. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year to import oil. Even if we don't have these 7 billion dollars of oil, we still have to spend the money we should spend. Now it's just a replacement. One way, in disguise, this can directly save us $7 billion in energy expenses..."

"And even without the seven billion dollars of oil, three billion dollars is enough. My previous psychological price standard was only two billion dollars..."

After listening to what Tang Jianjun said, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

Indeed, as Tang Jianjun said, no matter what the current price of oil is, they spend hundreds of billions of dollars on imports every year.

This year, nearly 200 billion dollars have been spent on importing oil!

This is all real money!

Oil is a rigid demand for Longguo!

If Sand Camel can come up with oil worth 7 billion dollars, they can save 7 billion dollars in disguised terms!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong did not think about it any more, and said directly to Chen Yue on the phone: "Xiao Chen, agree to him, and if other camels also make similar requests, agree to them..."

"Okay, Mr. Qian..." After getting a positive answer, Chen Yue quickly hung up the phone and walked back to the conference room...

On the other side, in the conference room——

"Prince Modalahaner, are you Sand Camel really going to invest 10 billion?"

Next to Modalahaner, a camel with a turban on his head couldn't help asking.

"Yes, this is the result of my discussion with my father..."

Facing the question from the person next to him, Modalahaner said directly without any hesitation.

Hearing this, the camel who asked and the camels next to him looked at each other.

After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but say again: "Prince Modalahan, is the Dragon Country's stealth fighter really worth your investment? What if they are the same as the polar bears, then wouldn't our investment be in vain?"

"Yes, if the Dragon Country is the same as the polar bears, what should we do then? With the strength of the Dragon Country, we can't turn against them and force them to take it, right? The money that the three fools were cheated by the polar bears has not been recovered yet..."

"Prince Modalahan, your investment is really too much..."


Voice after voice, one after another rang out.

After listening to what everyone said, Modalahan shook his head slightly, and then continued:

"Everyone, are you short of green coins?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

And then shook their heads.

Lack of green coins?

What they lack the least is green coins.

People who can come here are basically rich camels.

As for poor camels, even if they want to participate, they don't have that much money.

Let alone research and development, which is something that is hard to predict, even if there is a stealth fighter in front of them, they will not buy it.

Not to mention stealth fighters, countries with average economic conditions will not even touch ordinary heavy fighters!

There is no way, this thing is not something you can just buy and be done with.

The later maintenance and even every flight are huge expenses, and countries with poor economies cannot afford it at all.

After getting everyone's response, Modalahaner continued: "So are we short of oil?"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads again.

They have no shortage of green coins, and of course they have no shortage of oil...

Seeing this, Modalahan continued:

"Since we have no shortage of green coins, let alone oil, then what do we need to worry about? Worry that Longguo will deceive us?"

"Longguo's international reputation is well known. Can you find a country with more credibility than Longguo in the entire Blue Star?"

"Do they need to deceive us? Besides, even if Longguo really wants to deceive us, do they dare to deceive everyone together?"

"The people here basically represent the entire desert oil area. If Longguo offends us and we block the oil, what will Longguo do? They have to import hundreds of billions of dollars of oil from us every year! With such a large demand for oil, who will replenish Longguo at that time?"

"Will you still worry that Longguo will come to rob?"

"Even if Longguo really puts its face on doing this, at that time we can just turn to the rogue eagle directly, and the result will not be worse than now..."

After listening to what Modalahan said, everyone looked at each other.

All fell into silence.

Seeing this, Modalahaner cast his eyes on the camel opposite and said again:

"Mr. Macheilar, although we, the Sand Camel, and you camels have many unpleasant things, and even fought more than once"

"But since you can come here, I think there are some things that I don't need to say more. There are many conflicts between us and you that need to be resolved, but before that, we have to deal with our common enemy first. After we drive the enemy out, we can sit down and talk slowly if we have any grievances."

After a pause, Modalahaner continued:

"Of course, if Mr. Macheilar thinks that our Sand Camel is cooperating with Dragon Country and intends to deceive you, then Mr. Macheilar can leave directly..."

Voice After landing, Modalahaner looked at the other camels again, and then said:

"Everyone, we all have some small conflicts, but as I said just now, we now have a common enemy, and it is a behemoth that none of us, or even anyone in the world, can fight alone!"

"We need to unite to fight this behemoth together. You have seen the situation of Shadamu before. If we can't drive this behemoth out of our home, then maybe today's Shadamu will be us tomorrow!"

"And the camels next door to us, they were forced to have a wolf enter their home by that behemoth, and now their homes are almost eaten up!"

"When the camel is gone, who will be the next one? Will the evil wolf stop their greed and bloodthirstiness?"

"There is an idiom in Longguo called "lips and teeth are cold". The straightforward meaning is that if the lips are gone, the teeth will feel cold. I don't need to say more about the deeper meaning. We are all smart people and I believe we can understand it..."

"Okay, I have said everything I should say. It's up to you to choose. Now the choice is in your hands. I just want to say one last sentence. This is our chance..."

After speaking, Modalahaner looked around at everyone and didn't say anything more. Instead, he sat quietly in his seat and tasted the tea that Chen Yue had prepared in advance.

After listening to what Modalahaner said, the camel opposite Modalahaner looked at Modalahaner deeply, and then fell into deep thought.


At this moment, the door of the conference room opened again.

Then, a figure slowly walked in from outside the door.

Looking closely, the person who entered was Chen Yue who had left not long ago.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Chen Yue slowly came to the main seat, and then cast his eyes on Modalahaner, and said directly:

"Your Highness, I contacted the higher-ups, and they have agreed to your idea. Three billion dollars in funds, plus seven billion dollars in oil..."

"In addition, in view of the sincerity of Mr. Modalahaner and Shaluotuo behind you, Shaluotuo will become a first-level partner in our stealth fighter joint research and development project. After the fighter is developed, it will enjoy the first-level cooperation rights and can obtain our stealth fighter at the most favorable price and the fastest speed!"

"In addition, for all the fighters purchased from us in the future by Mr. Modalahaner, we can provide the same ten-year free warranty service as the previous Yinglong fighter order!"

Hearing this, Modalahaner's face also quietly emerged with a touch of surprise.

He didn't care whether it was free or not, they were not short of money.

The key is warranty!

Whether it was the fighter they bought before or the fighter they might buy in the future, they must be cutting-edge products!

No one of them can repair these things!

And the fact that Longguo can promise to provide warranty service directly solves their biggest problem!

Of course, what surprised Modalahan the most was that Longguo agreed to let them join the group!

This also means that they, the Sand Camel, are one step closer to getting the most advanced stealth fighter!

When they are equipped with the most advanced stealth fighter, they will have the capital to compete with the Rogue Eagle in the desert!

In time, they may really be able to drive the Rogue Eagle out of the desert!

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