what to do?

Hearing this question, Alster's face darkened.

Thoughts passed through his mind one after another.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Alster finally spoke slowly:

"Tell Royce to come see me!"

Hearing this, the old man in front of Alster was stunned, and then nodded directly.

Not long after, another middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes came to the office: "Sir!"

As soon as he entered the office, the middle-aged man saluted directly to Alster.

Facing the middle-aged man's salute, Alster looked gloomy, threw the document in his hand directly in front of the middle-aged man, and said coldly:

"Royce, come and explain to me, what is this!!"

Noticing Alster's unkindness, Royce's expression also changed slightly.

Then without daring to think too much, he quickly picked up the document in front of him and looked at it carefully...

It didn't take long for Royce to finish checking the contents of the file, and then his face became a little ugly.

At this time, Alster's voice sounded again:

"Royce, our village gives you tens of billions of dollars a year! And then you give us this answer?"

"Longcun quietly produced two thousand large or even super large unmanned bombers! And you, before Longcun took the initiative to expose it, you didn't even know they had so many bombers. !”

"Royce! I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation!"

Bang bang bang! !

While speaking, the desk in front of Alster was slapped and banged!

In front of Alster, Royce's expression was extremely ugly.

He also didn't expect that this time Longcun would suddenly release such a depth bomb!

Two thousand drone bombers!

The worst ones are nearly twice as powerful as their Death!

There are even a thousand super large unmanned bombers with a load capacity of up to eight tons and a maximum range of up to 8,000 kilometers!

And they have no news at all about this!

Royce, who looked extremely ugly for a long time, finally spoke slowly and said: "Sorry, Sir, this is our FBl's mistake..."


boom! ! !

As soon as Royce finished speaking, the sound of slamming the table sounded again in the office!

"Royce, you know nothing about such important news! Now you want to excuse it with an understatement?"

"The village spends tens of billions a year to support you, just to raise you for this mistake? Or is it that the tens of billions are spent to support you, including all of you FBl bunch of losers? Huh?!!"

Accompanying the sound of slamming the table was Alster's undisguised voice of rage.

Before Royce could respond, Alster's furious voice sounded again:

"Royce, now Steven is asking me, what are we going to do!"

"Tell me, what are we going to do now?"

The furious voice, accompanied by the fact that Alster could no longer control his saliva, frantically hit Royce in the face.

Faced with all this, Royce, although his face was livid and his heart was extremely embarrassed, he still did not dare to make a single sound.

He knew very well that it was too late for him to say anything now.

They FBl are the eyes of Black and White Eagle Village!

But now, they didn't even see what they should see most!

In other words, their eyes are almost blind!

What else could he say?

Especially now, his boss is obviously in a state of rage. What else does he dare to say?

I don't know how long it took, until the furious Alster finally calmed down a little, and Royce gritted his teeth and said:

"Sir, after this incident, I will take the initiative to resign and give an explanation to the village."

"But before that, I still want to say that we haven't done anything during this period. Most of our energy before was put on Jiuding, Galaxy Technology, and Su Heng!"

"We suffered heavy losses on the Jiuding side! The stealth fighter planes on the Longcun side were exposed later, and we mobilized almost three-quarters of our energy on the Longcun Tianfu side!"

"After this period of investigation, we have basically determined the information about the Longcun stealth fighter!"

Hearing this, Alster, who had just calmed down a little, changed his expression, "A stealth fighter in Longcun? Have you already found out the results of your investigation?"

"Yes Sir" successfully diverted attention, Royce breathed a sigh of relief, and then said again:

"Sir, after our investigation during this period, we have initially confirmed that Longcun's stealth fighter has completed relevant research and development!"

"Longcun's internal code name for this fighter is Jian Twenty! It is a single-seat, twin-engine heavy-duty stealth fighter with complete 4S capabilities!"

"It uses the same canard layout as Longcun's Jianshi, DSI air intake, and the engine uses an improved version of Polar Bear's AL series engine. Their internal code name for that engine is Tianshan!"

"The specific data of Tianshan is unknown, and we are still investigating further, but according to the data we have now, the Jianshiwen equipped with Tianshan engine can carry out supersonic cruise at a speed of Mach 1.2, and the maximum flight speed has reached Mach 2.5 !”

"In terms of ammunition load, Jian 20 uses the same internal magazine as our Raptor, and their internal magazine can carry up to nine tons of ammunition!"

"Whether it can be mounted externally, the specific data is unknown and is still under investigation..."

"In terms of radar, Jian 20 uses the latest gallium nitride active phased array radar developed by Longcun. The specific parameters are unknown, but according to the information we have, the maximum detection distance of this radar is likely to have reached 300 kilometers!"

"In terms of avionics, the avionics system carried by Jian 20 is the Polaris series avionics system developed by Longcun..."

"In terms of stealth performance, the front RCS data of Jian 20 is the same as what we have previously mastered, reaching an astonishing 0.003 square meters!"

Under Alster's gaze, Royce slowly explained in detail all the data he had.

And with Royce's voice, Alster's face became more and more ugly.

Although they suspected that Longcun had mastered the technology of stealth fighters before.

But now, with the real confirmation, Alster still finds it hard to accept!

The Black and White Eagle Village was the first to master the stealth fighter, starting from the preliminary research and technical demonstration, until the end of the research and development, and then officially put into service.

More than 60 billion dollars were invested!

The research and development and installation cycle was as long as 35 years!

It took them 35 years to complete the research and development and service of the stealth fighter.

And what about Long Village?

A few years ago, the main fighter was beaten by their modified old aircraft.

It only took a few years? They developed a stealth fighter with such excellent performance, which is even more advanced than their Raptor?

Are you kidding?

At this moment, Royce continued:

"Sir, we have a more important piece of news about Sword Twenty..."

Hearing this, Alster subconsciously asked: "What news?"

Faced with the inquiry, Royce said directly:

"According to the information we have, Longcun and Shaluotuo have launched a cooperation, the form of cooperation is similar to our joint stealth fighter project, both of which are developing new stealth fighters. As of now, Shaluotuo and others are expected to invest more than 30 billion dollars in joint research and development funds in this project!"

"What did you say?" Hearing Royce's voice, Alster was even more furious.

"Sir, this is the last news from the mole before he lost contact. As our trump card, his information is 100% credible!" Royce said in a deep voice.


As soon as Royce finished speaking, there was another sound of slapping the table, which exploded directly in the office.

Accompanied by the sound of slapping the table, the whole office fell into silence.

Whether it was Royce or the old man next to him, they were silent and fell into silence.

An indescribable oppressive atmosphere, like the prelude to a volcanic eruption, quietly enveloped the entire office.

After an unknown amount of time, Alster's angry voice finally sounded again:

"Damn Dragon Village!"

"Damn Camel!!"

"How dare they! How dare they!!"


On the other side, Polar Bear Village——

"Can the news be confirmed?"

In an office full of polar bear style, a middle-aged man sat behind his desk and asked the person in front of him in a deep voice.

In front of the middle-aged man, a burly man nodded without hesitation and responded:

"The news came from Wistaria, and it is basically impossible to make mistakes."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man fell into silence.

His expression also became extremely solemn at this moment.

Wistaria, that is, the highest commander they sent to Dragon Village to participate in the Dragon Village competition this time.

He is also the confidant of the middle-aged man!

And now, Wistaria has sent such news, which makes the middle-aged man completely unable to doubt the authenticity of the news.

It's just that --

One thousand unmanned bombers with a maximum payload of 2.5 tons and one thousand with a maximum payload of 89 tons, which are already in service?

And Longcun is suspected to have 8,000 such unmanned bombers?

How can he believe such news?

Let alone whether Longcun has the ability to build tens of thousands of such unmanned bombers in one go.

Even if it has the ability, does Longcun have the financial resources?

Those are tens of thousands of unmanned bombers, any one of which is more advanced than the Grim Reaper!

Let alone the manpower and material resources required to build these unmanned bombers.

Even if Longguo can really build them, what about the later maintenance?

With so many unmanned bombers, the annual maintenance cost alone is an astronomical figure!

Is Longcun crazy?

Or does he really not want to live anymore and just squander all his assets at once?


For a long time, the middle-aged man took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress the doubts in his heart.

Then he looked at the big man in front of him and said, "Tasilovsky, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the burly man fell into deep thought. After a long time, he slowly said:

"Sir, I think we need to reconsider our relationship with Long Village. Even if the news about the 10,000 unmanned bombers is false, the existing 2,000 unmanned bombers alone are enough to attract our attention."

"This time they were able to dispatch so many unmanned bombers at one time, which fully demonstrated their strength. Apart from them, neither we nor the Black and White Hawks could dispatch so many bombers at one time!"

"This is not just a question of whether there are so many bombers, but also a question of pilots!"

"In addition, there are logistics support, ground support, flight scheduling... If you want to take off so many bombers at one time, there are too many things to prepare!"

"In addition to these bombers, Longcun also showed the world-class fighter jets in the desert before, and the fighter jets we ordered from Longcun some time ago..."

"Before we The technicians arranged to conduct technical inspections in Longcun specifically proved that the Yinglong and Tianlong fighters of Longcun were better than the Jian10G and Jian11G that they had confronted with the Black and White Hawks in the desert! "

"And according to some information we have, Longcun seems to have mastered the technology of stealth fighters, and may have already produced stealth fighters!"

"If this is true, with Tianlong and Yinglong, plus stealth fighters, plus these two thousand bombers, Longcun's air force is completely different from what we knew before!"

"In other words, the sky of Blue Star is going to change color!"

After listening to what the big man said, the middle-aged man also fell into silence.

Yes, just as the big man said.

No matter whether the 10,000 bombers are real or fake.

The current two thousand bombers alone are enough to subvert the entire Blue Star pattern!

The content revealed by the two thousand bombers is really too much!

Let alone other things, logistics alone is a problem that can make most villages on Blue Star despair!

Even apart from the Black and White Eagle Village, it is estimated that no one can make so many planes take off at once!

Not even the Polar Bears!

No one knows the current situation of the Polar Bears better than them.

They have to rack their brains to find money to develop a T50!

They even use the village's credibility as a price to defraud the White Elephant's research and development funds!

So many planes take off at the same time, let alone bombers, even ordinary fighters, they can't do it even if they sell them by weight!

And the pilots are the same, how many pilots are needed for 2,000 bombers?

The minimum configuration for one is three, right?

2,000 means 6,000!

Apart from the Black and White Eagles, who can come up with 6,000 qualified bomber pilots at once?

And they have to complete the bombing mission in such an orderly manner!

This dispatching ability is simply terrifying!

Add to that the fighters of Dragon Village, and the stealth fighters that have not yet been released but have already shown their edge...

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked a little dazed.

He didn't understand, it's only been a few days?

Why did the sky of Blue Star change color?

Why is this happening?

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