Until the number of raptors reached 500, Su Heng's mind moved, and the huge data torrent finally dissipated quietly.

"Let's start!"

When all the data torrents completely dissipated, Su Heng's mind moved.

The next moment, the huge fleet began to move directly!

At the same time, the tail of the extremely sci-fi No. 8 fighter on the other side also began to light up a faint blue halo.

Then, above the No. 8 fighter, a layer of translucent shield quietly emerged on the fuselage!

After a flash, the translucent shield completely stabilized, and then slowly disappeared from around the No. 8 fighter.

Boom! !

With the disappearance of the translucent shield, the faint blue light suddenly bloomed at the tail of the No. 8 fighter!

Then, the No. 8 fighter shot out directly at a terrifying speed!

In just a blink of an eye, the fighter crossed a distance of more than a thousand meters, and as time went on, the speed continued to rise!

On the other side, a formation of 500 Raptors had already rushed towards the location of the No. 8 fighter!

Orange-red tail flames flickered in the sky!

The deafening roar of the fighters resounded throughout the virtual space!

Under the terrifying relative speed of both sides, hundreds of kilometers of space were directly crossed in a short time.

Seeing this scene, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

Without blinking, he looked at everything in front of him from a God's perspective.

Not long after, the No. 8 fighter directly confronted the 500 Raptors head-on!

The tragic air battle imagined did not occur.

Facing the No. 8 fighter that was already close at hand and almost within visual range, the 500 Raptors did not react at all, as if they did not see the No. 8 fighter at all.

The engine behind the Raptor was still roaring, and the orange-red flames continued to draw brilliant arcs in the sky.

However, the belly missile launch vehicle cabin that should have been opened long ago, has never made any movement!

Until the No. 8 fighter had entered the visual range, the Raptors finally realized it and opened the missile launch bay in the belly!

However, after opening the launch bay, the Raptors were like stupid geese. The missiles that had been displayed seemed to have lost power and stayed quietly in the launch bay without any movement!

Until the No. 8 fighter passed by the Raptor, the Raptors seemed to have finally come to their senses and opened the engine afterburner compartment directly!

Then the Raptors climbed rapidly at a terrifying speed!

When the altitude reached a certain level, the throttles of all the Raptors were completely relaxed at this moment!

With the disappearance of power, the Raptors entered a stalled tailspin state with the tail as the center because of the stall!

Until a certain moment, when the nose was aimed at the direction where the No. 8 fighter disappeared, the orange-red light behind the Raptors bloomed again!

The afterburner chamber was opened instantly!

One after another, the stalled raptors rushed directly towards the direction where the No. 8 fighter disappeared!

Hundreds of orange-red flames bloomed in the sky!

The whole sky became extremely gorgeous at this moment!

From the perspective of God, it can be clearly seen that behind a fighter with an extremely sci-fi shape, there is a huge fleet of hundreds of fighters. The engine throttle is almost pushed to the extreme. All fighters are madly flying towards the fighter in the front at a terrifying speed of up to 2.25 Mach!

In order to maintain the terrifying speed, the missile bay doors on the belly of hundreds of fighters have been completely closed.

However, even so, with the afterburner fully opened, the distance between hundreds of fighters and the fighter in front is still increasing!

In less than a minute, the distance between the two sides has reached an astonishing hundreds of kilometers!

And as time goes by, this number continues to rise at a terrifying speed!

Until the distance between the two sides soared to a full 200 kilometers, Su Heng's mind moved, and the fighter in the front turned its nose again.

Then the blue light behind the fighter suddenly flashed for a while, and then the fighter rushed directly towards the hundreds of Raptor fighters!

Under the terrifying relative speed, it didn't take long for the two sides to encounter each other again!

Just like before, this time, the Raptors seemed to be blind and didn't "see" the arrival of the No. 8 fighter!

It wasn't until the No. 8 fighter entered the visual range of the Raptor that the Raptors reacted as if awakened from a dream.

The hatch under the belly opened again.

However, as before, although the missile launch hatch under the belly had been opened, the missiles of the Raptors were still motionless in the belly!

Until the next moment-

Swoosh! ! !

A terrifying shell instantly tore through the sky and arrived in front of a Raptor!

The Raptor was pierced by the shell without any signs!

Then, a ball of fire bloomed directly in the sky!

As if it had caused a chain reaction, with the explosion of the first Raptor, the second, third, fourth...

Balls of flames bloomed in the sky one after another!

Intent to kill!

This was a one-sided intent to kill!!

The shells, which were completely imperceptible to the naked eye, tore through the sky one after another. No raptor in their path could withstand even one blast!

During the process, there were also raptors that continued to fire cannon shells at the No. 8 fighter.

Among the dense shells, the No. 8 fighter was like a proud dancer in the sky. With just one pull up, it easily left all the shells behind.

What followed was an even more violent killing spree!

I don’t know how long it took, but the entire virtual space regained its tranquility.

At this time, there were no traces of raptors on the simulated sky in the virtual space!

On that virtual earth, the "wrecks" of birds of prey were piled up everywhere!

Thick smoke drifted above the wreckage, telling everything that had just happened!

Looking at everything in front of him, as well as the lonely fighter plane suspended in the air, Su Heng's eyes flickered slightly.

The next moment, a huge torrent of data gathered in front of Su Heng's eyes again——

Battle damage ratio——0:500! !

No. 8 fighter data adjustment times: 0

Fighter 8 damage: 0

The remaining range of the No. 8 fighter: 330 kilometers

No. 8 fighter’s remaining electromagnetic gun shells: 129

Number of Raptor data adjustments: 13 times (optimization adjustments: full afterburner, unlimited fuel, maximum overload, overload damage reset to zero, pilot reaction speed maximum, pilot overload reset to zero... Negative adjustments: None)

Number of times Raptor has been locked: 3855 times

Number of raptor locks: 0

Number of raptor hits: 0

it's over!

Looking at the data information in front of him, Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

it's over!

Plasma stealth generator + detonation engine + electromagnetic gun!

He spent several months and finally had a perfect answer at this moment!

Fighter No. 8, from now on, will usher in a new life!


While Su Heng was sorting out the information on the No. 8 fighter.

On the other side, in Longcun and even the entire Blue Star network, a storm is quietly brewing...

On the Internet, the previous incident of Longcun's stealth fighter is still continuing to ferment.

A group of villagers with sheepdogs and five gangsters on YouTube are still making all kinds of cynicism towards Longcun.

"I said you people, can you stop bragging and competing? With so much time, if you smoke one more cigarette, it can be regarded as contributing a little military expenditure to the village. What else will you do here besides bragging and competing? I really think Is the technology of stealth fighter jets something that any cat or dog can develop?"

"That's right, Black and White Eagle Village is the light of civilization of Blue Star and the beacon of the world. It took them more than thirty years to develop the Raptor, but you have only developed it for a few years? With great difficulty, you have finally developed a third-generation bird of prey. You started talking nonsense on the Internet, Tianlong Yinglong? You’re so ridiculous, our Lighthouse developed Fighting Falcons and Eagle fighter jets half a century ago, and you’ve just caught up with their technology fifty years ago, what’s there to be proud of? ?”

"Yeah, I don't know why some people are so proud. I would be embarrassed to say it if I were to catch up with other people's technology fifty years ago. Oh, I suddenly remembered that it seems that I haven't caught up with other people's technology fifty years ago. Well, after all, the engines in a certain country are still made from polar bears. It’s so funny!”

"Hahaha! Don't say that upstairs. Although the engine belongs to someone else's Polar Bear, at least it has become 'domestically produced' in a certain country..."

All kinds of weird voices appear one after another on the Internet.

Seeing these news, countless Chinese people have itchy teeth.

And just when countless Chinese people were filled with hatred, a video link quietly appeared under various major videos.

At the same time, there was another comment——

"Shabi Sheepdogs, you brag about your foreign fathers like this, do you know that your foreign fathers are here? Come on, come and give your foreign fathers a kowtow, let's see how powerful your foreign fathers' firepower is!"

The sudden news shocked everyone.

Especially those sarcastic sheepdogs couldn't help but get angry.

He immediately pressed the keyboard and started typing wildly on the Internet.

However, there was only one sentence in response to them——

"Ah, yes, yes, what you said is right, so why don't you click on the video and see how powerful your foreign father is? Come on, come on, hurry up and give your foreign father a kiss!"

Seeing this almost crude response, the shepherd dogs suppressed the anger in their hearts and clicked on the video connection.

【Justice from heaven! truth? truth! 】

The first time you click on the link, the title of the video appears directly in front of everyone.

"What the hell is this?"

Seeing this somewhat incomprehensible title, not only the sheepdogs, but also the Chinese people who also clicked on the link, and even the five YouTube gangsters who came from abroad to climb over the wall, felt a little baffled.

Then, the video started——

"No, Mr. Steven, you are wrong. What I meant is that our family will challenge all of you!"

There was a lightning strike at the opening, and a figure with some gray hair appeared directly in front of everyone.

At the same time, there was a voice that was almost arrogant or even arrogant.


"Who is this person? Is he so crazy?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the old man in the video and his almost arrogant words.

Before everyone could think about it, the video slowly unfolded.

[Time: January 4, 9:00:00]

[Location: Long Village, Beimo]

As the video unfolded, subtitles slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Is it super? Is this the content of the previous big competition?"

"Is it a real shot? Directly open?"

When the subtitles appeared, everyone finally reacted.

"I remember now, isn't this the matter of the previous martial arts competition? The competition ended so quickly? Are the people of Long Village so unbearable? It's over in just a few days?"

"Hahaha, the person above, don't say that, otherwise some little pinks with fragile hearts can't stand it. After all, the world in the eyes of some frogs is so small, how can they accept the outside world?"

"It ended so quickly, I can only say that Long Village is worse than I thought. I said a long time ago, don't show off when you have some achievements. Now, you invite so many people to the competition at once, and you dare to invite the world lighthouse to join. Isn't this asking for trouble? Do you really think that with the technology of fifty years ago, you can fight against them now? It's so funny!"

After reacting, comments appeared one after another under the video.

Seeing these comments, the Chinese people were immediately furious——

"Can you guys be quiet? Use your pig brains to think carefully. If our Dragon Village lost, do you think you would have a chance to see this video? Or have you guys been eating remote feeds and your brains have been eaten out, and you can't even think of such basic things?"

"Indeed, are you all shrimps? If you don't know who the person who spoke in the opening ceremony was, you can check it out. There is information about that person on the Internet. It seems that you can't use your brain or even your hands, right? You can't hear what that person said before? Challenge everyone! Including your foreign dads!"


One after another, angry messages appeared under the comments of yin and yang people.

However, facing all this, a group of sheepdogs and hermaphrodites didn't care at all, and quickly sent out messages on the keyboard:

"Haha, the quality of Chinese people is just like this. When they can't win the argument, they start to swear. Is it interesting?"

"That's right, and you also said who opened the event. Does it matter who it is? Who can't brag? I also said that I can beat all of you, even the entire universe, so I beat the entire universe? You also talked about other people's brains, do you people have brains?"

"Some people have no ability, but they are very arrogant. That's right. The braggarts don't need to draft anyway, just brag casually. Let alone single-handedly fighting everyone, even single-handedly fighting aliens is not surprising"

"Hahaha, it's so funny!"

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