The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 183: Find someone through the Internet! George is here!

Why do you think it's fake?

Seeing this golden barrage, everyone was stunned.

Especially those sheepdogs and foreigners.

Immediately afterwards, a group of shepherd dogs laughed directly: "Isn't this something you can see with your toes? Putting aside the authenticity of the video, I just want to know who on the Blue Star has the strength to make it in one go So many bombers? Who has the ability to take off so many bombers at once? Let alone a developing village, even the Black and White Eagle Village, which is the world's beacon, is probably not possible for them to take off at once. There are so many bombers taking off that even a lighthouse can't do it. Why would anyone think that a village with a GDP less than half of that of a lighthouse can do this?"

"???" Not long after the comment appeared, the golden barrage appeared again on the screen.

What appeared this time was a series of question marks.

Before anyone could think about it, another golden barrage appeared: "I'm very surprised, why do you think that others can't do things that Black and White Eagle can't do? Everything in the video was witnessed by me. You can be 100% sure of the authenticity of the video.”


As soon as the golden barrage passed by, a group of shepherd dogs sneered: "Are you sure of the authenticity? Do you have some brains? Who believes it?"

"That's right, who can believe it? No one with any brains can believe it. He still claims that he is a big business owner. Are all big business owners as brainless as you?"

"Indeed, it's so funny that you think you can pretend to be a wealthy person just because you have a super VIP? Super VIP, tsk, one million, so rich..."

"Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? I just checked the account. This super VIP account is still a first-class account. Tsk, buddy, is it worth spending one million for your so-called patriotism?"

Watch the messages pop up on the screen.

In a hotel, Modala Haner, who had just walked out of the desert, frowned slightly.

Then he turned his gaze to the gray-haired old man of Longcun next to him and said in a deep voice: "Tang, I see that many of them are from your Longcun. Why do I feel that they are very hostile to your Longcun? You have achieved Shouldn’t they be happy about such a big achievement?”

"And about your bombers, the video has been shown to them, why are they still unwilling to believe it?"

Hearing this, the old man of Longcun who was questioned was silent for a moment, and then said: "Your Highness, they seem to be people of our Longcun, but in fact their hearts have already gone abroad. Strictly speaking, they They are just a group of fools colonized by the spirit, as well as some opportunists with ulterior motives..."

"As for why they don't believe the facts, it's actually very simple. People can only know things within their own scope of cognition, and they can only know what they want to know. Obviously, the things in the video are beyond them. They are unable to understand the scope of their cognition, or in other words, even if they can understand, their own position makes them unwilling to understand.”

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Modalahan was thoughtful.

After pondering for a moment, Modalahaner slowly said: "Tang, can you help me activate the live broadcast permission of your video platform?"


"Brother Fu, why don't you speak? Brother Fu? Didn't you say you are a Shaluotuo person? Does Shaluotuo also speak the Longcun language?"

"Hahaha, I saw that I was exposed and I didn't even dare to say anything. It's true. If the video is fake, then it's fake. Why are you here pretending to be a camel to prove the authenticity of the video? To be fair, what if he is something like that? Sha Luo Tuo Man, I can just do a live broadcast today like standing on my head and running around!"

"Count me in. If he's a wealthy sand camel owner, he can let me stand on my head to lick someone with dermatitis, let alone stand on my head!"


Seeing that Modalahan didn't speak any more, a group of sheepdogs became more and more arrogant.

But the next moment——

A golden message appeared again, and at the same time, there were network links.

"What's this?"

Looking at the Internet links, all the shepherd dogs were stunned.

Subconsciously clicked on the Internet link.

Immediately after the content in the Internet link appeared, the expressions of a group of shepherd dogs couldn't help but change.

"Hello, friends from Longcun, can you see it?"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Aravind. I come from Shalutuo. I am the third prince of Shalutuo."

"My name is Bonnia, from Shalutuo, and I am the little prince of Shalutuo."

"My name is Misurali, from Shalutuo, and I am the prince of Shalutuo..."

"I heard from His Highness Prince Modalahan that you here doubt the authenticity of his identity. Although we don't know why His Highness Prince Modalahan was suspected, we still want to prove the authenticity of the news..."

As the video unfolds, figures with headscarves on their heads appear one after another in the video.

At the same time, there were voices with obvious desert accents.

Most of them are in Shaluotuo language, but there are also translations next to them...

Before anyone could think about it, the picture in the video changed directly, and at the same time, the voice in the video sounded again——

"To prove our identity, let me show you the scenery of our Sand Camel, as well as our garage and oil field..."

Along with the sound in the video, scenes that were very different from the style of Longcun appeared in the video one after another.

Especially when the garages filled with luxury cars and the nodding machines that kept nodding appeared, everyone who saw the video fell into silence.

I don’t know how long it took before a barrage finally appeared in the video-

"Fuck! It’s really a camel?"

"And it’s the prince of the sand camel, and there are so many princes?"

"So many luxury cars! Lamborghini, Daluo, Bugatti, Pagani, Sibel... My God! All of them are luxury cars worth tens of millions!"

"I didn’t even see Martha. Is this garage not worthy of Martha?"

At this moment, countless people had their eyes wide open.

Especially the sheepdogs that had just barked, each of them couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.

But then, as if they thought of something, the faces of the sheepdogs changed.

Before they could think about it, a barrage of comments appeared directly--

"Oh, now the big guy has proved his identity, where is the barking thing just now? Come out and speak!"

"And the one who just wanted to live broadcast handstand diarrhea, come out and speak, don't think about running away, I have taken a screenshot, and I have found your IP address, and I also looked at your personal information by the way. If you dare to run away, I will send your information to your work group tomorrow!"

"That's right, and the one who wants to lick dermatitis, why don't you bark? Keep barking?"

"Hurry up! Come out and speak one by one!"

"Don't you like to talk? Or are you all dumb? Didn't you bark happily before? Come out and keep barking!"

Looking at the messages on the screen, the sheepdogs were about to bite their teeth to pieces.

In a company office somewhere in Long Village, a middle-aged man clenched his fists.

A cold light flashed through his eyes.

"Damn you, a bunch of lowly and backward barbarians!"

Staring at the screen in front of him, a resentful voice came out of his mouth quietly.

But before he could think about it-

Bang! !

A violent sound of slapping the table sounded directly beside his ears!

The sudden sound startled the middle-aged man.

The whole person sat up in shock!

But before he could think about it, a black shadow quickly enlarged in front of him!

Snap! ! !

Accompanied by a loud bang, the middle-aged man was slapped hard on the seat!

The face, which was originally pale due to shock, turned red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye in the blink of an eye!

Everything that happened suddenly made the middle-aged man fall into a state of confusion.

After a slap, even his mind went blank!

This sudden scene also attracted the attention of other people in the office.

Seeing that the people around the middle-aged man were ready to continue to take action

A voice finally rang out in the office-


Accompanying the voice, another middle-aged man in a suit hurried over from a distance, and then directly grabbed the person who was about to attack, and said angrily:

"Xiao Jiang, what are you doing? Why are you suddenly hitting people?"

Until someone stopped him in front of him and heard the voice of the person coming, the middle-aged man who was slapped in the face finally came to his senses slowly.

Then he looked at the person who attacked with a face full of resentment and anger: "Jiang Lin, you don't want to do it anymore, right? How dare you hit me?"

"Hit you?" Hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, the person who attacked fiercely spit, and then said: "I'm going to hit you, a traitor like you!"

"How can you talk like that? He is your supervisor!" Hearing the voice of the person who attacked, the person who came to stop him quickly winked, signaling the person who attacked not to get excited.

"Supervisor?" However, the man who made the move didn't care at all when he heard what the man who stopped him said, "Bah! You are a traitor. Don't say you are just a small supervisor. Even if you are the general manager, I will beat you to death if I quit today. You are a traitor!"

"Okay! Okay! Jiang Lin! Just wait for me. If you don't want to do this, I can get you out now!"

The middle-aged man was even more furious when he heard the man who made the move.

But the next moment——


Without any warning, a black shadow enlarged in front of his eyes again, followed by a shrill wailing sound again!

Bang bang bang bang!!!

Before everyone could react, a series of fists and slaps came like a storm!

The sudden scene made everyone who saw it shudder.

After being stunned for a long time, the man who had stopped him before finally came to his senses, and then hurried forward to hold the young man who was still making the move.

At the same time, he called several colleagues to hold him together.

It took a while to separate the two.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was beaten on the ground had bruises on both eyes and half of his face.

"Xiao Jiang, what's going on? Stop it first, and tell me what's going on."

Until the young man who was fighting was stopped, the person who stopped him looked at the middle-aged man with red and swollen eyes and a nosebleed, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then turned to look at the young man next to him.

"What's going on?"

Hearing the question from the person in front of him, the young man who had beaten up the middle-aged man looked coldly at the middle-aged man with a nosebleed on the ground.

Then he turned his eyes directly to the computer next to him.

At this time, the computer was still turned on and the screen was not affected.

Under the gaze of everyone, the young man pointed directly at the computer and said: "You can see it by looking at the computer. I will beat this kind of traitor every time I see it in the future!"

"That's right!"

At the end, as if he remembered something, the young man looked coldly at the middle-aged man on the ground again and said coldly:

"You idiot, didn't you say you wanted to do a handstand and run? I just happen to have a live broadcast device, you want to live broadcast, right? Come on, come on, I will help you live broadcast in person!"

Hearing the young man's somewhat inexplicable voice, almost everyone present was a little confused.

Then everyone turned their eyes to the computer in front of them.

Not long after, everyone saw the things on the computer and understood the general situation.

Then, the eyes that looked at the middle-aged man suddenly changed from sympathy to contempt.

Even the few people who had just stopped the young man had unkind eyes.

Then, everyone looked at each other and let the young man go.

The group of people next to them also looked at each other, and then left the office one after another, and even closed the door of the office...

At the same time, a young man next to Jiang Lin also slowly said, "Brother Jiang, I just know a restaurant with extremely poor hygiene conditions. I went there last time and had diarrhea for three days. I'm going to buy it now..."

After that, the young man turned around and left the office...


At the same time, on the other side——

"Mr. Su, your phone call"

Su Heng had just finished sorting out the information of the No. 8 fighter and came out of the laboratory. Su Heng's secretary came to Su Heng with a private phone.

"It's George Wood calling"

As Su Heng took the phone, the secretary's voice sounded again.

"George Wood?"

Su Heng was a little surprised to hear this name.

It has been a long time since he heard this name, and he has dealt with too many things during this period. When he first heard this name, he felt a little strange.

However, this strangeness only lasted for a moment.

Soon Su Heng remembered who was behind this name.

George Wood, President of Georgia International Trade Company.

The person who bought the aircraft carrier arresting cable from him with 300,000 dragon coins before was also a chess piece he had casually laid out before.

However, this guy has never contacted him since the last arresting cable. What is he planning to do by contacting him now?

After filtering all the information about George Wood from his mind, Su Heng pondered for a moment and then answered the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Su, long time no see."

As soon as the phone was connected, a strange yet familiar voice came directly from the phone.

Hearing George Wood's greeting, Su Heng didn't think much and said directly: "Hello, Mr. George..."

"I haven't seen you for a few months, Mr. Su's voice is getting louder and louder. It's really enviable."

After getting Su Heng's response, George spoke again.

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

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