Cooperation is possible.

But Su Heng only wants to cooperate with technology.

As for other things, whether it is the superficial R\u0026D team, the connection of the relationship network, or how to deceive the people of Black and White Eagle, Su Heng does not want to intervene.

If George Wood can't even do these things well, then it can only mean that George Wood has no cooperation value at all!

What is the point of cooperation with a person who has no cooperation value?

If Su Heng has to do everything by himself, then Su Heng might as well do it alone. Why find a burden to share the money? Is he out of his mind?

On the other side of the phone, George Wood heard Su Heng's voice, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face, but a face full of joy!

Then, George Wood said without hesitation: "Don't worry, President Su, I will handle these things!"

For George Wood, he himself did not want Su Heng to operate these things hand in hand. After all, the less Su Heng intervenes in such matters, the better. The more Su Heng's shadow, the greater the possibility of his exposure!

He knew very well how much they rejected outside capital. To their local capital, outside capital was just trying to steal their money!

Once he had contact with outside capital, especially capital from Long Village, if people here knew about it, especially when this capital seriously affected their interests, they would definitely kick this capital out by any means!

Robbery was commonplace for these capitals here!

And now, Su Heng not only agreed to cooperate, but also gave him an extra 10% of the benefits!

This was a complete surprise for George Wood!

How could he refuse?

After a brief excitement, George Wood said again: "Then, Mr. Su, what about the mobile phone?"

Hearing this, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then continued: "The cooperation on mobile phones is 40% and 60%, you 40% and I 60%, just like drones, I will not interfere with your operation, Mr. George, I only provide technology, what do you think, Mr. George?"

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, George Wood was silent.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, no problem on my side!"

40% to 60% is much lower than George Wood originally expected. He originally thought that it would be at least 50% to 50%. After all, the profit margin of mobile phones is far less than that of arms.

For arms, like the blocking rope he imported from Su Heng before, it cost 300,000 dragon coins per rope, and when it was sold to the military, he directly sold it to them for 1.5 million dollars per rope!

This profit margin is completely unimaginable for ordinary people!

And if you do this with mobile phones, even if the cost is only 100 dollars, you can increase the price by dozens of times, who would dare to buy it?

However, thinking of the huge market for smartphones, and the fact that he does not need to bear the R\u0026D costs, George Wood nodded directly in response.

He had evaluated the smartphone market before.

According to the current market growth trend, this market will at least soar to the level of hundreds of billions of dollars in the next ten years!

A market of hundreds of billions of dollars, even if he only eats one-tenth, there will be tens of billions of dollars!

In fact, according to his judgment of Su Heng's mobile phone, if Su Heng's mobile phone is taken out, it can definitely easily crush the fruit machine that is now popular all over the world!

If it is operated properly, he is even sure to take one-third or even more than half of the market!

A market of hundreds of billions, even if he only has 40% of the profit, it is still tens of billions!

Even if some costs and the relationship network of various links are removed, he conservatively estimates that he has at least tens of billions of profits every year!

Such a large profit every year is enough to make him eat all over his body!

You know, he has cooperated with Su Heng for so many years before, and with such high profits, he has only accumulated a net worth of tens of billions of dollars in all these years.

Then he was almost targeted by the tax bureau because of the exposure of the matter!

In the end, he gave Su Heng more than 2 billion, plus an island, a manor, and a treasure, and barely settled it down...

He does not have the core technology of Su Heng.

For a businessman without skills to make money, the difficulty coefficient cannot be described in one or two sentences...

On the other side, after hearing George Wood's response, Su Heng also smiled slightly, and then said:

"Then it's settled. In a few days, I will register some offshore companies abroad, and then I will arrange people to go to Mr. George to negotiate specific cooperation matters..."

"No problem!" George Wood responded directly after hearing what Su Heng said.

"Okay, then, Mr. George, I wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"


After ending the call and handing the phone to the secretary next to him, Su Heng fell into thought again.

After a moment of silence, Su Heng said directly to the secretary next to him:

"Sister Ya, contact Vivia, let her operate it over there, and then contact George Wood to negotiate specific cooperation matters"

Hearing this, the secretary next to Su Heng did not hesitate at all, and nodded and responded directly: "Okay, Mr. Su, I will contact him right away..."

After the words fell, seeing that Su Heng had nothing to order, the secretary turned around and left.

Looking at the secretary's back as he left, Su Heng fell into deep thought again.

Vivia is the head of one of the branches of his Jiuding Group in Europe.

Of course, in name, that company has nothing to do with Jiuding.

After all, both Black and White Eagle and Europa are quite repulsive to foreign capital, and the inheritance of the Angsa world is that if Ming can't play, Yin will definitely come!

When they can play by the rules, they will play with you. If they can't play by the rules, they will start playing hooligans!

Don't look at the contractual spirit that those well-known shepherds have been bragging about to the outside world. Anyone who believes this is either really stupid or really bad!

But anyone with any brain knows that this is all fart!

Things like playing hooligans have long been common in the Angsa world!

Not to mention, Japan in the last century almost wiped out Black and White Eagle's semiconductors. What next?

Black and White Eagle couldn't afford to play, so they just played bad, and then Japan just burped...

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for Su Heng to directly subordinate the entire company to Jiuding...

The name of this branch is called Future Technology!

The main industries in hand are AI and communications!

Now on Europa, future technology is developing very rapidly.

Almost one-third of the communication equipment on Europa comes from future technology!

In addition, the 4G network that is now the mainstream development in the world is also a product of Future Technology!

Although it is not 100% of the technology, Future Technology has more than 40% of 4G technology patents!

At the same time, it holds more than 70% of core patents!

In the 4G field, Future Technology can be said to be the well-deserved leader!

To put it bluntly, few people abroad may know about Jiuding, but when it comes to future technology, there are probably not many people in the communications field who don’t know about it!

Now, George Wood wants to buy mobile phones and drones. These two industries happen to overlap with future technology...


After the arrangements were made, Su Heng took a brief rest and briefly glanced at the Jiuding-related documents brought by his secretary and the information compiled by Jiuding AI. After confirming that there were no problems, he re-entered the laboratory.

If nothing else, cooperation should be necessary.

But before that, he still had to solve the technical problems of drones and mobile phones...

UAVs for personal use obviously cannot be exported. Not to mention confidentiality and performance issues, it is impossible to directly export the appearance and system alone.

Otherwise, as long as you are not blind, you can see the problem at a glance.

The same goes for mobile phones.

Although Jiuding's mobile phones have not yet been launched in China, he has already made plans in this regard. If he had not come into contact with the military, his mobile phones would have been fully launched by now!

And next, Su Heng has also planned to put the mobile phone on the market!

Foreign markets are difficult to capture, but he has no intention of giving up the domestic market to fruits or other four-star or five-star products.

Although he is not short of money, he does not mind that it is too much. If domestic companies make the money, he may not have any ideas. He does not want to completely cut off the domestic development path. If domestic companies can also develop , that letting a hundred flowers bloom is undoubtedly the best.

But now the leaders in this field are all foreign companies. In this case, why should he give this money to others?

And if his mobile phone is on the market, then the system given to George Wood and others will naturally not be able to use his own, even if the development language is changed. If it is the same architecture, professionals can see the problems at a glance... …

There are also batteries, communications, etc. that all need to be adjusted...

The most important thing is to leave a back door.

Although he can now tie up George Wood with interests, it is not enough for people like George Wood to tie up interests alone.

You must have the necessary back-up, otherwise George Wood may stab you in the back at some point!

And if there was a backdoor, he wouldn't have to worry at all even if George Wood turned against him and stabbed him with a knife.

At that time, he only needs one command to paralyze all products, whether drones or mobile phones!

Even if George Wood turns his back by then, it will not pose an actual threat to him!

But just one day later, when Su Heng was studying the technology of exported drones and mobile phones, a phone call suddenly came——

"Xiao Su, do you have time?"

As soon as the call was connected, an old but still energetic voice came from the phone.

Upon hearing this voice, Su Heng immediately recognized the other party's identity, and then said directly:

"Yes, Mr. Tang, what can I do for you?"

Hearing this, the old man on the other side of the phone did not show off and said directly:

"Xiao Su, you know what happened in the competition two days ago. Now Modalahan and the others seem to be a little obsessed with drones. They want to buy our X1. After we rejected it, they set their sights on the Falcon... …”

"Targeting Falcons?" Hearing this, Su Heng was startled, and then said with a strange expression: "Mr. Tang, don't tell me, they want to use Falcons to form a bomber fleet, right?"

The reason why X1 and X3 can form a bomber fleet is that in addition to their huge bomb load, the most important thing is that they are cheap!

As for the falcons, the falcons he sold to Shaluotuo cost ten million dollars each!

Then the bomb load is only 1.3 tons.

Two Falcons are worth as much as one X1, and the price of two Falcons is as high as 20 million U.S. dollars. One X1 only costs 800,000 Dragon Coins, which is equivalent to just over 100,000 U.S. dollars.

The difference between the two is nearly two hundred times!

This thing forms a bomber group?

No matter how arrogant Sha Luotuo is, he can't do this, right?

Facing Su Heng's voice, Tang Jianjun shook his head on the other side of the phone, and then said:

"Of course not. Although they spend money lavishly, it doesn't mean they have no brains. Sha Luotuo and the others want to buy a production line from you..."

Hearing this, Su Heng understood.

Buying a production line is understandable.

If you buy it and make it yourself, the price will naturally be much cheaper than buying it from him.

"Mr. Tang, what do you think?"

After thinking for a moment, Su Heng asked directly.

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Tang Jianjun pondered for a moment, and then said:

"I contacted Lao Qian and the others. They think that as long as Shaluotuo doesn't sell all our drones, we can also export ordinary production lines. After all, they have to get the materials for those drones from you. Import, their basic industry cannot produce materials and engines for these drones..."

"As well as the system, you have to find someone to complete it. Except for you and your Jiuding, no one in the world knows the dragon language system. Even the technical personnel of our National Defense Force have to learn slowly from your scientists. They The introduction of ordinary production lines is just for assembly and processing.”

"Without your intelligent production line and your own cheap raw materials, they wouldn't be able to achieve such ultra-low cost as you..."

"Similarly, without your smart technology and materials, even if the technology is leaked and let those Black and White Eagles or others know about it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are also planning to export technology, and the technology of these Falcons is not What advanced technology..."

"But this is just our idea. The specifics are up to you. If you don't want to export the production line, that's okay. I'll go talk to Sha Luotuo and the others..."

After listening to what Tang Jianjun said, Su Heng also fell into deep thought.

Export production line?

To be honest, Su Heng had never thought about this matter.

Before contacting the military, the things he sold were always of high quality and low prices.

Even if it was a double tail, when he sold it to Shun Feng, the price was only 3.5 million.

If we take out the production line and let others produce it on their own, the cost of a twin tail will at least double the factory price!

In this case, even if he wants to sell the production line, who will buy the production line?

But now, Sha Luotuo's situation is different.

To be honest, the export price of Falcon is indeed a bit high.

The price of a complete X1 is only 800,000 dragon coins, but the price of a castrated version of the X1E Falcon is as high as 10 million knives!

This price difference can only be said to everyone who understands.

A sword worth ten million is too much for even a sand camel to carry.

The Falcon that I bought for 10 billion dollars before is probably at its limit.

It is basically unrealistic for Shalutuo to spend 10 billion to buy a falcon.

Whether they are sand camels or other camels, they are just brave, not stupid!

Now that the other party is proposing to buy a production line, it is undoubtedly the best proof of this point.

So should we export production lines now?

After a long silence, Su Heng finally made a decision.

Then Su Heng didn't hesitate anymore and said directly:

"Mr. Tang, please ask Sha Luotuo and the others to come to my place. I will talk to them. It just so happens that the mecha they ordered last time has been prepared and handed over to them..."

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