Returning to the conference room, Modalahaner's face was full of joy.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Modalahaner had probably reached a cooperation with Su Heng!

Knowing this, everyone was a little envious.

Then, everyone turned their eyes to Su Heng next to them, waiting for Su Heng's response.

They had previously reported their own cooperation funds, 30 billion dollars!

If Su Heng didn't agree, then they could only think of other ways, such as using oil instead, or letting Su Heng dig oil in their desert...

Just when everyone was nervous, Macheilar's voice rang out directly:

"Mr. Su, we are willing to take out 50 billion funds to participate in your origin space plan, and I hope Mr. Su agrees!"

After a pause, Macheilar continued: "But Mr. Su, you should also know that the ban on us by the Black and White Eagle has become more and more severe in the past two years. It is basically impossible for us to take out 50 billion dollars in cash now, so we want to use oil to replace the 50 billion, and make an equivalent exchange. I hope you agree!"

Hearing Macheilar's voice, Taluotuo and Aluotuo and others beside him were all shocked.

They didn't expect that Aluotuo could have such great courage, just like Shaluotuo, and directly took out 50 billion!

After all, Aluotuo and Su Heng have obviously cooperated more than once, and Macheilar was obviously in contact with Su Heng for the first time.

However, when they thought of the desalination plant that Su Heng had built for them, they immediately understood the reason.

With the desalination plant as a foundation, whether it was Modalahaner, Ma Qieyi, or even themselves, there was no reason not to cooperate with Su Heng.

Especially when Su Heng had already shown so much actual information about the space program.

Su Heng couldn't deceive them, so this was a complete opportunity for them! An unprecedented opportunity!

Next, these desert camels will be able to step into the universe like Black and White Eagle!

If one day humans leave the Blue Star, their sand camels are likely to become part of the human race, and will not be abandoned on the ground and become natives!

To some extent, this can even be said to be their first time to officially connect with the world's cutting-edge!

A milestone leap!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

Such an opportunity, they must not miss it!

If they miss it, maybe they will really have to play in the mud on the ground in the future...

On the other side of the crowd, facing Macheilar's voice and everyone's gaze, Su Heng hesitated for a moment and nodded directly:

"Yes, Mr. Macheilar, it's no problem to use oil instead of money!"

After that, Su Heng continued to look at the Taluo and Aluo people next to him, and said:

"And Mr. Batalha, you are the same, whether you use green currency or oil payment, I have no problem at all!"

Green currency? Oil?

In fact, compared with green currency, Su Heng cares more about oil.

After all, oil is a hard currency. The role of oil is not only to serve as fuel for airplanes and cars. In addition to its role in energy, oil is also a very important chemical raw material!

Many chemical materials are extracted from oil!

The application of petrochemical materials covers almost all aspects of people's lives.

For example, medicines, clothing, cosmetics, cleaning products, lubricants, plastics...

Petroleum products can be seen everywhere in market life!

Even food is within the scope of oil application!

This is the fundamental reason why oil is so important and valuable!

To ​​some extent, even if humans do not need oil as energy in the future, oil is still an important raw material that is inseparable from human life!

For Su Heng, there is no problem at all to use oil to replace green coins.

After hearing Su Heng's response, Macheilar and others all showed the same ecstasy as Modalahaner.

"Mr. Su, thank you!"

After a long time, Macheilar came back to his senses, and then bowed directly to Su Heng.

Not only Macheilar, but also A Luotuo and Ta Luotuo and others beside him also bowed to Su Heng to express their gratitude.

Like Sha Luotuo, they had previously applied to join the International Space Station.

But without exception, all were rejected by Black and White Eagle.

Even though they were rich, the Ansa Alliance circle headed by Black and White Eagle did not take them seriously at all.

They had never even looked at them straight in the eye, just thinking they were a group of lucky indigenous upstarts!

In this situation, neither Black and White Eagle nor the people in Black and White Eagle's circle ever thought of bringing them to play together.

But now, Su Heng gave them such an opportunity without any disdain!

And compared to Black and White Eagle's space station, the Origin Space Station is larger and more advanced!

Similarly, this also means that they enjoy a more advanced space station than Black and White Eagle!

The Black and White Eagle world, which once looked down on them completely, will be left far behind by them!

Facing the gratitude of the camels, Su Heng smiled slightly, and then said:

"Everyone, don't thank me. This is an opportunity you exchanged with real money. We are in a cooperative relationship, partners. There is no such thing as gratitude or not."

Hearing this, the sand camels looked at each other and then laughed:

"Yes, Su, you are right. We are in a cooperative relationship, and you are our best partner!"

Although Su Heng emphasized that the two sides were only in a cooperative relationship.

But such an emphasis made the camels even happier.

Not only because of Su Heng's straightforwardness, but also because Su Heng was not as high-handed as those people in the black and white eagle world, always looking like giving alms.

It was obviously they who spent the money, and it was obvious that those people in the black and white eagle world always promoted "customers are God", but they never felt the experience of "God" on the other party.

And now, Su Heng made them feel the equal respect that they had never felt from the black and white eagles!


Yes, they are partners, not beggars who were given alms!


In the blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

In three days, Su Heng and a group of camels had detailed consultations.

Finally, after three days, all the details of the cooperation were discussed and the corresponding cooperation agreement was signed.

According to the content of the agreement.

With the equivalent of 50 billion dollars of gold, Sand Camel became the highest-level partner and could carry out any activities in the Origin.

Even if you want to hold a banquet on it, it’s no problem!

Whatever you want to do, you can do it!

And One Camel, with the equivalent of 50 billion dollars of oil, became the partner second only to Sand Camel.

It can also carry out any activities in the Origin.

However, the difference is that Sand Camel can have 50 free places to enter the Origin every year, and can allow five astronauts to stay in space at the same time, whether it is for research or to enjoy space travel on it!

And One Camel has only 40 free places every year, and only four places for permanent residence at the same time.

As for Aluotuo and Taluotuo, they only have 20 free places and only two permanent places...

As for the problem of daily necessities, whether it is Shaluotuo or Aluotuo, they will all be supplied by Su Heng for free within ten years.

In addition, there are some minor details.

According to the different contributions, there are also some corresponding changes in the details.

But the main body of the cooperation agreement is the above.

When all the cooperation agreements between Su Heng and Desert Camel were signed, both parties left their names and seals.

Whether it was Su Heng or the camels, they all showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

There were four agreements in total. The agreement of Sand Camel was for gold worth 50 billion dollars, the agreement of Yiluotuo was for oil worth 50 billion dollars, and the agreement of Taluotuo and Aluotuo was for oil worth 30 billion dollars!

According to statistics, the total value of the four agreements was as high as 160 billion dollars!

With such a rich harvest, even Su Heng felt a little ecstatic!

At first, he only planned to let the camels apply for VIP cards, and then collect a few hundred million yuan a year, and make a few million yuan each when sending "tourists" into the space station.

And now, these camels have sent him so much in one go!

This has completely exceeded his expectations.

Even Su Heng himself did not expect that the fresh water plant he had run in the desert before could play such an important role in it.

"These camels are really honest men..."

Looking at the thick stack of agreements in front of him, Su Heng sighed in his heart.

While sighing, Su Heng's heart moved.

Then he said directly: "As a celebration of this historic moment, I will give away all the mechas you bought from me before for free! In addition, I will also help you build a space-time corridor that you have seen before for free!"

Hearing this, all the camels were stunned.

Then, the faces of the camels showed an unconcealable joy.

It's not that they care about whether it's free or not.

It's the two things Su Heng said.

The mechas they ordered, and the space-time corridor!

There is no need to say much about the mecha. Modalahaner had previously shown off the mecha he brought back in front of them, and their teeth almost fell out!

That was the only mecha in the world!

And now, they also want to have the same mecha.

How can Modalahaner show off in front of them then?

And this time and space corridor, the magic of the time and space corridor, they have already experienced it before.

Even many camels have planned to discuss the purchase of the time and space corridor with Su Heng after the business is over.

For example, Macheilar...

And now, Su Heng directly gave them such a sci-fi time and space corridor!

"Su, you are indeed our best friend!"

In ecstasy, one camel after another couldn't help laughing.

The only one who was a little unhappy was Modalahaner.

At this moment, he even felt a little depressed. He had only been showing off the mecha in front of these friends for a few months, but now these friends are going to have one after another?

How can he show off in front of these friends in the future?

Thinking of this, Modalahaner looked at Su Heng with a faint gaze.

Noticing Modalahan's resentment, Su Heng smiled, and then found an excuse to pull Modalahan aside.

"Your Highness, I have an upgraded version of the mecha here. I wonder if you are interested?"

Hearing this, Modalahan's eyes, which were originally somewhat resentful, instantly lit up, and he hurriedly said:

"Su, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true." Facing the question, Su Heng nodded without hesitation and said: "The upgraded mecha, whether it is mobility or operability, has been greatly improved on the original basis. The maximum moving speed has been upgraded from 20 kilometers per hour in the first generation to 60 kilometers per hour! And it can move continuously for two hours!"

"In addition, I also installed a rocket propulsion system on the back and hands of the mecha, which can allow the mecha to fly off the ground and fly continuously for three minutes at an altitude of no more than three meters!"

After hearing what the voice said, Modalahan's eyes lit up, and then he said without hesitation: "Su, how much is this mecha? I want it!"

It can run at a speed of 60 kilometers and can run for two hours!

More importantly, it can fly! !

At this moment, Modalahaner couldn't help but want Su Heng to bring the mecha to him immediately!

If he could get this mecha, what would he care about the first generation?

At that time, even if his friends got the first generation, he would still be the most dazzling star!

Facing Modalahaner's excited voice, Su Heng smiled slightly, and then said:

"Your Highness, this 'Origin' mecha is not for sale, and there will only be this one in the future. As a gift, it is a witness to the friendship between you, me, our Long Village and your Shaluotuo Village. It is the only one in the world!"

The second-generation mecha is an upgrade of the first-generation mecha that Su Heng upgraded in his spare time during this period. He originally planned to sell it.

But now, Su Heng has changed his mind directly, abandoning the idea of ​​mass-producing the second-generation mecha and directly choosing to give it as a gift!

Compared with the benefits of the Origin Space Program, what are these mechas?

Even if one is 200 million, it is not worth much money when added up.

After all, there are only a few big users, and they just want something new. If it doesn't feel new, they won't continue to invest money in it.

As the only gift, it's different.

Not only can Modalahaner satisfy his face, but more importantly, with the temptation of this mecha, other camels will be more active in cooperating with him in the future?

What if the first one to cooperate gets a non-sale item?

For Su Heng, this kind of killing multiple birds with one stone is a big profit!

Modalahaner naturally didn't know Su Heng's idea.

At this time, he was completely in ecstasy.

After a long time, Modalahaner said with surprise: "Su, where is this mecha? Can I go and see it now?"

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