"Report! We just received news from below that they discovered a thunder drone in the western area of ​​our village, only a hundred kilometers away from our village!"

Before anyone in the room could think about it, the figure that suddenly rushed in spoke in a panic.


Hearing the voice of the person coming, everyone in the room was startled, and then their expressions became a little uncertain:

"Are you talking about those thunder drones in Longcun?"

"Yes, those are the ones!" He nodded directly in response to the questioner.

After receiving the affirmative answer, the faces of everyone in the room became extremely ugly.

It is impossible for them not to know what the Thunder Drone is.

At the previous competition scene in Longcun, Longcun showed off its scalp-numbing drone fleet in front of the whole world!

The radar they carried at that time was even smoking because of the unimaginably huge number!

That kind of overwhelming drones made everyone who saw that scene feel numb!

After that, through Qian Zhizhong's introduction, they also learned about the existence of the Thunder UAV and the performance of the Thunder UAV.

A super large drone with a maximum range of more than 6,000 kilometers and a maximum bomb load of 2,583 kilograms!

Yes, in the hands of Longcun, Leiming is just a small unmanned bomber.

But in the whole world, Lei Ming is a completely super large drone!

There are a thousand such drones in Longcun now!

And now, Lei Ming actually ran next to their village!

"BaGeYaLu! These Longcun people are really bullying others!"

After a long time, a Japanese man with a mustache above his lips finally couldn't help but slapped his hand on the table and said angrily.

Not only this Japanese with a mustache, but also all the other Japanese people present were like this.

"Fukuda-kun, I suggest that we take off our fighter planes and shoot down this damn drone!"

A Japanese man couldn't help but said angrily.

From the time they woke up until now, they have only been bullying Longcun. When did Longcun dare to provoke them?

"That's right! We must knock it down, and we must let these Longcun people know that we are not something they can mess with!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another Japanese man's voice sounded directly.

Then, as if the floodgates were opened, almost everyone present made angry sounds.

In front of everyone, the old man named Futian who was leading the group also frowned.

A cold light flashed across his eyes quietly.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Noda-kun, how many Thunder drones have you discovered?"

Looking towards the source of the sound, the speaker was a fat figure.

Facing the inquiry, the middle-aged man who just rushed in from the door immediately responded: "Only one has been found so far."


Hearing this, all the Japanese people present frowned.

"Are you sure there's only one?"

After a long time, the fat man who asked just now said in a deep voice again.

"Yes, there is only one"

The middle-aged man who pushed in the door nodded directly.

After receiving another response, everyone present could not help gritting their teeth.

"Baga! Bullying goes too far! Bullying goes too far!!"

The Dongying man who had cursed angrily before could not help but curse again.


After just a moment's thought, they understood what this drone meant!

This clearly shows that we are here to demonstrate!

Just two days ago, Longcun held a large-scale bombing display on the competition ground.

And now, just a few days later, Longcun actually sent Lei Ming directly to their village!

What is this if not a demonstration?

"Futian-kun, we can't wait any longer. Directly order the air defense units to knock down this damn thunder!"

The furious Japanese man from before jumped up and slapped the case, his eyes almost ready to spit fire.

Not only this Japanese man, but almost everyone present had the same expression.


Extreme anger!

Longcun, which they had never seen directly, dared to come to their village to demonstrate!

It is unbearable!

Under the angry gazes of everyone, the cold light in the eyes of the leader Saburo Fukuda kept flashing.

After a long time, Saburo Fukuda finally nodded, and then directly looked at Taro Murakami next to him, and said in a deep voice: "Murakami-kun, I will leave this matter to you..."

"Hi!" Hearing Saburo Fukuda's voice, a sinister smile appeared on Taro Murakami's face. "Such a drone costs at least tens of millions of dollars. Who knows if it turns into a submarine, what will those arrogant Longcun people do?" Don’t you feel bad?”


Time passes slowly.

The news that Black and White Eagle held a martial arts tournament spread throughout the world as soon as the decision was made.

Almost all Black and White Eagle's younger brothers have received relevant invitations.

In other words, it is not an invitation, but an order!

In fact, not only the younger brothers, but also the desert camels, and even the Dragon Village and the Polar Bear Village were invited.

Just like Long Cun showed off his muscles before, this time, Black and White Eagle also plans to follow the same method and show off his muscles in front of the world in the same way!

"Old Qian, what are you going to do?"

In a simple office in Long Village, Qin Shan cast his eyes on Qian Zhizhong in front of him, and then slowly spoke.

Faced with the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong pondered for a moment, looked at Tang Jianjun next to him, and then slowly said: "It's very simple, just push it horizontally!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qin Shan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong continued: "Don't they want to show off their muscles? Then let's show off together. They have their warships, and we have our planes!"

"Just take the previous Lei Ming and Lei Shen out for another trip!!"

"If they want to fight, then fight with them!"

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Qin Shan's eyes flickered slightly.

After a long time, Qin Shan also nodded and said: "Then follow your ideas. We still have to wait two years for this side to take shape..."


After a brief conversation, Qin Shan turned and left, returning to Longyuan Shipyard.

When Qin Shan left, Qian Zhizhong and the others were not idle, and directly conveyed the order.

In just less than a week, two thousand Thunder and Thor bombers gathered at airports again.


"Sir, Longcun has responded. They will send people to participate in our competition..."

The news from Longcun was soon transmitted to the other side of the ocean. As soon as the news was received, the people under Black and White Eagle reported the news directly to Alster.

"Do they really dare to agree?"

Alster was a little surprised to hear the news from his men.

Before this, both he and the people in the round table meeting thought that Longcun would not dare to agree.

After all, they know better than anyone how much maritime power Longcun has.

To put it bluntly, any squadron of their Black and White Eagle Village can beat Longcun!

Even without them taking action, just the Japanese under their command can easily beat Longcun!

Look at what Longcun has now?

The main force is just a few missile destroyers bought from Polar Bear!

They can hammer those old-fashioned warships with any destroyer they take out!

However, even for those outdated warships, Longcun only has a few that can be counted on one's fingers!

And they have dozens of destroyers!

At the same time, there are dozens of cruisers and aircraft carriers!

This is their biggest reliance on Blue Star, and it is also the most powerful force!

In the face of such a huge force, let alone Longcun, even if the whole world is tied together, there is no way to fight them!

But I didn't expect that Longcun would actually dare to accept their invitation!

"Is there any power hidden in the sea of ​​Longcun that we haven't noticed?"

A thought involuntarily emerged in Yarst's mind.

But then this thought was directly thrown away by him.

Hidden maritime power?

This possibility is infinitely close to zero!

They have their own spies around almost all the official large shipyards of Longcun.

Although these spies have been cleared a lot in the past time.

In addition, in the past few months, because of the investigation of Galaxy Technology, especially the recent investigation of Jian Twenty, most of their forces have been withdrawn, but there are still a small number of people who are staring at these large shipyards in Longcun.

None of the information showed that the large shipyards in Longcun had any large warship construction projects.

If they had to say something, it would only be the shabby aircraft carrier that was completely insignificant to them.

This kind of thing was not even as good as their long-retired Eagle-class conventional-powered aircraft carrier. They were too lazy to take it even if it was given to them for free. There was nothing worth paying attention to at all...

So no matter from what aspect, Longcun could not have any hidden power at sea!

"Longcun? Ha..."

After figuring this out, Aerste couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

No matter how fast Longcun develops, at least now, they still have absolute strength!

And next, after this time, the budding of Longcun's rise will be ruthlessly cut off by them!

On the blue star with their Black and White Eagles, there is no second powerful village allowed to exist!

In their world of Black and White Eagles, there are only the first, third, fourth, and fifth, and there is no second!

At this moment-

Dinglingling! ! !

On the desk, the blue phone suddenly rang!

The sudden sound directly brought Alster back to reality, and he subconsciously turned his eyes to the source of the sound.

When he saw the blue phone, Alster's face couldn't help but change.

Then, Alster didn't think much and picked up the phone directly.

Not long after-

"What did you say? Dragon Village has once again assembled a fleet of unmanned bombers?"

When the news came from the phone, Alster's face changed.

He was no longer calm and composed.

"Yes, Sir, this is the latest news from our people!"

In the face of Alster's angry voice, the person on the other end of the phone responded immediately.

Hearing this, Alster's face suddenly turned ashen!

"Damn it! These damn Dragon Village people, what on earth do they want to do?!!"

The incomparable anger completely enveloped Alster.

Yalster's hand holding the phone turned pale due to excessive force!

They had just sent out the news of the competition, and in the blink of an eye, Longcun directly assembled that terrifying number of aircraft!

What does this mean?


Just when Yarst's face was livid and his heart was burning with anger, another white phone on the table rang again.

Awakened by the phone, Yarst took a look at the white phone, and then pressed it without hesitation.

But before he could think about it, the phone rang again.

Listening to the sound that kept ringing, Yarst became more and more angry.

After a long time, Yarst took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and then answered the white phone.

"Mr. Yarst, you must make the decision for us!!"

As soon as the phone was connected, a voice with obvious sobs and anger sounded directly on the phone.

Hearing this, Yarst, who was already angry, became even more angry.

But before he could speak, the voice on the phone rang again:

"Mr. Alster, those damn Dragon Village people are simply lawless! A few days ago, they actually put Lei Ming directly next to our village, cruised next to our village, and even entered our village at one point!"

"We had no choice but to drive them out, but they actually used Lei Ming to hit our plane!"

"We asked them for an explanation, and they actually said that they were just patrolling in the public area and we deliberately bumped into them! Mr. Alster! You must make the decision for us!"

The voice on the phone was full of anger.

Even across the phone, Alster could clearly feel it.

After listening to the voice on the phone, Alster's face was even more gloomy!

He had just received the report from Royce, but in the blink of an eye, such news came from Japan!

"Damn it!"

A curse could not help but come out of Alster's mouth.

Then, Yarst said directly: "Contact Longcun! I need a reasonable explanation!"


"Explanation?" Qian Zhizhong and others laughed when they heard the news from the Black and White Eagle.


Some people are anxious!

"What do you mean?" Tang Jianjun asked with a smile beside Qian Zhizhong.

"What else can I say? Lei Ming is just cruising in the public area. As for our fleet, it's just a normal transfer training..."

Qian Zhizhong smiled.

After the words fell, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Contact them, tell them what I said, and send them a copy of Lei Ming's cruising route and video. If they want an explanation, then we will explain it to them!"

"By the way, tell them that we plan to conduct a long-distance navigation training over the ocean next. Let them know in advance so that he won't scare them!"

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