After listening to Qian Zhizhong, Tang Jianjun was silent.

After a long time, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly and tacitly agreed with what Qian Zhizhong said.

As Qian Zhizhong said, dignity is only above the sword!

The people of the Ansa world started out as pirates!

They accumulated such wealth and status by plundering, and their culture is a plundering culture!

It is a foolish dream to expect these people to be convinced by morality!

The only way to make the other party talk properly is with fists!

It is the sword!

It can be predicted that whether it is the Black and White Eagle Village or other villages, the spying on the Dragon Village will only become more and more serious!

Such things are almost inevitable. Whether it is now or in the future, as long as the Dragon Village develops to a certain extent and shows enough strength or influence to threaten the status of other villages, it will inevitably usher in the spying and suppression from all forces!

There are only two situations to avoid being suppressed. One is to be a dog for others, like the small stick village next door, and beg for it. Even if their wives and daughters are insulted in the street, they dare not make a sound, and even have to find ways to help others cover up the news!

Or like the Dongying Village, they actively send their wives and daughters to others...

In addition to being a dog for others, the second situation is that you are completely worthless to be spied on and suppressed!

But it is obvious that these two situations are impossible for their Long Village!

Did they sacrifice millions of people back then to be dogs for others?

As for the lack of value, Long Village has tens of millions of square kilometers of land, countless resources, and hundreds of millions of people. What is not valuable?

If it is worthless, Long Village would not have suffered the humiliation of a hundred years!

So, no matter how Long Village chooses, it is inevitable to be spied on and suppressed!

So now the only choice for Long Village is to use strength to beat back all those guys who dare to spy!

Whoever dares to stretch out his hand will have his hand chopped off!

Whoever dares to stretch out his foot will have his foot chopped off!

One punch will open the door! Otherwise, a hundred punches will come!

Shaking his head, Tang Jianjun shook off the thoughts in his mind.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "Then, old Qian, should we continue with our next plan? Will the Strategic Research Bureau continue?"

Strategic Research Bureau?

Hearing this name, Qian Zhizhong also fell into thought.

After a moment, he said: "Of course we should continue! We need fists and fishing reels! We must grab both hands and make both hands strong!"

"War is a science. Attacking the heart is the best, and attacking the city is the next!"

"Didn't we formulate a Star Wars plan similar to Black and White Eagle a while ago? The Strategic Research Bureau also fooled Black and White Eagle several times before. This time, let's do it again, with our Sword 20, true or false, see if Black and White Eagle will follow!"


As time goes by.

The news of the Dragon Village Sword 20 exhibition and Qian Zhizhong's speech at the Sword 20 exhibition have swept the world like an 18-level hurricane.

[Surprise! The dragon appears! ! 】

[The world's second stealth fighter! The darkest moment of the blue planet! 】

[The foundation of civilization is shaken! The roar of the dragon! 】

[Destruction or revival? The mortal enemy of the raptor! 】

[The sky is changing! The mighty dragon! 】

[The mighty dragon? The dragon is coming! 】

From south to north, from east to west--

In just a few hours, the news about Jian Ershi appeared all over the mainstream media websites around the world!

"Oh my god! Our own stealth fighter? Is it true?"

When the news about Jian Ershi was exposed, the whole Long Village was in an uproar!

"Is it fake? Are you kidding? Didn't the chief say before that we couldn't make a stealth fighter within ten years?"

"Yes, didn't the chief say before that we don't have the foundation at all? He also said that even if we want to make a stealth fighter, we will follow the path of the polar bear or the black and white eagle. How come our stealth fighter has come out in the blink of an eye? And it's a canard layout??"

"Oh my god, I climbed over the wall to take a look outside, and the whole outside was in an uproar! The whole world is reporting news about our Jian 20! This is true!"

"??? Really?"

"Yes, it's true, and there is detailed data about Jian 20 outside. Our Jian 20 has a combat radius of 2,500 kilometers, a frontal radar reflection area of ​​0.003 square meters, a radar detection distance of 350 kilometers, and a maximum payload of 10 One ton, cruising speed 1.8 Mach! "

"??? Are you serious? Are you sure you are not kidding me about this data? "

"What a joke, I just checked, our official website also has public information about Jian 20, you can check it yourself, if you don't believe the official website, you can also check it yourself on the Internet, now the whole world is crazy about it!"

"Hiss, hiss, I just flipped it, it seems to be true, the official website really has public information about Jian 20, as well as detailed videos and close-up pictures! There are also pictures and videos of our Jian 20 everywhere on the Internet!"

"Oh my god, it's actually true?"

"Then the bureau chief was fooling us before?"

"Damn, the bureau chief is a big fool, he fooled us about carbon fiber before, and now he even fooled us about fighter jets? I actually believed it!"

"Upstairs, is this the point now? The point is that we have a stealth fighter, and it is very likely that it is the most advanced stealth fighter! Brother, do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?"

"You don't know this? Apart from us, the only village in the world that has a stealth fighter is the Black and White Eagle. Don't you know what this means?"

"I'm super! I sat up in shock while dying of illness! The great powers are actually me?"

"Surprised! We are actually a great power?"

One message after another, almost in the blink of an eye, the entire network was covered.

"Stop competing and go to the bureau for an interview. The bureau is on TV again!"

Bureau seat?

When they saw the news about Bureau Zuo, everyone was startled, and then they all unanimously moved their hands away from the keyboard, and then quickly rushed to Bureau Zuo's live broadcast room.

Xuanyuan Network.

This is an online forum created by Xuanyuan Technology, an Internet company that was born eight years ago.

In eight years, this network has grown step by step from a small forum to the largest comprehensive network platform in Longcun!

Whether it is live broadcasts or various forums, Xuanyuan Network dares to say that it is second, and no one dares to say that it is first!

To put it bluntly, you can find almost all the news about Longcun on Xuanyuan Network!

If you can't find something on Xuanyuan Network, you won't be able to find it on other networks!

At this time, in a live broadcast room of Xuanyuan Network——

"Secretary, there is a lot of news on the Internet about the Sword Twenty we just released, and many people have questioned you because of this. After all, you said not long ago that we would not be able to develop a stealth fighter in a short period of time. In this regard, you What do you think?"

In front of an unattractive old man, the host of the interview asked the old man in front of him with a smile.

Facing the host's inquiry, the old man in front of the host did not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he smiled very calmly and said:

"There's nothing interesting about this. After all, I'm just a retired old man. It's normal that I don't know about these highly confidential things, right? Before we officially release the news, no one except insiders knows about it. Isn't it?"

After listening to what the old man said, and looking at the old man's expression that showed no red face and no beating heart, the barrage like snowflakes suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room -

"I believe you, you are such a bad old man! You don't know? You know it so well!"

"That's right, you bad old man, I don't believe you anymore. Last time you said that our carbon fiber is not good, and then we made the most advanced and cheapest carbon fiber! And last time, you said that we We couldn’t build a blocking rope, and then all our fighter planes landed live on the aircraft carrier!”

"Juzuo is just a big swallow! If I trust Juzu again in the future, I will be a dog!"

"Count me in, if I continue to believe in the situation, I will be a dog!"

"+1, count me in!"


Looking at the barrage on the screen next to him, the host also smiled.

Then, the host said again: "Boss, you see, our netizens don't believe you now. They all say that you have known the inside story for a long time and you are deliberately deceiving them. Don't you explain, bureau?"

Hearing this, the old man scratched his head, and then said: "Actually, you don't blame me for this. I'm really just a retired old man. How can I know about this kind of thing? If I knew everything, I wouldn't know how to sit down now. Here, I have already gone to do research and development..."

After finishing his words, he paused, and the old man said again: "But speaking of inside information, I do know some other inside information..."

Hearing this, the host in front of the old man suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Different from the bureau, although she is also the person arranged by the official, she does not have any core information. Her task is only to cooperate with the bureau.

Just now she asked in a formal way, but she didn't expect that the director actually had an inside story?

"I'm super, is the bureau chief going to expose the inside story again?"

Not only the host, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room who originally said that they would never believe in the bad old man again also cheered up.

What you say is a matter of words.

After several previous deceptions, they finally understood and just listened to what the bureau chief said!

If the bureau says there is no such thing, then there is a high probability that there is!

If the bureau says it is available, then it is 100% certain!

It’s not just domestic netizens.

At this moment, even countless foreign netizens, especially those who were assigned to stare at the various villages where the bureau was located, became even more energetic!

After repeated encounters before, they were no longer able to ignore the "liar" little old man in the live broadcast room.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, on the podium at the live broadcast, the little old man smiled and then continued:

"According to the inside information I know, we not only have Sword Twenty, but we have also developed a brand new air-to-air missile!"

Brand new air-to-air missile?

Hearing these words, all the people in the diving villages were shocked.

Then he stared at the little old man in the video more attentively, waiting for what the little old man would say next.

Air-to-air missiles sound less important than stealth fighters like the Jian Twenty, but in fact they are no less important than an advanced fighter!

No matter how advanced the fighter plane is, to put it bluntly, it is just a platform!

And missiles are the fists of fighter planes!

Without missiles, no matter how advanced a fighter plane is, it is just a display!

You can't really rely on machine guns to fight humans and dogs, right?

Not to mention your dogfight hit rate, if you don't have missiles, others can attack you from dozens or hundreds of kilometers away, and how far can your cannon hit?

If a most advanced fighter plane is coupled with the most advanced missiles, the power it will bring will definitely be fatal!

At the same time, the little old man continued:

"This air-to-air missile is our latest product. Its performance is comparable to or even better than any air-to-air missile in the world today!"

"Its maximum speed reaches Mach 5 and its maximum range reaches 150 kilometers. Compared with the current most advanced air-to-air missiles of Black and White Eagle, it has a range advantage of more than 40 kilometers! In terms of speed, it also has a speed advantage of more than Mach 1!"

"Furthermore, our latest missile has more advanced guidance and anti-jamming capabilities, and can be installed into our Jian-Ten fighter jets. With the Jian-Twenty's radar and fire control system, which are the best in the world, it can completely Attack the target one hundred and fifty kilometers away!"

Damn it!

After hearing the news about the little old man, all the people from the villages who were immersed in the live broadcast room felt their hearts sinking.

Especially the people with Black and White Eagle, their expressions are as gloomy as water.

One hundred and fifty kilometers!

Mach five!

Their current most advanced air-to-air missile has a maximum range of less than 110 kilometers, and its maximum speed is only Mach 4!

If what the little old man in the video said is true, then combined with the data exposed by Sword Twenty, this would be a disaster for them!

"Boss, are what you said true? Are you trying to fool us again?"

Just when the members of each village had different thoughts, in the live broadcast room, the host deliberately asked with a skeptical attitude.

Facing the inquiry, the director smiled slightly, and then said: "How can I do that? I can guarantee that the news this time is absolutely true. I really didn't know the internal information before. This time the news is to save my face. I spent all my efforts to save my face." I tried my best to find out from inside through my connections. No matter how much I lie, I will never lie about my reputation, right..."

Hearing this, the host also smiled and was about to continue saying something. However, at this moment, the director spoke again:

"By the way, in addition to the air-to-air missiles this time, I also got some news!"

Hearing the little old man's voice, the host immediately understood and acted interested, cooperating: "What's the news?"

When asked, the little old man said mysteriously: "That's our internal top-secret plan!"

"Top-secret plan?" The curiosity on the host's face became even more intense, "What top-secret plan?"

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