The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 214 You are not qualified to talk to us from the perspective of strength!

"Peace Prize?"

Upon hearing this name, Zhao Shanhe glanced at Lucas, who was a little hysterical, and then sneered:

"Mr. Lucas said that we can modify history books at will. So, Mr. Lucas, where is your Peace Prize?"

"How did this so-called Peace Prize come about? Mr. Lucas should be very clear. Right and wrong have their own merits. Everyone has eyes and brains. Mr. Lucas should not treat everyone as blind! Let alone Everyone is a fool!"

Hearing this, everyone present's eyes flickered.

As Zhao Shanhe said, almost everyone knows how Lucas’s so-called Peace Prize came about!

If the Peace Prize can represent peace, then more than 90% of the villages present can be regarded as models of peace!

More than 90% of these villages can win the so-called Peace Prize!

Seeing everyone's eyes flickering, Lucas gritted his teeth.

Then, as if a jar had been broken, Lucas said directly: "Mr. Zhao, I admit that you Longcun people are very good at talking nonsense. I am no match for you in this regard!"

"But one thing I think you should know is that what determines the pattern of this world is power!"

“Here, you’re either at the table or on the menu! And now it’s us at the table, not you!”

"Power! Strength! This is everything!"

"You must understand that we are talking to you now from the perspective of strength. If you attempt to subvert the world order, you will pay a heavy price for it!"

Wow! ! !

With Lucas' voice, the entire scene was in an uproar!

Almost everyone's expressions changed drastically!

If the two sides were just talking words before, now, with Lucas's voice, Lucas has almost completely lifted the veil of hypocrisy!

What appears in front of everyone now is no longer the hypocrite still wearing the mask of peace.

But a real villain who is desperate!

In other words, a robber who has done whatever it takes!

The previous Black and White Eagle Village might have taken some care, at least on the surface, they would have built some archways.

But now, after completely breaking their reputation, Black and White Eagle Village no longer even needs to erect an archway!

"Now Halong Village is in trouble!"

The same thought appeared in everyone's mind involuntarily.

Because of Longcun, Black and White Yingcun pulled off the arch on his face!

But precisely because of this, Longcun must face the wrath of the angry Black and White Eagle Village!

The last person to completely anger the Black and White Eagle Village was Silly Damucun!

And Silly Damucun is now in ruins!

Not only other people, but even the representative of the polar bear village next to him shook his head slightly at this moment.

No one knows the strength of Black and White Eagle better than them.

In their heyday, they were all overwhelmed by the Black and White Eagle!

In the end, it fell apart directly under the control of Black and White Eagle Village!

Whether it is military, economic, or other aspects, the Black and White Eagle is too powerful!

Although Longcun is developing rapidly now, it can even be called terrifying!

But facing the Black and White Eagle, what advantage can Longcun have?

Can victory be determined by just a few fighter planes and drones?

Obviously, this is impossible!

The representatives of the Polar Bear Village can even predict that when faced with the thunderous wrath of the Black and White Eagle Village, the Dragon Village will pay a heavy price as Lucas said!

It’s not just polar bear representatives and others.

At the same time, the faces of the camels present also showed worried looks.

They have cooperated more with Longcun, and therefore have a better understanding of Longcun's strength.

But now Longcun is facing the Black and White Eagle!

A behemoth that has dominated Blue Star for decades and no one can shake it!

Although Longcun is developing rapidly, can it really compete with Black and White Eagle?

With this thought, everyone unanimously turned their attention to Zhao Shanhe.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Shanhe remained calm in the face of Lucas's unabashed and completely threatening threats.

After calmly unscrewing the mineral water in front of him and taking a sip, Zhao Shanhe said calmly:

"Mr. Lucas, are you not going to talk about peace?"

Hearing this, Lucas' expression froze.

But it only took a moment for him to return to normal.

Talk about peace?

To them, peace is nothing more than something they use as a memorial.

It’s peace when you need it, and it’s toilet paper when you don’t!

And now, with their faces torn apart, how can they talk about peace?

Seeing this, Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly, and then slowly said:

"Since we don't talk about peace, then we will talk in the way you like..."

"Talk about strength? No problem!"

"I admit, Mr. Lucas, you are very powerful now. Looking at the entire Blue Star, no one can control you!"

Hearing this, a look of pride quietly flashed across Lucas's eyes.

However, before he could think more, Zhao Shanhe's voice sounded again:

"It's just that who gave you the illusion that you are at the table and we are on the menu?"

"It is true that no one can compare to you in the past, but that is all in the past!"

"We were once glorious! Our glorious time even lasted for thousands of years! During these thousands of years, we have always been the center of the world!"

"I would like to ask Mr. Lucas, where were you during our glory days?"

Hearing this, the proud look that just appeared on Lucas's face suddenly turned livid again!

where are they?

When Longcun was glorious, they were still the territory of the indigenous people here!

They didn't even have seeds at that time!

Thinking of this, Lucas gritted his teeth, and then said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, will you only use those empty history books of the past to speak? No matter what happened in the past, it is the past! No matter what you were in the past, now blue The most powerful village in the world is us, not you!”

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly, and then continued:

"Mr. Lucas is right, we shouldn't dwell on the past... then let's talk about the present!"

"Forget the glory of the past, but the time we were weak was actually only more than a hundred years! In more than a hundred years, you took advantage of our weakest time to seize the right to speak in the world! This is your ability, We admit that you are indeed powerful..."

"But as Mr. Lucas said, this is all in the past!"

"Your glory, like our past, is already in the past!"

"And now, we're awake!"

"Back then, when we were at our weakest, we were able to defeat you who were the strongest. Conversely, when you were most powerful, you were unable to defeat us when we were at our weakest. But now, we are stronger than we were in the past. Countless times!”

"Then let me ask Mr. Lucas, how do you talk to us from the perspective of strength?"

"Now, what qualifications do you have to talk to us from the perspective of strength!"

Zhao Shanhe's loud voice, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, rang in everyone's ears!

Shocking and enlightening!

What qualifications do you have to speak to us from the perspective of strength!

At this moment, everyone only has this line of characters left in their minds!

Everyone's movements were completely frozen at this moment.

Even Lucas was completely frozen in place at this moment, unable to recover for a long time.


"Did they really say that?"

Black and White Eagle Village was still in the same office. When the news of the joint meeting came, Alster's face suddenly turned livid.

"Yes, Sir, this is what Zhao Shanhe said himself, in front of the whole world!"

Faced with Alster's inquiry, Lucas, who was still in a daze in front of Alster, responded subconsciously.

More than an hour has passed since we left the conference center.

However, more than an hour passed, and Lucas still could not recover from Zhao Shanhe's voice.

"good very good!!"

"Damn Longcun people! How dare you provoke us like this!"

After receiving an affirmative answer again, Alster gritted his teeth.

Each character is almost squeezed out from between the teeth!

For a long time, Alster cast his scarlet gaze directly at Preston next to him, and then said coldly:

"Since they want to die, let's grant them their wish!"

"Do they think they can compete with us with some drones and stealth fighters? Then we tell them that everything they have now is just a dream!"

"This time, they will pay the heaviest price for their stupidity!!"


The news from the joint meeting quickly spread throughout the world like a storm.

When the news came out, almost the entire Blue Star was in an uproar!

"Is this really what Longcun said?"

The same voice appeared in almost everyone's mind.

This is the first reaction!

No one believed that Longcun said this!

Although Longcun had used harsh words before, those were just competitions at best.

But now, this is no longer a matter of competition.

This is a complete challenge to the status of Black and White Eagle Village!

Everyone can already see that the next Dragon Village will inevitably usher in the thunderous wrath of Black and White Eagle Village!

"Get out quickly!"

After a short period of thinking, each village almost unanimously made the same choice.

Countless industries and funds in Longcun have been evacuated!

Almost the next day, Black and White Eagle Village announced a sanction order against Long Village!

"In view of Longcun's unilateral inappropriate remarks and threats to world peace, in order to maintain world peace, from today on, we will suspend business cooperation with Longcun in CNC machine tools, chips, and industrial software!"

"Xianlong Village will publicly apologize to us within 24 hours and compensate us for our losses!"

"If Longcun does not respond within the deadline, then starting from tomorrow, we will further cease business cooperation in computers, optoelectronic equipment, communication equipment, automobiles and other fields..."


"What a speed!"

Qian Zhizhong and others sighed slightly when they saw the lives announced by Black and White Eagle Village.

Although they had all expected this day before.

But when faced with this situation, everyone still couldn't help but sigh.

"Winter is coming..."

At this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that in the next few years, Longcun would definitely encounter an unprecedented cold winter!

Just like the polar bear that was blocked before!

The Polar Bear Village is being pursued and intercepted by the Black and White Eagle Village. With its current economic situation, it can't even afford the money to develop a stealth fighter!

And now, after threatening the Black and White Eagle Village, they also encountered the same situation as the Polar Bear Village.

"Old Qian, do you think we are a little too radical?"

After sighing, Tang Jianjun couldn't help but speak.


Upon hearing Tang Jianjun's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong also fell silent.

However, after a brief silence, Qian Zhizhong shook his head slightly, and then said: "Maybe we are a little more radical, but whether it is now or in the future, we will always face this day. We want to rise again and stand at the forefront of the world again. If we want to reach the top, we must move away from the mountain of Black and White Eagle Village!”

"Similarly, we will definitely be targeted by Black and White Eagle Village! We are just moving all this forward..."

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun also fell into silence.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong shook his head slightly, and then continued: "Everything we are facing now is only temporary, the Phoenix Nirvana! After the short period of labor pain, we will definitely usher in a new life!"

"And when the time comes, we will have benefits and status that are ten times and a hundred times greater than what we have now! Our Dragon Village will also stand on the top of the world again, overlooking all living beings!"

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun's eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Jianjun nodded and did not say anything more.

They must take this road sooner or later.

Some losses are bound to occur.

As long as they make steady progress, with the current foundation, sooner or later they will be able to open the shackles, break through the cage, and become a phoenix!

"Let's go. Things here are almost settled now. Let's go to Xiao Su's side and have a look. Whether we can break through the shackles this time depends entirely on him..."

After another long silence, Qian Zhizhong spoke again.

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly, and then followed Qian Zhizhong and left the office...


On the other side, Galaxy Technology, in the core laboratory——


Su Heng, who had been immersed in the spiritual space for an unknown length of time, opened his eyes again.

The moment his eyes opened, a look of joy quietly passed through Su Heng's eyes.

"From today on, I'll call you Blue Bird!"

Su Heng's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at the fighter in front of him that was somewhat similar to Jian Twenty-One but had actually been significantly upgraded.

The next moment, Su Heng thought, and a huge torrent of data quickly gathered in front of Su Heng.

It didn't take long for the huge torrent of data to converge into several brand new virtual fighters.

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