The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 221: Jianghu is not all about fighting and killing, the shock of 160 billion!

Three million for one?

The cost of one use is nearly ten thousand?

After hearing what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and then fell into silence.

If this is the case, it is indeed impossible to promote it on a large scale.

To a certain extent, it is not suitable for promotion.

The reason is very simple, two words - human nature!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others sighed slightly.

At this moment, they all guessed the fundamental reason why Su Heng kept this secret so deeply.

This kind of thing, before it can be popularized on a large scale, if it is rashly taken out, it will be a complete disaster!

Of course, it is not a disaster for everyone, but a disaster for ordinary people!

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong and others are even a little fortunate that the person who owns this technology is Su Heng.

If he becomes a capital or some powerful person who only has interests in his eyes, then the disaster of countless ordinary people will come directly!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Forget it, Xiao Su, we won't experience this teaching cabin. We haven't been here today, Old Tang, Old Liu, don't you think so?"

Speaking of the latter, Qian Zhizhong directly cast his eyes on Tang Jianjun and another old man next to him.

Facing Qian Zhizhong's eyes and voice, Tang Jianjun and the other man looked at each other, and then nodded solemnly, saying: "That's right, Xiao Su, we haven't been here today, and we haven't heard of any teaching cabin..."

Along with the voices of the two, Qian Zhizhong also patted Su Heng's shoulder, and then turned around and returned to the direction he came in.

Looking at the backs of Qian Zhizhong and the other two leaving, Su Heng was silent.

After a long time, Su Heng also sighed slightly.

He was not a brainless person, so he just thought about Qian Zhizhong and others' ideas for a while, and he understood the key.

Even when Qian Zhizhong and others thought of those things, he had already had this idea.

For this reason, he has not made the matter of this teaching cabin public until now.

The impact of the teaching cabin is too great!


"Old Tang, Old Liu, don't tell anyone about anything that happened today after you go back, understand?"

On the other side, back in the elevator, Qian Zhizhong was a little worried and spoke again.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and the others said solemnly: "Don't worry, Old Qian, we are old brothers who have experienced countless life and death together. You should know our character. We don't know what happened today..."


Half an hour later, the group returned to the previous office.

"Xiao Su, tell us about the ordinary teaching mode. There is no need to experience it. Just tell us, how much teaching efficiency does your artificial intelligence teaching have compared to ordinary teaching? Can it be comparable to normal manual teaching?"

When Su Heng also returned, Qian Zhizhong asked directly.

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng smiled slightly, and then said directly:

"You don't have to worry about this, Mr. Qian. Although ordinary artificial intelligence teaching is not as good as... um..."

Halfway through his words, Su Heng paused, and then continued: "The teaching ability of artificial intelligence teaching can completely reach or even surpass manual teaching!"

"As we all know, a teacher's energy is limited. Whether it is elementary school, middle school or university, there are at least dozens of people in a class!"

"Especially in universities, the stronger the teaching force, the more students there are in a class. Many important open classes often have hundreds of people attending classes together!"

"In this case, the only role of the teacher is to impart the knowledge he has mastered in his own way. As for learning, that is not the teacher's responsibility. Teachers can't pay attention to all the things that teachers pay attention to, let alone one-on-one targeted teaching. Whether to learn or not depends entirely on the students' consciousness! "

"Artificial intelligence is different. Although Yunxiao does not have the ability to create, it has the most advanced and huge database and computing power far exceeding that of the human brain. It can identify and judge everyone's psychological reactions and learning status through big data, and then make different teaching plans according to different people, and teach and tutor in the most suitable way for that student! "

"This is completely incomparable to any teacher! "

"I have conducted data evaluation on artificial intelligence teaching and manual teaching. According to the evaluation results, under the same time, the teaching efficiency of artificial intelligence can even reach twice that of normal manual teaching! "

"One time?

Hearing this number, Qian Zhizhong and others' eyes lit up.

However, Qian Zhizhong thought of another question: "Xiao Su, this teaching method requires a lot of calculations, right? How many people can your Yunxiao support at most?"

Faced with the question, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, this teaching method requires a lot of calculations, and to some extent, this amount of calculations can be called an astronomical figure!"

"But Yunxiao's server is specially developed by me, and it has been upgraded in this regard. Under extreme conditions, Yunxiao can provide different levels of teaching to 100,000 people at the same time!"

"And if necessary, I can also expand and upgrade the server! In theory, as long as my server can support it, Yunxiao can at least develop different types of teaching plans for 500,000 people under extreme conditions!"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others' eyes brightened.

Not to mention 500,000 people.

Even if it is 100,000 people, it is enough for them now!

What they need now is to use artificial intelligence to deal with emergencies and train the first batch of dragon language talents at the fastest speed!

It does not mean that artificial intelligence should be used to replace all manual teaching immediately.

Let’s not talk about whether Su Heng can do it here, let alone how high the cost of full replacement is. Even if these are negligible, they can’t do it.

After all, how many teachers are there in the entire Dragon Village now?

Tens of millions!!

If all these tens of millions of teachers are replaced, what will these tens of millions of people eat?

What about the families behind these tens of millions of people?

So before finding other ways out for these tens of millions of people, full replacement is simply impossible!

And now, with Su Heng’s teaching capacity of 100,000 people, they can fully mobilize the power of the village and mobilize a group of high-tech talents to come to Su Heng to learn dragon language.

In the shortest time, train dragon language talents, and then Su Heng can fully promote dragon language-related products!

Then take advantage of this blocked opportunity to kick out everything in the Angsa world step by step!

Really take your own destiny into your own hands!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others were relieved!

The most critical troubles were solved, and at this moment, several people felt unprecedented relief!

Several people looked at each other, and then Qian Zhizhong spoke again: "Xiao Su, if I arrange people to study at your Shanhe University now, how long will it take for you to train the first batch of talents?"

Hearing this, Su Heng also fell into thought.

After a short thought, Su Heng shook his head slightly and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qian, I can't give you an accurate answer in terms of time. After all, everyone's learning and acceptance abilities are different, but according to the current learning results analysis of my big data statistics, on average, the first batch of people should be able to be trained within half a year..."

"Half a year?" Hearing Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong and others frowned slightly.

But just a moment later, the brows of several people were relieved.

Half a year is indeed a bit long, but for this new technology, it is already very good to be able to master it within half a year!

Even if the other party grits his teeth and supports it, and can also use other aspects to threaten, but that's no problem.

They can completely exchange interests with those people at the expense of some interests.

Even the same tiger skin and flag, you don't want to make money with me? Then don't cry when I research it myself!

I can develop the most advanced machine tools, the most advanced industrial software, the most advanced fighter jets, the most advanced drones, and even the dragon language that can subvert your bottom order. Do you think I can develop what you have mastered now?

The world is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships!

In the case of absolute advantage, the other party may not take you seriously.

But if you also have the capital to talk to the other party, then what you say, the other party must seriously consider!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others are completely relieved.

The worries before coming here completely dissipated at this moment!

Then, Qian Zhizhong and others all turned their eyes to Su Heng.

A thought also emerged in the minds of several people at the same time-having this son, Long Village is very lucky!

After another conversation and discussing the next ideas and directions, Qian Zhizhong and others changed the subject and said again:

"Xiao Su, we saw a lot of camels when we came here just now. We learned about your Origin from Mr. Lu. How about it? Tell us about the Origin if it's convenient?"

Hearing this, Su Heng was also stunned for a moment.

But he didn't expect Qian Zhizhong to suddenly turn the topic to the Origin.

But after just a short daze, Su Heng recovered and said directly:

"It's not inconvenient. What do you want to know, Mr. Qian? I will tell you everything I know..."

Facing Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and then smiled and said: "Xiao Su, Mr. Lu said before that the living space inside your Origin is as high as more than 1,000 cubic meters. Is this true?"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Yes, to be precise, the current habitable volume is 1,453 cubic meters!"

"1,453 cubic meters?"


After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong and others couldn't help but take a breath.

Although they already knew the huge scale of the Origin before this.

But now, the scale that Su Heng said in person is still far beyond their imagination!

What is the concept of 1,453 cubic meters?

You know, the habitable volume of the International Space Station is only more than 300 cubic meters, and even the total pressurized volume is less than 1,000 cubic meters!

And the habitable volume of the Origin Space Station is nearly five times that of the International Space Station! It even far exceeds the pressurized volume of the International Space Station!

"Monster! What a monster!"

At this moment, the same thought popped up in the minds of several people.

What is a monster?

Su Heng is a monster!

Apart from the word monster, they don't know what to use to describe Su Heng.

What Su Heng showed them was really beyond their imagination!

"If Black and White Eagle knew that we still have such a pillar-level figure here..."

Almost subconsciously, an idea emerged in several people's minds involuntarily.

He couldn't imagine how crazy Black and White Eagle would be if he knew Su Heng's true ability!

Not only Black and White Eagle, any village will go crazy if they find out about Su Heng's existence!

Anyone who wants to take Su Heng away or deal with him directly every day will be like a crucian carp crossing the river!

To put it more seriously, Su Heng's existence may even directly start the S3 season! !

This is not an exaggeration, it is completely possible!

Just look at what Su Heng has done during this period.

In just one year, from the initial blocking cable to the current Origin.

Which one is not epoch-making?

Especially the teaching cabin, which has been regarded as a "taboo" by them by default, is a terrifying technology that is enough to subvert the entire world!

No village or force can withstand the temptation of this kind of technology!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others strengthened their belief——

"We must not let anyone outside know about Xiao Su..."

For a long time, several people took a deep breath to calm down, and then Qian Zhizhong spoke again:

"So Xiao Su, what about those camels? What happened to them?"


Upon hearing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng did not hide anything and said directly:

"They, they are all my current partners. Didn't I have a travel plan before? I originally planned to develop underwater tourism. Later, the submersible dragons enlisted in the army, so I had no choice but to give up deep-sea tourism, and then I set my sights on When it comes to space, the Origin is a project that Luo Tuo and I collaborate on.”

"Not long ago, I signed a cooperation agreement with Luotuo and the others. They exchanged oil and other materials worth 160 billion knives for the permanent right to cooperate with me."

"According to the content of the cooperation agreement, they can then arrange for people to stay on the Origin and do anything in the Origin, whether it is scientific research or something else..."

"Emmm... Speaking of this, I want to ask you, Mr. Qian, for help. They gave me too much oil. I might not be able to transport it back alone..."

? ? ?

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong and others were stunned.

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