
Hearing these two words, a cold light flashed across Alster's eyes quietly!

At this moment, he felt a little moved!

As Preston said, they Black and White Eagle Village cannot lose.

He can't lose!

Once he loses, his career will be completely over!

The angry capital and people will not let him go!

It can be said that he has no retreat at all!

Now he can only go all the way to black, but as Preston said, they have no idea how many cards Longcun has!

Will the continued blockade further aggravate their dire situation?

So now they seem to have only the last option left...

At this moment, Preston’s voice sounded again:

"It's just that we can't get what we want through war now!"

"Now Longcun is more powerful than we imagined. They have the most advanced fighter jets, the most advanced drones, and now they also have GPS and large transport aircraft!"

"Coupled with their strategic strength, which has always been their best and most powerful, our chances of winning against them are almost zero!"

"The best case scenario is that both sides suffer losses!"

Hearing this, Alster frowned suddenly.

After a long time, Alster's eyes flashed with cold light and said: "We still have thousands of mushrooms in our hands! And they only have a few hundred!!"

"..." After hearing what Alster said, Preston suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Preston sighed slightly and then said:

"Sir, we have thousands of mushrooms, but who can guarantee that they only have a few hundred?"

"Can you imagine how they built thousands of drones before? Can you imagine how their active phased array was developed? And their Sword Twenty, today's high-end CNC machine tools, Industrial software, transport aircraft..."

"Even now, there is their space station above our heads, a large space station that is nearly ten times larger than ours!"

"Sir, can you imagine these things before? How did they get these things out without saying a word?"

"They can make these things quietly, so can they continue to make more mushrooms quietly?"

“We can’t guarantee any of these things!”

After saying this, Preston paused for a moment, and then continued: "Even if these possibilities are ruled out, it is impossible for us to directly take action based on the number of mushrooms they have in hand now. Hundreds of mushrooms are indeed not many. Our fraction”

"But those are mushrooms! If any mushroom is planted on our heads, we can't bear it! And don't forget, they are the only village in the entire Blue Star that still has green mushrooms on hand!"

"We still haven't figured out the specific situation of their green mushrooms. We don't know how they preserve the green mushrooms for a long time at a low cost, let alone how efficient their green mushrooms are in utilizing mushroom fuel. How powerful it is!”

"We can't take any chances!"

Along with Preston's voice, Alster's face gradually turned pale.

"This won't work, and that won't work either. So what do you think we should do?"

For a long time, Alster gritted his teeth and looked at Preston.

Hearing this, Preston fell silent.

I don’t know how long it took, but Preston finally spoke again and said:

"Sir, try to find a way to negotiate with them. We have failed in this encounter. Whether it is due to the strength of Longcun or our current situation, it is impossible for us to continue to do anything to them."

"Even if you really want to fight to the death, the gentlemen at the round table will not agree to it, nor will the capital behind you, me, or the round table. You should know very well that they are more powerful than us. Cherish your life, what they want is profit, not death! "

"When honor conflicts with interests, they will give up honor, but when interests conflict with life, they will give up interests without hesitation!"

"Similarly, when your interests conflict with theirs..."

Halfway through his words, Preston did not continue.

But the meaning is already very obvious.

In the world of capital, the only thing that matters is profit!

In the face of interests, any stumbling blocks will be removed!

Even Ulster!

After hearing what Prester said, Alster gritted his teeth.

His fists were clenched tightly, and his veins popped out!

Endless anger and unwillingness almost enveloped his entire being!

After another long moment of silence, Preston sighed slightly, and then spoke again:

"Sir, Dragon Village is no longer the Dragon Village before. They are as solid as a rock now. Force or violence is no longer suitable for them. If we want to deal with them, perhaps we can only use the method we used to deal with polar bears before and defeat them from the inside. collapse……"

"But these are not things that you or I need to worry about. The only thing we can do now is to strive for the greatest benefits for us as much as possible. What you need to do now is prepare for the handover of the work..."

Work handover?

Hearing these words, Alster clenched his fists even harder!

Under the excessive exertion, his hands even started to tremble uncontrollably!

But just a moment later, Alster had to let go of his hands.

His face also turned pale!

Yes, it seems that what happens to Longcun is not what they should care about.

He could fully predict that after the Longcun press conference, the world would begin to experience major earthquakes!

This is especially true for their Black and White Eagle Village.

The losses caused by the shaking of the core foundation are not only those related industries, but also the chain reactions that follow!

As Preston just said, they have failed!

If they can negotiate with Longcun as soon as possible, and then make full use of the advantages they still have, such as their largest navy and air force, as well as their apparently leading technologies, to gain enough benefits, It would be nice to be able to use these to stabilize the situation.

As long as they can stabilize, they can slowly deal with Longcun!

If not, they may suffer economic shock!

At worst, the hegemony will collapse directly!

Whether it is the former or the latter, it represents inevitable huge economic losses!

Under such a loss, whether it is the people of Black and White Eagle Village or the Round Table Conference, someone needs to take responsibility!

There is only one person responsible for this, and that is Alster!

Thinking of this, Alster's face became paler.

But just for a moment, Alster gritted his teeth as if he thought of something, and then said again:

"No! We haven't lost yet!!"

Hearing this, Preston was stunned.

Before he could think about it, Alster continued to grit his teeth and said, "I don't believe they can come up with more technologies!"

"Technology requires time and accumulation of knowledge. No matter how hard they overtake, having so much technology now is already the limit!"

"They have only developed for a few decades. How can their accumulation over the past few decades surpass our accumulation over hundreds of years?"

"I do not believe!!"

At this moment, Alster's eyes were bloodshot and red again.

Seeing this, Preston also came to his senses, and then quickly said:

"Sir, we have failed. Now our only option is to negotiate with them..."

"No! We haven't failed yet!"

Before Preston finished speaking, his voice was directly interrupted by Alster.

Before Preston could say anything more, Alster said directly: "Negotiation? We absolutely cannot negotiate with Longcun!"

"If we negotiate with Longcun, we are telling the world that we have lost, and our collapse will only be faster! The whole world will deny our strength and even challenge our strength!"

"We are able to have the strength and wealth we have today only because of hegemonic kidnapping! We have the strongest military power and can kidnap the whole world on our warships! No one dares to say anything to us!"

"But if our hegemony collapses, then our current wealth will also completely collapse!"

"Without wealth, how can we maintain such a huge military power? Without huge military power, how can we maintain our status and order? This is an endless cycle!"

"So no matter what, we can't fail! Absolutely not!!"

After hearing this and looking at Alster who was already hysterical and almost crazy, Preston fell silent.

Indeed, as Alster said, they cannot fail!

To some extent, negotiation signals represent failure!

But what can they do if they don’t negotiate?

Are you really fighting with Longcun?

"Sir, the Round Table will not agree to a fight to death..."

After a long time, Preston sighed, and then finally reminded him.

"No! They will!" As soon as Preston finished speaking, Alster's voice sounded directly.

"We still have the most powerful fleet! Even if Longcun can really come up with more technology, the worst-case scenario will not be worse than now!"

"Our fleet can completely block them on the ground, making it difficult for them to move! There is only a pile of junk on their sea surface! It is them who should negotiate at that time, not us!"

"But..." After hearing Alster's voice, Preston was about to say something else.

But before he could finish speaking——

"No but! Preston, contact the Squid immediately and ask them to take action immediately! We must let the world know our strength before our prestige weakens!"

"In addition, mobilize all our media forces to completely block today's news and control the fishing boats! The world's fishing boats are still in our hands. As long as we don't allow it, Longcun's voice will not be heard!"

"There are also those dogs we raised in Longcun. It's time for them to come out and play their role. Let them create fishing wheels on the Internet and control the fishing wheels in Longcun! No matter what method you use, muddy the water in Longcun. !”

"The world is ours!"

"We were kings before, we still are now, and we will definitely be kings in the future!"


The press conference has ended.

But the content at the press conference swept the world like a storm!

Alster is furious!

Black and White Eagle Village is furious!

On the other side, the public toilet in Dongying Village was completely silent at the moment.

"What do we do now?"

I don’t know how long it took, but the hoarse voice of a fat middle-aged man finally sounded in the dead silent public toilet.

The sudden sound shocked everyone’s body.

But then, everyone fell into silence again.

Including the leader, Saburo Fukuda!

What to do?

He also wanted to know what to do!

The previous carbon fiber, their carbon fiber industry suffered a devastating blow!

The high-quality carbon fiber of Longcun, which costs more than 400 dollars per kilogram, let alone other people, even their own people in Dongying Village are trying to import it from Longcun!

Even if they have forcibly promulgated regulations to prohibit the import of Longcun carbon fiber!

Even let the customs conduct a strict inspection of Longcun carbon fiber!

But even so, there are still people who import it secretly!

A thinker once said-

When the profit reaches 10%, they will be ready to move;

When the profit reaches 50%, they will take risks;

When the profit reaches 100%, they dare to trample on all laws in the world;

When the profit reaches 300%, they dare to risk hanging!

They issued a regulation to prohibit the import of Longcun carbon fiber.

But the price of Longcun's high-quality carbon fiber is only more than 400 dollars, while their own carbon fiber price is as high as tens of thousands of dollars!

The profit gap between the two has far exceeded 2,000%! !

A profit of 300% can make people risk hanging, let alone a profit of 2,000%!

In this case, the carbon fiber industry in their Dongying Village is almost bankrupt!

Then, the drone cruise of Longcun not long ago also brought great panic to their village!

The economy was even shaken for a time!

In less than two months, their economy has evaporated tens of billions!

Especially when the Sword 20 fighter jets of Longcun appeared, coupled with Qian Zhizhong's speech, they were even more panicked!

The drone and the Sword 20 finally reminded them of their past crimes!

They remembered the sinners they worshipped in the toilet!

In less than two months, they spent almost every day in panic!

And now, they finally saw hope, and they are about to see their father suppress Longcun again!

There will be no more drones in their sky, let alone the haze of drone fleets!

The light of Amaterasu will shine again in their sky!

However, it was only a few days, just a week, and Long Village held a press conference!

It hit back at the Black and White Eagle Village head-on!

It even brought out high-end CNC machine tools and cutting-edge industrial software!

What are these things?

This is the industrial core of the Ansa world!

It is also the core of their Dongying Village! !

They have made a lot of money in Long Village over the years with machine tools and cutting-edge industrial software!

And now, Long Village has launched machine tools that are more advanced than theirs!

The previous carbon fiber could only hit their carbon fiber industry.

But machine tools and industrial software can completely shake their foundations! !

"Mr. Fukuda, we can't just sit there like this. If Longcun releases cutting-edge machine tools like they did with carbon fiber, then our machine tools will also be devastated!"

"High-end machine tools are the cornerstone of modern industry. If we are hit in this area, we will completely lose our competitiveness in the industry!"

"Our local resources are already extremely scarce, and these technologies are what we rely on for survival. If we lose these technological advantages, then our economy will surely usher in a cold winter!"

"Coupled with Longcun's malice towards us, these may even trigger a vicious chain reaction. Once it really reaches that point, we will really be irreversible, and then we will all become sinners of the village!"

After an unknown amount of time, the obese middle-aged man finally couldn't help but speak again.

As soon as the obese man finished speaking, before the leader, Saburo Fukuda, could say anything more, another voice followed:

"That's right, Mr. Fukuda! We must find a way to break through, and we must not sit and wait for death!"

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