The Mind God

Chapter 182 - Understanding Something Else - 182

After some thought, Brion did not waste any time as he started integrating two laws into one law.


"Mind" - = 210 = (Ancient Lord Level)

"Physical" – Not Relevant 

Primary Laws -


"Death Law" - %1.5"

"Time Law" - %1.5"

"Dream Law" %5.0"

"Spatial Dimension Law" %0.12


- Secondary Laws -

"Biorobotics Law" - "%15.0" 

"Puppet Law – %7.0"

"Construction Law" - "%5.0"


Brion first opened his status and closed his eyes, as he started levitating, He was in the position of lotus meditation, trying to use his mental energy on the matter of laws,

As the integration started, Brion entered a dream-like state and started seeing three different scenery, In his mind, every scene added power to himself and at the same time improve his mind power.

The integration of the two laws is in a way that could count as one of the most important studies in the matter of levels, It is only natural that something like this improves himself without too much of a problem at all.

- Scenery 1 -

Built a generation ago, this eternal flame at the old town hall is here to act as a reminder of the struggles the people of this region have gone through throughout the ages.

  Its position within this community is meant to represent the beating heart of the people and all their dreams and aspirations for the future.

  Every element was crafted and created with dependable materials from local suppliers, ensuring this monument will stand the tests of time and be part of the community for ages. 

As Brion watched the monumental kind of scenery in his eyes,

He started understanding and learning about the joy and humiliation of humans,

The thing that important in the matter of creating a race and the behavior of human-soul or the souls in general.

Brion knew that He is not seeing sceneries just because of integrating the two laws into the one, The reason for these sceneries was because integrating the laws caused his power to spike even more towards to up and improve his mind power,

As his mind improves, he always entered dream-like state seeing a different kind of things.

- Scenery 2 -

The forest is littered with bodies, blood, and weapons. Red, gray, and pink are the new colors of what was once a harmonious, green forest, which has now become the stage of a ruthless battle.

  The air which would normally be full of nature's sounds is now a barrage of sounds of explosions, war cries, and the screams of the wounded, hell has descended upon this area.

The wounded of one side lay in large groups across the forest and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with hope in their hearts and gritting teeth, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

  With a strong possibility of pain or death, the other side battles their enemies head-on in the hope to come out on top. 

Some have succumbed to hysteria and are bȧrėly able to force their bodies in motion, while others can only think of home and what they left behind.

  The toll on both nature and humanity is tremendous.

It'll likely take years before this forest will have recovered. Its clear rubble, weaponry, and bodies have taken the place of bushes, shrubs, and flowers. 


This time, Brion saw a battle, a battle that between the humans and the beings with the souls, which means most likely the other humans,

How weird and not a sensible thing to do, Brion thought. Compared to the first scenery, this kind of battle scenery showed him that in the end, beings with the soul will destroy themselves,

The reasons can be found infinitely without trying to use too much of a mind.

If they ever did, the peace times were only created because of the gathering more power for the next-war and battle,

Why was the reasons of the battle, Brion thought always, "Greed" he thought, Or "Sexual Power",

Most of these things can be said in the human civilizations where all the things and powers just started yet.

But what about the places with no problem in the matter of survival, greed or breeding as a human, In the end maybe all of these things came to true in the matter of "Power", managing just a feeling that invokes in the very depth of the soul,

Trying to be in control of all matters, trying to be in control of creating life and ending life, Trying to be a king...

As Brion was thinking, Scenery 2, ended and a different kind of scenery opened in front of his eyes, But before, he had the chance of watching that,

His status screen opened forcefully and showed him his status as always.


"Mind" - = ??? = (??????) (Still Upgrading)

Primary Laws -


"Death Law" - %1.5"

"Time Law" - %1.5"

"Dream Law" %5.0"

"Spatial Dimension Law" %0.12


- Secondary Laws -

"Biorobotics Law" - "%15.0" 

"Ghoul Law" - "%10"

"Construction Law" - "%5.0"


Brion smiled as he saw his status, He was expecting a law like "Ghost-Puppet Law" or something like that, But he was not expecting the law of "Ghoul" at all, Of course,

he was happy to get a strong law "Ghoul Law" It is a law that combines, "Ghost" and "Container", 

For Ghouls, it can be said that they are "Ghost" who have the container for the physical body, Compared to the ghost, they have one big difference,

They could choose and switch between having a physical body or not.

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