The Mind God

Chapter 186 - Shocking Words - 186

It was not hard to know the reason why these students were shocked by the performance of magic Brion.

In the world they are living in it is a weird thing to see, Basically magical energy is used for fueling the spells nothing more than that.

Without spells, using pure magical energy to do basic spells is a hard and rare thing.

But the thing they saw and encountered just changed many things in their mind.

They were not expecting an unknown mage who identified himself as a mage just shook his hands to create chairs and a fireplace, This kind of performance was just legendary,

The other two students namely Krikso and Avia were mages too but they are the supportive type of mages who learns spells for auxiliary and buff, debuff purposes, Compared to Raskar and Liana they could understand it better.

The reason for that was pretty self-explanatory, Raskar and Liana were battle mages and did not think about working the secret of magical energy but Krikso and Avia were supportive mages, the only thing they can do for improving their status and power is magical research.

Avia was a woman with short height she wore glasses and she had green eyes that look charming suits to her and on the top of that, she had a nice figure that most of the males like, from the outside she looked timid and not social,

But her close friend knew that she was one of the most social and talkative girls in their group.

Krikso was a young man who does not talk much and knew many kinds of supportive spells and knowledge about magical studies and theories,

Most of the students and even teachers knew that he is going to be a scientist of magical studies,

His studies in the terms of magical energy already in the upper-limit and started earning him silver coins just because of his name in the book.

At that time, Brion started talking.

"Please, let us start talking."

As the words of Brion echoed in the ears of four students, they came to themselves, and before Raskar had the chance to speak, Krikso started speaking.

"Lord Brion, my name is Krikso Rial, please answer my question. How you could use magical energy to create these chairs and fireplace, I believed that without sacrificing anything you could not create anything using magical energy."

Brion smiled and looked at the young man named Krikso and then answered.

"Who said that I did not sacrifice anything, Your thinking is not wrong but don't you see, I used magical energy to create these things."

These words made Krikso enter a weird state. He did not know how to answer, for the time being, From the words of Lord Brion he understands that the meaning of his words.

"He saying that he sacrificed (used) magical energy to create these things, This is so basic but complex thing to do at the same time."

The words of Brion made all of the students think at the same time, It was clear Krikso and Avia were the ones who gave their attention to the research of magic but it does not mean that Raskar and Liana have no thoughts about the subject.

"Using something as a sacrifice and creating something different from the sacrificed material", These words were engraved into the heart and mind of the four students from the time they became mages, but now the words of Brion changed their look on magical energy.

All of them were thinking the same thing

"Using something as a sacrifice and creating something different from the sacrificed material"

Raskar thought, If we are using magical energy to create something, It does not mean that we are already sacrificing something for the thing we want to create

"Using something as a sacrifice and creating something different from the sacrificed material"

Liana thought the more powerful and important the sacrificial material is more valuable and important things could be created, Is there anything more valuable than magical energy?

"Using something as a sacrifice and creating something different from the sacrificed material"

Avia thought, Magical energy is the basis of all magic and magical studies, Using it to improve, create and change nature is a most basic but complex thing that can be done to show gratitude towards it

"Using something as a sacrifice and creating something different from the sacrificed material"

Lastly, Krikso started thinking

"Using the magical energy as sacrificial creates the chance of creating everything, As the purer, the energy in the matter of magical studies of alchemy, more valuable thing could be created.

At the same time, compared to the other physical materials, magical energy does not vanish if the mage or the being who creates the magical energy dies or even in some cases cease to exist,

This means that even the dead body of mages, the soul of the mages everything that uses magical energy could be used as sacrificial and things can be created and done more quickly than usual."

All of the four students at this time understand that the simple words that came from the mouth of this unknown man named Brion, can and completely changed to look towards magical studies,

If these words taught by the mage schools and became the norm the power level of the population of mages, soar to unknown levels, But they thought about one most important thing too,

"If it was this easy to improve the power and change the reality, Why nobody did that until now"

He knew that they were thinking so hard because of his words,

For understanding something like this he did not even needed to read their minds

He answered before they asked.

"Four of you know starting to think that if the answer was this easy who nobody already changed the mage population giving them this basic secret, At first you students will be starting to think that the answer lies on the matter of implementing this basic secret, But I ȧssure you it is not there."

Brion finished speaking as he looked at the faces of students changing slowly.

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