The Mind God

2 Brain - Chapter 2

Brion stopped working before the evening. After all, as a human being, he was hungry and thirsty.

He had to move towards the sound of water he heard came from the forest in front of the cave entrance.

He has to do something for the hunger too.

After he stood up, he approached the trees lightly and he broke a branch of the tree to use it as a weapon for the time being.

Right now there is not any kind of ability or weapon he had that can used for protecting himself against the dangers.

After slowly advancing between trees and plants, he finds the source of water sound.

"I can drink as much water from here as I want."

Brion saw that when he walked about for three minutes, there was a flat green grass area that does not have any kind of long trees that block the way and there was the big river on the side of the green flat area he found.

Because the river was constantly flowing, he could guess the water was clean, along with this thought,

He approached the river lightly, and there was a bad feeling in himself.

He looked right behind himself and began to scared slightly in front of the creature he saw.

Although he thought he saw a creature, the being he saw was a canine-like animal.

It was twice as big as a normal wolfs and had red eyes with brown fur.

It looked at himself menacingly and it was obvious

It will not be going to just stop there and watch him drink from the water.

Brion didn't have much experience with situations like this.

He was only 20 years old in his old world and had no such experience in the wild.

But he was still able to move passively comfortably thanks to his "Mind" ability, and "Clear Mind" ability that came him from the Mind Meditation Passive ability didn't let his mind get confused for so much.

At that time, when he focused on the creature, a hologram about the creature manifested in front of his eyes.

But the information given by the system about the creature was very limited.

"Dire Wolf"

"Level 2"


"A dire wolf ..."

Brion slightly frowned when he saw the creature was Level (2).

In such level systems, there would be no errors in general.

If a creature was higher than your level, it would mean he was stronger than you.

Brion knew, and he understood what he had to do.

The physical strength or speed he had was certainly not enough to fight this creature.

What he had to do was beat the creature with his mind using his "Mind" ability as a human being.

Brion began to focus on Direwolf, who was still turning around with slight strides, in case it didn't work. And then he started thinking.

""You're on fire, your brown fur has caught on fire and you are now scared"


Brion's thoughts were completely insignificant and crazy for the old "earth" that humans lived in the modern environment.

At least a normal person would know that this kind of "thinking" would not affect the reality or affect the matter. But for Brion, that's not the case.

Normal wizards would influence the physical world and dimensional world with the "Mana" they had.

For Brion, He had his mind power to do the same. In short, Brion activates or create his abilities with thinking in his mind.

Brion, along with these thoughts, heard a ding in his head.

"Ding, "AT Points +1" – Ability Points +1" (User thoughts will be rewarded by the system as the user thinks in the right direction for his improvement"

Brion didn't expect such a reward from the system.

Direwolf, who staring at himself for about 15 seconds now. , as he can see, was exhibiting strange movements.

It was making slight leaps as if he were on fire and creating pain sounds.

Naturally, Brion "Mind Power" he had can not burn the Direwolf in the real world. It was just an illusion in the end.

He did not have the chance to show illusions to intelligent-beings like humans too for the time being.

But it was enough to show the illusion for an animal that was a little unintelligent, such as Direwolf.


Brion, taking advantage of Direwolf's distraction, whispered

"System put the ability points into the Mind Meditation Passive Ability and put the AT Points in the "Mind"

With Brion's words, he felt that he was on the top of the clouds and free from everything he thought about when he was a normal person.

" - Brion -"


HP = 200

Mind Energy = ..."

(Cant be numbered by the system for the time being. User mind power is equal to Brain Power + Mind Attribute )

"Level – "1"

"EXP = 0.0"

"STR = "1"

"Agility ="1"

"Endurance = "1"

"Mind" = "4"

(Because of some kind of transformation, user changed his "INT" attribute to "Mind")


AT Points = 0 (can be used for improving the stat points of the user)

Ability Points = 0 ( Improve the level of abilities instantly)


Abilities Abilities


"Mind Meditation Level 3 (+15% Mind Power Control +10% Mind Power +15% Clear Mind)"


Brion is now back to normal, feeling much better and confident.

"Direwolf, you're burning in fire and you can't see around."

Brion started whispering his thoughts to make the effect more strong and real.

At the same time, he understood that some kind of energy from him which is he could feel but could not see had a slight effect on Direwolf.

And there was something that happened that he can't imagine in his wildest dreams before.


Direwolf was still making weird moves suddenly got caught fire from his back and started running towards to forest with a burn mark on it is back brown fur.

Brion took a big deep breath and whispered.

"I have the power to do my dreams and anything I want. All I have to do is improve and get stronger !!"

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