The Mind God

99 10 AB - 10 AT - Chapter 99

Item – 1 (Spaceship)

"O-Shaped Moon Spaceship"


"An O-Shaped Moon Spaceship is a spaceship powered by the "UL-Electric Power Cell" and has the power for destroying planets and could use hyperdrive for traveling between the planets but not galaxies. It could be used for traveling and fighting against planetary forces easily, it needs to be used by "Order 15" being and higher.

"250 Meters – Long"

"50 Meters – Width"

"Power = "UL-Electric Power Cell"

"AI = Basic Autopilot"

"Main Weapon = Night Silver Energy Bolt"

"Secondary Weapons = Night-O Drones (10.000) Every Drone is at the level of Order 3)


"3 AB Points – 2 AT Points" (System Exchange)


Item – 2 (Spaceship)

"Night-V2 Destroyer"


"The Night-V2 Destroyer is an upgraded model of "Night-V Destroyer" and it created by the "Night Spaceships Design", it is designed is a half-moon in the color of black and it uses "Nigh-T2 Power Cell" which is made from the tiny bit of space and nuclear law itself, It needs an "Order 20 level" being for to be controlled and has an Ultimate Hyperdrive that travels between the galaxies"

"200 Meters – Long"

"400 Meters – Width"

"Power = "Night-T2"

"AI = Advanced Autopilot – Automatic Night-R1 Bolts"

"Main Weapon = Night R1 Energy Bolt"

"Secondary Weapons = Night-O-V3 Drones (10.000) (Every Drone is at the level of Order 5)

"3 AB Points – 3 AT Points" (System Exchange)


Item – 3 – Smart Computer Form

"Rouna – Star Controller"


"A Self-Aware AI in the form of a small spaceship, it has capabilities of fully controlling a star system and could detect dangers and destroy them with built-in "Rouna-V1 Plasma Powered Drones"

"15 Meters – Long"

"15 Meters – Width"

"Power = "Rouna-Main-Core"

"AI = Self-Aware AI, Advanced Autopilot – Automatic Decision Making – Master Strategist – Emotion Recognition -"

"Main Weapon = Ul-Plasma Laser"

"3 AB Points – 4 AT Points" (System Exchange)

"Secondary Weapons = Rouna-V1 Drones (25.000 Drones) (Every Roune-V1 Drone is at the level of "Order 10")


Item – 4 – Law-Items

Tiny Space-Law Stone


"A tiny stone at the height of 2 cm and 2 cm width. It is height is about 60 gram and it contains space law inside of it"

"No More Information"

"5 AB Points – 5 AT Points" (System Exchange)


Item – 5 – Law-Items

Tiny Time-Law Stone


"A tiny stone at the height of 2 cm and 2 cm width. It is weight is about 54 gram and it contains time law inside of it"

"No More Information"

"10 AB Points – 10 AT Points" (System Exchange)



Brion gulped and looked at each item that Global Market Card showed him for the "TSM-1"

He first looked at the spaceships, he felt that these spaceships are not that good.

Because, if he wanted to create a spaceship stronger than what he is seeing right now, he could very well create if he had the time for the research.

At the same time, even the system did not give him nice points for the Spaceships too.

After that, he looked at the AI system and he did nod his head this time with approval.

Because creating an AI that could look after a star system is not easy and on top of that, they put "25.000" Order 10 Drones for the protection.

Two or Three one of the drones could easily destroy a planet like where he was staying right now. These drones a threat for himself too, but of course not much


But after he saw how much system is okay for giving the Law Stones, he was nearly going to choke himself.

He did understand that there is so much thing that he did not know about the law stones and their secrets.

He can take one of the stones and learn from them. But it was not necessary.

"I have the system, I do not need to research the law. It gives me points for the power I could just make myself more powerful and equipped with full information."

At that time, the system talked to him.

"System, does not need to take any items from any kind of being, the system is omnipotent, it gives the user points because the user gives him valuable items for his level."

Brion smiled after he heard what the system said.

The system easily learned what he was going to think about the system.

Brion was going to think about the Why system giving much points for many stones" is he have one kind of information that he needs the stones and these stones much worth more than the system giving points for it.

But Brion understood what he was thinking just is bullshit.


After, these thinking Brion nodded and then whispered.

"Global Market Card, I want you to give me Tiny-Time Law Stone"

After Brion's words were over Global Market Card, send a message for the Brion to approve the trading.

"Global Market Accepts "TSM-1"

"Global Market Sends the "Tiny-Time Law Stone"


After, messages were over Brion smiled and looked at the package the Global Market Card send him.

After that, he just gave the stone without looking at it to "System" Because the system said to him if he looks at the stone the exchange was off. Because the Brion itself will be going earn two things in one deal.

The "TSM-1" Brion created were send to Global Market, Brion did say that he will be going to undo the protection barrier.

He did undo the complete barrier but he still added one kind of protective barrier to it. His items will not be going to harm himself.

This was because he wanted a guarantee of protection.

After, Brion gave the "Tiny-Time Law Stone" to System, in the two-second later system gave him his prize

"10 AB Points + 10 AT Points"

Brion was going to use points for himself but, he lost his consciousness because the points sent were too much him to handle.

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