Chapter 168 167. War

This day is the bleakest day in life for the imperial soldiers and civilians on Tagore's planet, which is under human jurisdiction.

When they were suddenly informed that the planet was preparing for full-scale war, everyone had vaguely had bad thoughts, but the real nightmare had just struck.

An unknown object the size of several cities suddenly jumped outside the planet's protective stance, awakening the entire military and civilian population of Tagore's planet. This was the first attack on Tagore's industrial world after the Emperor unified the human empire.

As the anti-aircraft guns started firing, tens of thousands of monsters that looked like creatures and machines began to fall from the sky. The appearance of these monsters can only be found in the deepest nightmares. They just resisted the artillery fire on the entire planet and landed quickly. , covering the sky and the sun, even exceeding the number of anti-aircraft artillery fire.

The moment they saw these monsters, the expressions of countless people across the planet changed drastically.

Because they have recognized this invading life form, these spores are none other than the Tyranids, the great devourers of the galaxy that they have been hearing about recently. In the past few decades, the Tyranids have devoured hundreds of human planets. Having devoured hundreds of billions of humans, no one thought that the Tyranids would now appear here.

Suddenly, countless people fell into the abyss of despair, because they knew that as long as the planet was targeted by the Zerg, almost no one could escape!

Like a monster rain, these insect swarms are accompanied by thousands of strange spores. These tiny spores are mixed with countless insect swarms and fall like a rainstorm. Once they land on the ground, the spores will actively penetrate. Hidden in the ground like a dormant golden cicada.

These spores will develop rapidly underground, absorb nutrients from the ground, and then rapidly transform into mature Zerg species in just a few days.

And this is the eve of the Tyranids attacking a planet.

There is no need to do any pre-war mobilization. The Zerg are originally the most fearless warriors. There will always be only two thoughts in their brains: killing any life that does not belong to their own group, and evolving and reproducing...

I don't know when, the Zerg's psychic network has already covered the entire planet. The mastermind on the Zerg Hive Mothership analyzes the information sent by the cerebrates and responds one by one, constantly simulating what to do next, as if The world’s most sophisticated quantum supercomputer.

Facing the landing of the Zerg troops, the top commander on the planet activated all air defense measures. Ultra-high field laser turrets, space cannons, and even anti-matter missiles were all used by any means necessary. Although more than 80% of the Zerg troops were will be wiped out in the air, but the remaining 20% ​​still brings a crisis of extinction to the entire planet!

The Tyranids began to infect the entire planet Tagore, and a large number of toxic spores fell like dust. All the wild animals and plants on the planet mutated rapidly due to interference with the biological spores. They became like infected hosts. He became an assistant to the Zerg invasion, became extremely aggressive and poisonous, and became an ally of Tyranids.

Among the Tyranid Zerg, there is a mothership called Behemoth. This mothership is also a living Zerg, but their size is large enough to be described in astronomical units, and their abdomens have A folded sac similar to a honeycomb structure, where various detection bugs are loaded.

Detectors, Corruptors, and all kinds of strange bugs flew out to surround the planet. Soon, human aerial fighters and the Zerg air force began to exchange fire, but this was just a mantis fighting as a chariot. Even if one fighter plane could fight against multiple Zerg, the number of flying Zerg was calculated in hundreds of millions. In addition, the Zerg also had A large number of anti-aircraft turrets were destroyed by high-altitude weapons, and the battle was almost one-sided.

The government of this planet is somewhat of a fierce general. Faced with a near-death situation, the government ordered all the troops to gather in one place to protect the retreat of the planet's residents. Civilian spaceships rushed out of the atmosphere, seemingly The Zerg knew that these civilian spaceships posed no threat to themselves. They did not pay attention to the escape of these residents, but focused on attacking on land.

However, when these civilian spacecraft flew out of the planet, the original anti-gravity engine suddenly shut down!

"It's the psychic stance of the Hive Mind!"

Some people screamed in despair, "I knew that the Zerg had blocked the entire planet. Don't say we escaped. Even if the government on the planet wanted to ask for help, there was nothing we could do. All the passages on the entire planet have been blocked by these monsters." It’s sealed!”

With countless people crying in despair, these spaceships crashed on the planet again one by one!

Hundreds of millions of people were directly buried in the sea of ​​​​fire. The original anti-gravity technology and subspace navigation technology completely lost their use under the blockade of the psychic barrier. This is the second time that the human race has been crushed in psychic technology. , and the first time was the time when we faced the Ada civilization thousands of years ago.

At the same time, under the Zerg's usual Zerg Sea tactics, the human marines were retreating almost step by step. Although these marines were extremely brave and fearless of death, and each of them killed hundreds of Zerg, the number of Zerg was still low. There was no sign of decreasing. The spores in the sky fell like hailstones. However, the forts on the ground had already been lost in the bombardment with the Zerg, and they completely lost the power to meet new challenges.

Faced with the sudden attack of the insect swarms, the human front was almost retreating. After losing air supremacy, everyone could only set up lines of defense on the ground in order to survive for the last time.

Time passes like this day by day. Every day, billions of people are killed by the Zerg and become the nourishment of the Tyranid Zerg. At the same time, new groups of Zerg emerge from the ground every day and join the attack on humans. Under the circumstances, the planet that was originally the home ground of mankind also began to become precarious.

Ten days later, in the Spartan Fortress, the largest military fortress on the planet, the planet's supreme commander looked at the alien monsters rushing in one after another like waves in the projection. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes in despair. On the eyes.

After a long time, he asked again, "Is there really no way to send a distress signal?"

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency."

The communications officer slowly took off his hat and showed a sad look, "From the moment these Zerg appeared above our planet, the planet's communication system has been disconnected. Both the atmosphere and the subspace channels have been destroyed by the Zerg." The Nest Will is cut off, and our entire planet Tagore is already in an isolated and helpless situation, just like other planets attacked by the Zerg before..."

"That's it..."

The supreme commander shook his head when he heard this, and said with a wry smile, "Issuing my order, all soldiers will tightly guard their respective fortresses and hold back the large Zerg troops, and each of the civilians will be issued a gun. , If you are willing to resist, please do so. If you are not willing to resist, you can also..."

He didn't finish the rest of the words, but everyone understood his decision, because the underlying meaning of this sentence was - if you are not far away and resist, you can use the gun to commit suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the Zerg and suffering. Die in all the pain.


All the commanders had tears in their eyes. They saluted the supreme commander solemnly and conveyed this almost fatal order. The supreme commander also nodded with satisfaction and looked back at the battlefield screen again.

Regardless of the outcome, in short, even the planet's supreme commander is ready to die with these great devourers from outside the galaxy.

At some point, the plain where this military fortress is located has been completely covered by the Zerg, and the hundreds of meters high phase-shift armored walls of the fortress have become dilapidated. They are the trenches dug by the Zerg with their claws. .

If the hardness of gold is two, the hardness of iron is four, and the hardness of diamond is ten, then the hardness of the phase transfer armor is more than one hundred. This is the highest technological crystallization of mankind after the establishment of the Holy Empire of Terra. It can be said that the hardness of mankind is The strongest alloy.

It's a pity that this kind of artificial alloy is expensive. Generally, only mother ships are equipped with this kind of phase transfer armor shell. It can be said that at least half of the value of such a fortress is reflected in this wall.

The thickness of the high-offset armored wall here is more than half a kilometer. Even the most ferocious self-banaling bugs found among the Zerg cannot blow out a passage. Moreover, this fortress also has countless bunker platforms. Even if the flying Zerg swarm wants to Getting closer also comes at a huge cost.

However, the wall of such an unbreakable fortress was only more than fifty meters high at this time. Extending downward from the wall was a half-kilometer-long slope composed of alien corpses.

"Sea of ​​insects, this is the sea of ​​insects..."

Looking at the endless insect pests in the projection, the planet's supreme commander murmured in a low voice. The screams of the electromagnetic guns outside the command room had already shattered the eardrums of countless Marines. These crazy bugs were waving their sickle-like weapons. The claws surged across the plains that were torn apart by laser sweeps. The huge numbers changed their offensive formations incredibly. The deafening roar of the electromagnetic cannon drowned out the primitive and crazy screams of these monsters.

However, these are not enough to withstand their ferocious attack. Facing the swarm of insects transformed from spores, the opponent's numbers have an unparalleled advantage. The forces of both sides are constantly changing, humans are constantly being weakened, and the Tyranids are constantly weakening every day. Getting stronger irresistibly.

The Zerg's raid on this planet lasted for three full months. This Zerg fleet did not directly annihilate it like it did when it attacked the previous planet. Instead, it looked like a greedy child intending to chew it carefully. No resource is spared.

It seems that the Tyranids understand the power of human beings and prepare for the next more cruel gluttonous feast.

More than ten days later, the hundred-meter-high wall of Tagore's largest military fortress was finally filled in. A five- to six-kilometer-long slope formed a passage to the top of the fortress wall. This was done at a huge cost by the Zerg troops. At the cost of paving the road with their own corpses, the remaining Zerg roared in joy, and then rushed towards the slope...

However, when the still boundless sea of ​​insects completely climbed over the wall and submerged the entire fortress, the entire fortress completely exploded. The planet's supreme commander activated the self-destruction system of the fortress, pulling the last soldiers and civilians on the entire planet. The Zerg in the entire fortress acted as backers and tried their best to resist.

But this is not the end.

After all resistance was eliminated, countless finger-sized swarms of tearing insects were sown from high altitudes by the mothership, and they began to sweep everything away. The ruins of buildings, the corpses of Zergs and humans on the planet, handicrafts and even seawater...

Everything is food for these thumb-sized bugs. They will eat everything except the land, and then take their round bodies behind the sea plug and crawl back to the Zerg mothership along the tentacles extended by the Zerg fleet. In his body, what he eats is digested by the fleet together with himself. This is the food source of the Zerg fleet.

In the end, Tagore's planet turned into an earth-yellow desolate planet, and there was no atmosphere even there, because the air would be sucked away by the tentacles hanging from the sky by the Tyranid mothership.

Finally, the Zerg mothership began to land on the planet, sucking the core of the entire planet - the magma into its body like a drink, while the remaining fragments of the planet were completely thrown out of orbit by the star and thrown towards it. In the unknown universe...

It only took a few months to plunder the resources of a planet. After losing hundreds of planets, mankind once again saw the power of the Zerg. Everyone was horrified to find that the Tyranids were constantly changing and evolving. , whenever humans deal with the Tyranids based on the experience gained from the last failure, they will find that these hateful bugs have improved their shortcomings at some point, and all previous responses have become a joke.

And this is the first human-insect war. The only thing that gives mankind the courage to face this unknown and terrifying race is that the threat of the Tyranids is not only aimed at humans, but also against the civilization of the entire galaxy.

Whether it is the flourishing Ork civilization or the lingering Ada civilization, they are all victims in this war. It is precisely because of this that the human empire has the confidence to fight against this Tyranid civilization.

When faced with a threat that could lead to extinction, these groups will unite for the first time to jointly resist the crisis of the Great Devourer from outside the galaxy.

And this battle on Tagore's planet is nothing more than a small battle between the major civilizations in the Milky Way facing foreign civilizations from outside the Milky Way. Chen Fuxing watched helplessly as human beings and major civilizations were retreating steadily. He knew that if If he doesn't take action, the entire galaxy will eventually be devoured by the opponent.

And when there are no living beings in the Milky Way, then the existence of imaginary number space will completely lose its meaning...

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