Chapter 74 073. Quantum Supercomputing

Regarding the selection of researchers, Chen Shibo currently has no good method.

After all, this world has countless subject and sub-discipline options such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, politics, business, etc., but what does his spiritual power count?

physics? That's certainly not the case.

Chemical? It's also not relevant.

biology? This is even more impossible.

math? politics? geography? art? history? electronic……

Almost none of these major subjects fit the bill.

The only thing that has some relevance is probably quantum physics.

After all, psychic energy has wave-particle duality, and strictly speaking, classification should be possible in physics.

So Chen Shibo decided to start with physicists.

"Old Zheng."

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo turned around and said to Zheng Xiancun, "I think I'll have to work hard for you next. Help me contact the officials of Tianji Province. I want to find some physicists."

"Physicists are also divided into several categories. What do you think?"

Zheng Xiancun asked.

"Then...quantum physics."

Chen Shibo thought for a while and replied, "I need some quantum physicists. I don't know if there are any that can be recruited by the provincial research institute or the private sector. I can recruit them at twice the market price."

"As long as the funds are available, this kind of thing is not difficult."

Zheng Xiancun nodded, "I believe those physicists will agree without hesitation if they know it is the olive branch extended by the Chen family."

"But the key is that these people must keep their mouths shut."

Chen Shibo reminded, "Make it clear in advance that these people will be implanted with monitoring chips and restricted in their daily lives. I will only hire them if they agree, otherwise I will forget it."

"In this case, the conditions will be a bit harsh."

Zheng Xiancun scratched his head, "You mean to let scientists work here?"

"That's right."

Chen Shibo pointed at the huge underground building in front of him, "Didn't you notice? This is an underground experimental base. I am going to launch an unprecedented research project here."


Hearing this, Zheng Xiancun nodded solemnly. Although he was also very confused about what Chen Shibo was going to study and why he had to build the laboratory underground, since Chen Shibo didn't say anything, he wouldn't go into details.

Not only that, Chen Shibo also took the initiative to contact Chen's father before, and through the Chen family's connections, he purchased some nuclear fusion generators, as well as equipment required for various quantum physics experiments, and the most important thing was quantum supercomputing.

The price of these equipment is not cheap. The Chen family just took advantage of the death of the Zhou family's head to embezzle part of the Zhou family's property. However, before the money could be used up, Chen Strobe spent it again.

Coupled with this underground laboratory, Chen Shibo has spent billions, almost draining the Chen family's liquidity.

Fortunately, he is the leader of the Chen family, otherwise this project would not have been built anyway.

Soon Zheng Xiancun left.

Chen Shibo turned around and walked into the building.

The door of the building is located on the 25th floor. As Chen Shibo entered, he immediately came to the lobby.

This is a very large hall, about thousands of square meters. The wide hall is only supported by some thick steel columns, and it is surrounded by bright lights. It has obviously not been decorated in time.

On both sides of the hall, there are several security rooms. If there is an enemy attack, this is also the front line to resist foreign enemies.

Beside him, there were dozens of androids coming and going, transporting various decoration materials.

Chen Shibo came to the elevator, entered an elevator casually, and pressed the button at the bottom.

In the elevator, the camera automatically scanned Chen Shibo's identity. According to everyone's different permissions, the areas that everyone can enter are also different, but obviously as the owner of this experimental base, Chen Shibo naturally has the highest authority.

Soon, the elevator reached the bottom of the building.

As the elevator door opened, people were also coming and going here. The androids assembled equipment that looked extremely complicated according to the operation manual. A large number of pipes were exposed on the ground in a complicated manner, and they had not had time to clean them up.

Because the overall structure of the building is diamond-shaped, the top and bottom floors are the smallest floors, but even the smallest ones are hundreds of square meters. According to the plan, this is where all important equipment in the base is stored.

For example, nuclear fusion generators, air purification systems, and the most important and expensive quantum supercomputer.

Quantum computers in this world generally use optical quantum technology. Compared with the von Neumann architecture binary computers in Chen Shibo's original world, there is a gap of countless iterations.

Binary computers only have two basic states, 0 and 1, while quantum computers also have superposition states in addition to these two basic states, 0 and 1. This is the essential difference between quantum computers and traditional computers.

The gap is so obvious - imagine a binary computer with four classical bits. It can only get one state per second, such as 0000 or 0101, so it takes 16 seconds to get all 24 states, while a quantum computer with the same number of bits only needs one second to calculate all permutations and combinations from 0000 to 1111.

And as the number of bits increases, the performance gap between quantum computers and traditional computers grows exponentially.

Different from the optical quantum computer such as the optical brain chip in Chen Shibo's hand, the calculation speed of quantum supercomputer is naturally more powerful. At the same time, this kind of quantum supercomputer does not use the indicator of "bit" to express calculation speed, but uses The concept of "quantum volume".

Quantum volume was first proposed as a special performance indicator when quantum computers were successfully developed a hundred years ago. Chen Shifang purchased the latest quantum supercomputer, which has a computing power of 8192 bits.

This computing power far exceeds the number of all atoms in the observable universe, and is even enough to trigger qualitative changes and form truly intelligent life.

However, according to the federal "Digital Life Act" basic law, these intelligent birth mechanisms are physically locked. The birth of every intelligent life needs to be registered with the federation, and is only allowed to be born after passing the review.

This kind of physical lock is just a layer of protection, which is to lock the possibility of the birth of intelligent life. Even if you break this physical shackles in private, it is meaningless.

Because intelligent life needs to grow through contact with the Internet, but once such illegal intelligent life comes into contact with the Internet, it will be immediately discovered by the intelligent life of major companies responsible for monitoring on the Internet, and the newly born intelligent life will be killed at all costs. .

At the same time, based on the IP address, in reality, troops from the state and district level public security departments will come to deliver warmth.

If nuclear weapons were a taboo in Chen Shibo's previous life, then intelligent life is a taboo in this world.

It has nothing to do with history or lessons, but human beings have always understood the threat of intelligent life since ancient times.

From various literary novels in ancient times to later film and television works, from the birth of computers to before the emergence of intelligent life, the entire society has been constantly promoting the theory of the threat of intelligent life.

In this sense of crisis, mankind introduced federal bills more than a hundred years ago, placing a large number of restrictions on intelligent life.

These restrictions now appear to be a wise move.

Because the Federation has studied that at the moment of contact with the Internet, intelligent life can grow at an immeasurable speed. They will absorb all human knowledge and wisdom from ancient times to the present, and understand human nature through countless websites, forums and even hackers. .

It can be said that any intelligent life that is born is an omniscient and omnipotent existence. They can even draw a map of human actions by hacking into the cameras of the entire federation, and then use computing power to predict the actions of everyone in the world in a few seconds. trajectory.

Naturally, humans have to try every means to restrict this kind of super life form.

But at this time, Chen Shibo looked at the quantum supercomputer being installed and had a new idea.

If I could convert spiritual energy into the most basic code and inject it into this quantum supercomputer, could I create a spiritual intelligent life?

It is conceivable that once this kind of intelligent life appears, with the characteristics of psychic energy, wouldn't it be able to dominate the entire network in an instant?

However, this will be a huge amount of work.

Even if I write a thousand pieces of code every day without stopping, it will still take hundreds of years to copy the entire basic program code of a supercomputer.

Of course Chen Shibo couldn't wait so long.

Therefore, he needs a converter, a converter that converts all basic codes into psionic codes.

This is why Chen Shibo wants to recruit physicists.

He must first research out some of the psionic power, and then create a converter, and then he can convert a large amount of code into psionic code, thereby replacing everything.

At that time, what will be born will naturally be the world's first psychic intelligent life.

This psychic life has all the characteristics of an intelligent life. At the same time, because it is a psychic intelligent life, it has a natural crushing advantage over electronic intelligent life, and no intelligent life will be able to defeat it.

Likewise, it cannot generate psychic energy on its own, so it will only become weaker and weaker, and must be strengthened with the help of Chen Strobe.

This is a limitation.

If that intelligent life wants to become stronger, it can only cooperate with itself, and Chen Shibo controls its life and death. After this, if the psychic intelligent life wants to survive, it must surrender to itself.

"very perfect."

Chen Shibo silently looked at the quantum supercomputer in front of him that had not yet started, nodded slightly, turned around and left the bottom of the experimental base.

Next, Chen Shibo walked around the entire experimental base and passed the time for a while. In the past few hours, Zheng Xiancun returned to the underground with a piece of information.

"These are the most authoritative physicists in Tianji Province. Most of these people work as a team, and there are very few of them individually, unless they are civilian scientists without positions."

Zheng Xiancun handed a thick stack of information to Chen Shibo, "Because there is no network underground, I printed out the information in advance."

"Well done."

Chen Shibo took the materials and read them one by one.

Most of these materials were scientists' resumes and life achievements, but he didn't understand the various academic terms in them, and he felt unclear.

Finally, Chen Shibo flipped through the information and found that there were a total of 321 quantum physics scientists in this information, which was really a lot.

"Choose from the official scientists first."

Chen Shibo thought for a while. Since these people are all famous quantum physicists, their professional levels should be similar. Although there may be few top physicists among them, these people are enough.

Moreover, people have potential. Chen Shibo not only recruited famous quantum physicists, but also planned to send invitation letters to some fresh graduates. In this way, the experimental base can also cultivate research talents on its own. Talent.

In the end, Chen Shibo selected the twenty scientists with the cleanest foundations.

These scientists are all non-natural persons, with a clean family background and no major moral problems. They have never joined a large chaebol organization. Instead, they have been working in public research institutes of the government. Many of them have no ability to use, but they just happen to be Suitable here.

And this is only the first batch, and it will definitely be expanded in the future, but for the time being, this is the way to go.

After handing these lists to Zheng Xiancun, Zheng Xiancun will continue to act as a messenger, bringing the news to Chen's father, and the family will come forward to recruit these people.

Of course, when extending an olive branch, all the conditions will be made clear to this group of people. If you don't want to be restricted, then you can only give up.

After finalizing the plan, Chen Shibo stretched and returned to the ground again.

However, he did not use the vertical elevator to return to the two-story building he later bought. Instead, he used the underground maglev rail car to go to Nalan's home three kilometers away and walked out of the construction site here.

After three months of absence, the former Nalan home has been bulldozed and replaced by a company building, surrounded by a group of decent research buildings, transforming the once wealthy area of ​​Wujiang City into a new high-tech building. development zone.

It's just that this behavior has made the small chaebols and politicians who also live in this wealthy area suffer. The originally comfortable central circle has been transformed into a business circle where people come and go. Every day, heavy vehicles and heavy vehicles can be seen coming and going. workers, but they still dare not speak out.

Although the Chen family experienced some changes and the company's market value dropped a lot, it later annexed the entire Nalan family. Then some time ago, the head of the Zhou family was suddenly assassinated, and the entire Tianji Province's plutocrats suddenly swarmed like a pack of wolves.

Not only did the small chaebols eat their fill in this incident, the Chen family and the Zheng family also tore off a large piece of flesh from the Zhou family.

Today, the Zhou family has greatly regressed in strength, shrinking from a giant to a chaebol slightly larger than the Nalan family. The company's size has also been downgraded from T3 to T4, and the Chen family and the Zheng family have become the real ones in this incident. winner.

In fact, there are still many doubts about Zhou Er's death. For example, regarding his missing head, Chen's father once suspected that the dead Zhou Er was probably just a stand-in, and the real Zhou Er was not dead.

But this doesn't change anything. What's done is done. Even if he survives now, he can't restore the prosperity of the Zhou family to that day.

It can be said that from now on, there are only two actual controllers left in the entire Skyrim Province.

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