Chapter 82 081. Internal strife and coercion

In a remote three-story building, several people pulled up all the curtains in the room and locked the door at the same time.

Chen Shibo thought for a while and found a few more bottles of beer from the refrigerator. One bottle was placed upside down behind the door, and the remaining bottles were placed in front of the back door and the window on the first floor.

In this way, if someone breaks in, everyone will be alerted immediately.

After doing all this, Chen Shibo sat down on the ground a little tired. Chen's father opened his backpack and threw the nutrition bars and water inside to Chen Shibo. This middle-aged man had been pampered all his life and had hardly carried any heavy weight. However, today I walked dozens of kilometers carrying a lot of supplies.

Lu Zui's two bodyguards had also begun to tidy up. Because no disinfectant was found in the room, the bodyguard named Lao Lei had to pour out water to clean his wounds, and then wrapped and bandaged himself with cloth strips in the room.

Then, the two parties sat on opposite sides of the room with clear distinctions and began to rest silently.

No one spoke. In the silent room, only the faint roar of monsters and the sudden screams of citizens could be heard outside the door.

In this silence, a snoring sound gradually came from the exhausted Lu Zhui, while Chen's father was sitting in the corner, drawing something on the ground with a pen he didn't know where he came from.

"this is?"

Chen Zhongshan walked over and looked down at the squares drawn by Chen's father.


Father Chen smiled tiredly, "Although I couldn't find the city map, I had nothing to do along the way, so I marked the roads on both sides of the commercial street, and added some tall buildings as signs. Now we are almost at this location. …”

As he spoke, he drew a circle on one of the squares, and then drew an arrow to represent the direction of travel. "As long as the C-shaped gap in the Harmony Mining Building is facing us and we walk in the opposite direction, then it will probably Tomorrow evening you can leave the dense urban area and reach the edge, and the day after tomorrow you can leave the city and get rescue..."

"No way."

Chen Shibo thought for a while and couldn't help but shook his head, "We only lasted six or seven hours today. Tomorrow the time will be even shorter. We can only hold on for five hours at most before reorganizing and resting. It is impossible to walk for that long."


When Father Chen heard this, he immediately sighed. Today was considered the best day for everyone, but they still only lasted seven hours under such circumstances, and their condition would only be worse tomorrow.

Coupled with the increasing number of monsters and the injury of the bodyguard, it means that it is impossible for everyone to get out of the dense urban area before tomorrow evening.

"There should be a tool shop nearby. I'll go find some plasma saws tomorrow."

Chen Shifian looked at the plasma saw in his hand, which had reached the bottom of its battery, and said in a low voice, "If we really encounter a dangerous situation, we can only get rid of Lu Zhui and the three of them."

"Also, without us dragging you down, it would be easier for you to leave alone."

Chen's father naturally knew that Chen Shibo had undergone genetic modification, so he said decisively, "If this happens, just go and leave me alone..."

Hearing this, Chen Shibo didn't say much, he just nodded silently and found a secluded place to lie down slowly.

While he was still asleep, Chen Shibo entered the imaginary number space.

At this time, in the imaginary number space, the spiral luminous body during the day had long disappeared, but it was not because that thing disappeared, but because he had left the city center and was out of the range that could sense the luminous body.

I just don’t know what that thing is.

Chen Zhongshan showed a trace of thought. He had never seen that thing before. It seemed not to be a creation of the human world at all. After all, he had never seen anything other than human beings that could form a projection in the imaginary number space. , that weird thing can be said to be the first time.

For some reason, Chen Shibo suddenly remembered what Chen’s father once said:

'I received news that about a month ago, Harmony Mining Company excavated something while mining on Pluto. This matter was known to other T0s for some reason. Currently, Wieland Corporation and United Aerospace Corporation are reporting to the Federation Parliament is putting pressure on Harmony Mining to spit this thing out...'

So is there a possibility that this is what the Harmony Mining Company dug up?

There was a hint of gloom in Chen Shibo's eyes.

This thing seemed to be placed on the battleship that had the accident, so when the battleship flew above his head, it would be immediately sensed by the imaginary number space, thus showing a projection.

No, wait...

Chen Shibo's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly thought of a very scary guess - since that thing can be projected in the imaginary number space, doesn't it mean that the other party is also some kind of living thing?

In other words, that thing has a consciousness similar to human beings?

It was the placement of it on the battleship during the day that caused the battleship to lose control and triggered a series of disasters...

The battleship servitors and the city's electronic systems are all infected, and the dead people have mutated. All of this is related to that unknown thing!

So what the hell did Harmony Mining dig out of Pluto?

Chen Fengshan cursed secretly. Although he was very curious about that thing, the most important thing now was not to find out all this, but to escape from the city first.

After all, he couldn't guarantee that if all the high-level officials in the city who deserved to be rescued died, the Harmony Mining Company would directly drop nano bombs into the city and clear out all living creatures in the entire city.

Even if electronic systems cannot enter the city, this world is not limited to electronic nano-weapons, there are also biological nano-insect swarms.

In short, I must leave the city limits as soon as possible...

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo suppressed the sense of urgency in his heart and focused his attention on the imaginary number space again.

At this moment, various emotional currents have already filled the entire imaginary number space, and have even formed waves of wandering emotional storms, raging in the void like hurricanes.

Because the whole city is fighting for life and death, human beings have burst out with unprecedented intense emotions. Never before has the emotion in the imaginary space accumulated so much!

The four cocoons took this opportunity to swallow the sea, greedily absorbing the emotional airflow, but even so, the emotional storm in the imaginary number space still did not decrease at all, but continued to increase.

It's like a sponge, greedily absorbing moisture from the outside world.

Not only that, the number of souls in the imaginary space has also skyrocketed, from thousands of souls in the past to more than 100,000 today. Most of these souls were captured by the four soul cocoons and turned into puppet-like islanders.

At this time, the islands around the four cocoons had expanded to thousands of meters in diameter, and the islands were covered with dense souls, almost completely filling the four islands.

And I don’t know if it’s because of the strongest murderous emotion, but the number of souls captured by the red cocoon is also the largest among the four cocoons.

More than 100,000 souls were captured by the red cocoon. All of these souls knelt down on the island and kept bowing to the red cocoon in the center of the island.

The more souls are captured, the stronger the power of the red cocoon becomes and the faster it absorbs emotions. Even its cocoon body has cracks and seems to be on the verge of cracking.

The thing inside the red cocoon seems to be about to be born...

Chen Shibo was shocked again.

He carefully examined the red cocoon, and then found that the red cocoon was only slightly cracked. Through the gap, he could faintly see that there was something inside the cocoon that was ready to move, but there was still a long way to go before the cocoon was completely broken.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo slowly felt relieved. Although he didn't know what the red cocoon was gestating, he didn't want to see any surprises at this juncture.

Silently putting down his guard, Chen Shibo began to gather all his emotions. He saw the emotions in the void shrinking rapidly and converging into a huge emotional sphere.

This emotion ball has an unprecedented diameter of five meters. This has never happened before since he collected emotions.

He no longer hesitated, but moved slightly towards this huge emotional ball!

Suddenly, as the emotion ball exploded, the imaginary number space expanded rapidly like an inflatable ball!

Ten kilometers, fifteen kilometers, twenty kilometers, twenty-five kilometers...

The strong emotional airflow erupts from the center like a storm, constantly expanding the edge of the imaginary number space. This time, the expansion of the imaginary number space is far greater than before!

This expansion storm lasted for about an hour. When the emotional storm finally dissipated, Chen Shibo suddenly looked happy.

Unknowingly, the imaginary space that was originally only ten kilometers in diameter expanded several times and became thirty-three kilometers!

Chen Shibo was a little shocked and a little surprised. He didn't expect that at the moment of life and death, human beings would burst out with so much intense emotion. In just one day, the imaginary number space expanded more than three times!

Not only is the expansion of the imaginary number space, but the four islands are also taking this opportunity to continue to expand. Because Red Cocoon is uniquely endowed by nature, its island has expanded to two kilometers in diameter, and the other three islands have also expanded to more than one kilometer. is expanding rapidly.

But just when Chen Shibo was overjoyed, the sound of a wine bottle tipping over suddenly came from the real world.

There is a situation!

Chen Shibo was shocked and quickly exited the imaginary number space. He opened his eyes and saw the bodyguard named Lao Lei suddenly falling to the ground, holding his head and howling hoarsely.

Because this situation occurred without warning, everyone was awakened one after another. The other bodyguard jumped up instinctively and wanted to step forward to stop the other party's screams.

"Get away!"

The bodyguard named Lao Lei suddenly yelled, pushed the other person away, and then suddenly pulled out his pistol.

"What do you want to do? Stop it!"

The bodyguard was suddenly shocked. He drew his gun and pointed it at the opponent without thinking. However, the bodyguard named Lao Lei suddenly showed a cruel look on his face. He slowly raised the gun and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Lao Lei, you!"

Lu Zhui, who had been asleep for a long time, was also awakened. He looked at the two of them in shock, "Old Lei, what do you want to do? Calm down!"

"It needs us."

Lao Lei showed pain on his face. He cried bitterly and said vaguely, "Don't you hear it? It's whispering in our minds. We can't escape, there is no hope..."

"Who are you talking about?"

Chen Zhongshan's heart moved and he silently stepped forward, "Who is speaking in your head?"

"who is it?"

Lao Lei was startled for a moment. He looked confused, but then suddenly turned into an extremely frightened person, "It's coming, it's coming!"

As he spoke, there was a bang, and he pulled the trigger without any warning!

The huge gunshot echoed throughout the street, and a huge gash opened in the back of Lao Lei's head. He leaned against the wall and then slowly slid down, leaving only a shocking blood stain.

Chen Shibo watched all this silently. In fact, with his speed, he could grab the pistol before the other party committed suicide, but it didn't make any sense.

The other party's behavior is just like those who went crazy during the day. Even if they are saved, they will not be able to regain their sanity, but may leave a hidden danger.

Therefore, he just watched the other person commit suicide silently, then stepped forward and took the pistol from the other person's hand.

"do not move!"

However, his action triggered another bodyguard, who immediately shouted coldly, "Put down the gun!"

Chen Zhongshan turned around silently and looked at the other party calmly.

"What's wrong? Why are you doing this?"

Father Chen also stood up at this time. He looked at Lu Zhui with some ferocity, "Director Lu, what is your bodyguard doing? Ask him to put down his gun!"

Lu Zhui on the side also looked a little nervous, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Old Feng, don't get excited. Put down the gun first."

"you have a problem!"

Seemingly stimulated by the death of his companion, the bodyguard was on the verge of collapse at this time. He stared at Chen Shibo with a tense expression, sweat on his face, "Who knows if you were infected by that voice?" , if you don’t want to die, put down the gun, I won’t say it again!”

"You are the one who wants to die!"

There was a trace of impatience in Chen Shibo's eyes. His whole body instantly turned into an afterimage, appearing directly in front of the other party before he could react. The next second, there was only a "swish" sound, and the plasma saw drew an arc in the air. , the bodyguard’s right hand flew out together with the gun in his hand!


The bodyguard let out a miserable howl, and without thinking, he punched Chen Shibo, but when he hit Chen Shibo's chest, he only felt his eyes blur, and his head detached from his body and fell directly. On the ground!


A headless corpse suddenly fell to the ground without a sound, leaving only bursts of convulsions.

"You, you actually..."

A trace of horror appeared in Lu Zhui's eyes. He slowly took a few steps back. Chen Shibo's ruthless side made him feel a little chilled.

Chen Shibo threw away the completely dead plasma saw, turned around and picked up the second gun. He was about to say something, but then suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunshots from far and near on the originally quiet street, followed by bursts of sounds of motor vehicles.

Lu Zhui felt like he was being pardoned. He quickly ran to the window and opened the curtains to take a look. Then he quickly opened the door and ran out, shouting as he ran, "I'm here, come and save me!"

Seeing this, Chen Shibo also put away his firearms and walked out of the hiding place with Chen's father. Only then did he see dozens of soldiers riding on motorcycle-like vehicles approaching quickly not far away. At the same time, he continued to clean up the monsters that rushed towards him, but after a while, all the monsters on the street were cleared.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

Lu Zui rushed forward with excitement on his face, but before he could take a few steps, the soldiers shot at his feet without thinking. Suddenly, debris scattered on the street, forcing Lu Zui to stop in place.

"Citizens, state your identity!"

The soldiers stopped slowly, and a man leading them got out of the car, looked at Lu Zhui carefully, and then said.

"I am the Lu family of the Fourth Dimension Province, the head of the Lu family, Lu Zhui! Come and save me!"

Lu Zhui shouted quickly.

"The Lu family in the Fourth Dimension Province?"

The leading man paused, and then another soldier on the side reminded, "This person is not our rescue target and can be given up."

"No, you can't do that!"

Lu Zhui suddenly became anxious and wanted to rush forward, but he was afraid of the gun in the opponent's hand, and was caught in a dilemma.

"And you, citizens, state your identities."

At this time, the other party looked at Chen Shibo again.

"We are the Chen family of Tianji Province."

Father Chen immediately said, "He just escaped from the city center."

Hearing this, the leading man frowned immediately, "It's also not a rescue target. Before we continue... um, wait!"

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Quanshan, "Are you also a genetically modified person?"

Chen Shibo didn't say anything, just nodded.

At this time, he could see clearly that there were fifteen people on the other side, all riding motorcycle-like vehicles and wearing some kind of black armor.

In addition, everyone exudes a strong aura of genetically modified people.

Obviously, this is because prosthetics cannot be used in the city, so genetically modified people are dispatched to serve as rescue forces.

In other words, as long as these people are killed, he and Cheap Daddy will have a motor vehicle to leave...

However, this idea only lasted for a moment before being abandoned.

Because he could imagine that the outside of the city was probably blocked at this time. Even if he could grab a motor vehicle, it would still be difficult to explain to the outside world.

What's more, the opponent's group of people may have a high degree of genetic modification, and they also have guns. The chance of killing them all is very small.

At this time, I just heard the other party continue to speak, and his tone was unquestionable, "Since you are a genetically modified person, then come with us to the city center. The company's top management is still trapped inside. You just know the situation."


Father Chen couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, "We finally left, how could we return there? Are you kidding us?"

"This is not a discussion, this is an order."

The other party's tone suddenly turned cold, "In the name of Harmony Mining Company, I order you to either follow me in or die here. There is no third option."


Father Chen suddenly looked shocked and angry.


The leading man immediately raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Father Chen, "Do you have any objections?"


Following the man's movements, the entire motorcycle squad followed suit and pointed their guns at the three men.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo suddenly laughed.

He raised his hands, took a step forward slowly, and said with a low smile, "In that case, I can follow you, but my father is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't even have a prosthetic body."


The leading man took off his supply bag from his back and threw it directly at Father Chen's feet. "There are medical supplies, food and water in it. When we come out of the city center, you can come back to pick him up."

Father Chen's face was ugly, but the situation was stronger than others, so he had to compromise.

"Wait, what about me?"

At this moment, Lu Zhui beside him couldn't help but lost his voice and said, "What should I do?"

"You can just go and die."

The leading man replied calmly and raised his gun at the same time.


With the sound of a gunshot, a large ball of blood burst out of Lu Zui's chest. He glanced at his chest in disbelief, and then slowly fell to the ground...

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