Xiaolan: "..."

  While she was resentful, she also hesitated.

  Although she said that she finally compromised and did not let her father help for free, [-] million is too much!

  However, when she looked at Kamiike Rin's unquestionable eyes, she sighed again, knowing that it was useless to object.

  And Dad's performance... shameful!

  next second.

  Xiao Lan covered her face and poured tea, this is the only thing she can do... No!

  She will also supervise her father to help Ah Rin find someone, and she must not neglect her duties!

  Mouri Kogoro didn't know his daughter's resentment and plans.

  He looked at Chi Lin with enthusiasm and said, "That... Chi..." What's going on?

  Chi Rin said in a timely manner: "Uncle, just call me Ah Rin!"

  "Okay, Arin, come and sit down, tell me what you want to entrust!"  …

Chapter 10

  on the sofa.

  Chi Rin and Mouri Kogoro sat face to face, and Xiaolan brought the tea.

  Chi Lin flipped through the backpack and said, "That's it, I want to find a female elder of mine, her name is Chi Shuyun, fifty-five years old, this is her photo..."

  He snorted abruptly, turned the backpack a little faster, and at the same time muttered in confusion: "Eh? Where is my photo?"

  Photos are definitely not there!

  The plan is what he thought of temporarily, and people are just what he said casually... Besides, the most important thing is that this plan will not let him find people!

  Naturally, you can't take a photo at random on the street. What if Maori Kogoro's blind cat meets a dead mouse?

  Anyway, he has proficient painting skills, and it is more than enough to piece together a human face.


  Why don't you paint it in advance?

  Just kidding, how can you pretend to be in front of Xiaolan when you draw it in advance?

  Therefore, at this time, Chi Lin made a look of anxiety, and he looked around but couldn't find the photo.

  Opposite Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro couldn't help but worry, but the neon people's etiquette is still okay.

  Chi Rin didn't speak, so they didn't help to rummage, peeping into the inside of his backpack, they could only be anxious...

  Eventually, it flipped for a few minutes.

  Chi Lin put down his schoolbag with a look of despair, covered his face and said bitterly: "Sorry, I lost the photo, I only have one! I'm here to find Aunt Shuyun..."

  "Ah? How could it be?" Xiaolan looked worried, very sad for Chi Rin.

  Mouri Kogoro frowned and said, "Can't your family send another one?"

  "I... my parents died in a fire not long ago and left me with nothing but a huge inheritance.

  And Aunt Shuyun moved to Neon a few years ago. I don't know what happened to my parents and her, but we lost contact.

  Maybe it doesn't matter how important a person is before they die, so that my parents' only last wish when they died was for me to find her!

  And she is my only living relative. My parents were busy when I was a child, and she basically took care of me when I grew up... She is also old now, and she has no other family. I... I am very worried about her! "

  Chi Lin's eyes were red when he said this, tears welled up in his eyes, and his sadness was beyond words.

  As the saying goes, when a man has tears, he does not flick it, but he has not yet reached the sad part!

  He thought that if he didn't act well in this play, his plan would fail!

  Then I can't meet Concubine Yingri, and then I can't communicate with her in depth!

  In the end, the rice bowls in the future will come to nothing!

  It was so sad that Chi Lin showed his Oscar-like acting skills, which completely infected Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro.

  Just look at the same red eyes of the father and daughter, and you can see it.

  Seeing that the time was almost up, Chi Lin suddenly slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "Ah! I have an idea!"


  The Maori father and daughter were taken aback.

  But the kind-hearted ones are more concerned about what to do, so that they have completely fallen into the trap of Chi Big Bad Wolf Rin, unable to extricate themselves!

  Chi Lin looked incoherent and shouted, "Pen...paper...do you have paper and pen? Quick...I...borrow me!"

  "Okay! Arin, don't worry, I'll get it right away!" Xiaolan reacted instantly and ran towards the desk.

  Chi Rin will be very three-dimensional in a hurry, and can't wait to directly follow Xiaolan's ass.

  Although Mouri Kogoro was confused, he followed.

  Soon, Chi Lin got the pen and paper, did not speak, but pondered a little, picked up the pen and drew...

  The Maori father and daughter watched curiously.

  As time passed, more and more lines appeared on the white paper, and the outline of a woman gradually emerged.

  The father and daughter finally stopped being calm, and they both grew their mouths together and were stunned.

  But looking at Chi Lin who was so absorbed in it, he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing him...

  So ten minutes passed.

  When Chi Lin stopped writing.

  Looking at this sketch, Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan's jaws did not close the whole time, they just stared blankly, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

  No way, Chi Rin is really amazing!

  The painting looks exactly like the real photo except that it has no color!

  Like they can't know.

  But it is very appropriate to be lifelike. The woman in the painting has a light face and a dark eyebrow.

  And it's not a general appearance. In the details, even the fine lines at the corners of the eyes are clearly outlined, and the hair is clearly defined.

  It is not difficult to see from the photos that she must be a gentle, kind and colourful elder.

  So much so that Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh: "Wow! Ah Lin, your aunt must have been very beautiful when she was young!"

  Chi Lin smiled proudly: "Yes! My aunt was a beauty when she was young!"

  It's a joke that combines the advantages of modern digital beauty stars, how can it be ugly?

  Mouri Kogoro was busy taking pictures of the paintings and saving them, just in case.

  Then he laughed: "Arin, don't worry! I will definitely find her and reunite your relatives!"

  "That's really bothering Uncle Maori. Uncle tells me your account number, and I'll call you the commission fee tomorrow!" Chi Rin said loudly.

  This Maori Kogoro will naturally not refuse.

  In fact, he can't wait to write an account...

  Xiaolan looked at her father's greed for money, and sighed again, feeling that her father was really helpless!

  In this way, the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can chase my mother back!

  Seeing that it's getting late.

  Chi Rin rolled her eyes, and suddenly consciously said goodbye: "Right! Xiaolan, Uncle Maori, it's too late now, I should go too!"

  But..." Chi Lin said, "The hotel I stayed in has expired, and I was delayed during the day and didn't have time to find it again. Xiaolan, uncle, do you know any nearby hotels that I can temporarily check in? "

  "Ah? But it's so late now, not to mention whether I can find a suitable hotel, even if I find it, it's not easy to check in!" Mouri Kogoro wondered.

  Xiaolan also frowned.

  She thought that A Lin had something to do during the day, but she felt guilty because she had been delayed for comfort.

  She couldn't help but said in a low voice, "It's me who wasted your time, Ah Rin. If I knew that after the incident happened in the afternoon, I shouldn't have asked you to wait for Shinichi with me!"

  Most importantly, they waited in vain!

  "What's wasting time?" Maori Kogoro asked naturally puzzled.

  Xiaolan quickly explained...

  After listening to Kogoro Mouri, he scolded angrily: "That stinky brat from the Kudo family knows the reasoning in a day, and doesn't take you seriously at all!

  If you want me to say Xiaolan who you like is not good, if you don't like that kid, I think Arin is much better than him! "

  "Dad~~" Xiao Lanjiao said angrily, "What did you say!"

  Mouri Kogoro still looked bad. Looking at Chi Rin, he suddenly thought of something. He smiled and suggested, "Rin, why don't you stay at my house for one night temporarily!"

  "Eh? It's too much trouble!" Chi Rin blinked, his face was not blushing and his heart was beating politely.

  "What trouble! Could it be that you think my house is poor and don't want to live in it?" Kogoro Mouri stared.

  Chi Lin shook his head again and again: "How is that possible!"

  "Then it's decided!" Maori Kogoro waved his hand, "You stay in my room tonight, I'll just sleep in the office!"

  Saying that, without giving Chi Rin a chance to "reject" again, he directly instructed Xiao Lan to say, "Lan, take A Rin up to have a look, and then clean up the room for him!"

  "Okay!" Xiaolan responded with a happy crisp voice, and then she enthusiastically pulled Chi Lin towards the third floor.

  What can Chi Lin say when he sees this?

  Only a pair of no (happy) law (no) move (self) frame (win) should be down......

Chapter 11

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