Voice of the live broadcast of the major final

: "Dear audience, due to emergencies in the arena, please follow the staff's arrangements and evacuate in time. "

The voice of the broadcast" repeated, dear observers....."

"Are the Xuan Tie crazy!" Markowitz watched the chaotic scene on TV, and the original perfect plan was suddenly disrupted by Xuan Tie.

They don't have to do it at the finals, as long as the Yao Knights are out of the majors....

Markowitz suddenly reacted "... Okay, good means, Xuan Tie doesn't care if Yao Knight is infected or not, all they want is to let the Federation and the Supervisory Council

..." Markowitz dialed the phone, "Boss, the situation has changed, and it has been determined that Xuan Tie betrayed..."

"Linguang, you go first." The ground where the Shining was standing had gradually begun to crack, and the ground at the Grand Championship final site could not withstand the arrows of Xuan Tie.

“...... I'm waiting for you on the sidelines. Yao Knight helped the Blood Knight to quickly leave the competition venue, and only the Shining was still in the center of the entire arena.

The two arrows were constantly trembling, and it seemed that they would explode in the next moment.

"Whew..." The Shining exhaled deeply, his sword and scabbard spinning with arrows, and the grass and flowers bloomed everywhere they passed.

As if dancing with arrows, the light descends from the sky, shining brightly, more and more dazzling, like the rising sun.

The power of the soul soaked everyone who came close to here.

However, like a miracle, it dissipated without a trace in an instant.

The sun disappeared and a Sakaz emerged from the pitch-black major.

Holding the scabbard, Shining gently clenched the hilt of the sword with his right hand, slowly walked out of the arena, and walked to Linguang and Nightingale under everyone's gaze.

"Are you all right?" Linguang looked at the Shining's mental state a little not very good, and the other party clasped the hilt of the sword, as if the sword should not be unsheathed.

Shining shook his head, "Xuan Tie's third arrow shot crookedly, otherwise... I may not be able to save you.

Shining looked in the direction where the arrow was coming from, she was wondering if Xuan Tie would not make such a low-level mistake, what exactly made the other party shoot a little crooked.

Tianshuo quickly came to the outside of the major after handing the two Xuan Tie to Russell to make a deal, and happened to run into Frost Star.

"Snow Hare! Here! Tianshuo waved his hand towards Frost Star, who was still standing in place.


did not get a response, and Frost Star came to Tianshuo without speaking.

“...... Belch. Tianshuo's waving hand stiffened, and his intuition told Tianshuo that the other party's mood was now very bad, which might be more terrifying than the natural disaster.

Frost Star reached out and brushed Tianshuo's scattered and messy black hair behind his head, slowly straightening it until he tied up his hair and condensed it again.

"That, I..." Tianshuo was a little confused by this action.

Frost Star reached out and hugged Tianshuo and buried his head in the other's chest, "I really... Very worried about you.

"The Federation, the Supervisory Council, Casimir, I can't leave it alone... I, I don't know what to do... Obviously the hair ring is broken... I don't know..."

It's okay. Tianshuo stretched out his hand to hug the person buried in his chest, and put his right hand on the other party's head to gently soothe.

"Doctor, is something going on over there in the integration movement?" Amia asked in a low voice beside the Doctor.

“...... Probably - forget it..." The Doctor chose to remain silent.

"Let's go, the award ceremony has been postponed until tomorrow night." Yao Knight and Blood Knight supported each other and slowly walked towards the Champion Wall.

The Federation is busy tonight.

Frost Star, who gradually calmed down, kept standing like that, and she found that there was no so-called free time at all, and she had been busy in the past few months.

Not only her, but Tianshuo is also running Manterra, and Ino and Sasha are also running.

Only now there is nothing to consider.

For a long time, Frost Star's rabbit ears trembled slightly, his head was raised from Tianshuo's chest, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and there were some tear marks on his face.

Tianshuo gently wiped her with his fingers, and the spatial unfolding he could see more clearly than anyone else, and he could see it less clearly than anyone.

Frost Star's left hand held the right wrist that Tianshuo was wiping.

"Snow Rabbit... Not. Tianshuo's lips were pressed by cold, soft, slightly moist lips.


There were countless members of the Invisible Alliance piled up behind the Demon Knight, and there were countless members of the Invisible Alliance who ambushed him along the way, and it could be said that the fight could not be completed.

As he cleared out the last group of Invisible League members and knocked each other unconscious and tossed aside, the direction of the Major seemed to rise in an instant.

Like a dream, it shocks the heart of the chasing knight.

“...... I still have a long way to go, and the road is long, so I will come here in vain. "


After a long time, the two separated.


So, can I do it again?" Tianshuo smirked and scratched his head.

"." Frost Star turned and walked in the direction of the community of infected people.

"Eh! Don't be angry, I'll talk about it. Tianshuo chased after the other party.

“...... In the future, don't let me find you again. After the two of them walked a certain path, Frost Star suddenly spoke and broke the silence.

"Don't worry, the hair ring is in people, and the hair ring is broken by people... Whining. Tianshuo's mouth froze in an instant, interrupting the words.

"Tell the."

"Ahem... Ahem, I can't see it in the first place, telling nonsense is telling the truth. "

Slippery tongue."


Champion Wall

"Margaret, Blood Knight." Russell watched the two great knights walk together.

"Do you want to be Casimir's first double crown?" Russell looked at the two rebels supporting each other with a smile.

Silver Spear Sky Makin also stood on the side and silently watched the two, these two people have been recognized by him, but only these two, maybe the Demon Knight can also be counted as one.

The city still won't be recognized by these conquest knights.

"Slap the Federation in the face, only then will it not be pushed to the peak of the infected?" Russell watched the two fall silent.

"Rest assured, the Federation will pay its due, and the Silver Gun Pegasus came for this. Plot Zero has been thoroughly investigated, and there are also people from the Wuxun Alliance to help find a breakthrough.

Russell led the two down the hallway with the portraits of past champions.

"Even some of the Federation's shady little experiments have been controlled, and tomorrow night, we can uproot them."

"Margaret." Russell stopped.

"I'm in."

"The Federation fell and there was another Federation, this is not the real source of Casimir, the source is ore disease."

"If the ore disease does not disappear for a day, this fight will not stop for a day, do you understand this? Princess margaret. "

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