"The first speaker, how about retreating first?"

After a long confrontation, Tianshuo was the first to speak.

"The compatriots we are looking for are inside the land." The first speaker has basically recovered from his injuries: "And, detached, we should take you back."

"We have been looking for you for a long time, the one who broke away, you are uncertain, we can't find it."

Tianshuo didn't reply.

"You guys disconnected from us..." "

You stay here, I'll bring my compatriots, how?"

“...... It's no use, breakaway, Ishar-mla is almost there, he is about to find his fellow citizens. "

Wow!" Tianshuo cursed, he had thought that maybe Kaiji would split into two parts, but he didn't think that Ishar-mla would personally go out to the deep sea to find his compatriots regardless of the current physical condition.

He underestimated the Haiji, and their gods were also their compatriots.

"Wow? What does that mean? Breakaways. The first speaker asked.

Tianshuo's face was a little gloomy, and Haiji had already recovered, not to mention that he had recovered to heal, but it was already a minor injury.

"Manna, I know you're awake, and you'll go back by yourself later, can you understand?" Tianshuo shrugged his shoulders to remind Manna, who was still a little confused.

Tianshuo put Manna down, since there was already a sea heir on land, the original plan could not be used.

"Since Ishar-mla has almost found his compatriots, why don't you retreat?" Death of a fellow citizen on the earth cannot feed the sea. "

“...... Detached, you go with us. The first speaker thought, the sea heirs thought.

"Well... But let me meet someone. Tianshuo agreed, and he had a new idea.

"Breakaway, who would you like to see?"

"A doctor named Kelsey."



Shirogane followed behind Frost Star, who was already out of the confines of the Supervisory Council.

"Blood... Frost Star, you are very worried about Tianshuo. Shirogane said something awkward.

"In the face of that, everyone will worry."

Shirogane pondered, she recalled Tianshuo's words.

"Frost Star."

"Huh? What's wrong? Frost Star stopped as Shirogane pulled the corner of his clothes and turned his head to see the scaly arm.

“...... This is..."

Before she could finish, Frost Star stroked the platinum scaled right hand, "Will there be discomfort?" "

Didn't... No. Shirogane looked at each other, she could tell that the other party was really caring, she could see it in the other party's eyes.

"You're not afraid?"

Frost Star's rabbit ears moved, raised his head to look at Shirogane, and reached out and knocked on the other party's head.

"You are a member of the integration movement, what are you afraid of, let's go, Xiaotian let you protect me, then you have to do it."

Frost Star put the platinum scaled arm back under the opponent's cloak and pulled the opponent's left hand towards the infected community.

"Wow, what a touching scene." Cannot clapped his hands and walked from the other side of the street.

“...... What do you do? "

Huh? Friend, you know me?

"Your Excellency Cannot, you investigated us quite a bit when you were in Colombia." Frost Star had seen the image of the other party when reading the report, and he was dressed suspiciously, belonging to the kind that could be written down at a glance.

After all, no one carries an iron bucket.

"Ahaha, my friend misunderstood, it was an unintentional move at the time, and I apologized too, didn't I? I didn't give you much information about the prison at that time.

"So what are you doing today?"

"Friend, I want you to contact the friend who is far away along the water's shore for me." Cannott looked at Frost Star, whose face was gradually gloomy.

"Ah, don't get me wrong, but if you bring something for me along the way, the reward will definitely not fall."

"I'm sorry, the communication over there has been completely paralyzed and cannot be contacted."

Cannot scratched his helmet symbolically, "That's going to be difficult again, thank you for informing your friend, and in return the integration movement will receive the most comprehensive care in Colombia." "

Ahaha... It's real care, not what your friends understand. Cannot explained with a snort.

"Let's go, Shirogane." Frost Star ignored the other party, and the rating hazard index reported to Cannot was extremely high.

"Hmm... As a matter of sincerity, I can reveal a little news. Cannot said to Froststar's back.

"The whereabouts and plans of Tolan and that nightmare have been revealed, friend."

Cannot watched Frost Star disappear around the corner, "Communication obstruction, it turned out to be true, I thought it was some new technology from Casimir..."

Cannot dialed the phone.

"Put things in the basement, don't move for the time being, and then connect me to Victoria Calaton's communication."

"Ahhh... A tiring day. Cannot lightly hammered his shoulder and turned away, the flying machine still waiting for him.

It is indispensable to reach Casimir on the same day from the border.

"Is it Mr. Guard?" Cannot sat on the craft and continued to communicate.

"Friend, are you free today? I think it's time to talk about the price.

"Thank you for your cooperation, see you later."

Cannot hung up the communication, "Finally found a relatively reasonable motivation to help." "

There are only two things to come to Casimir again.

The first thing is to locate the file.

The second is to meet with the Supreme Commander of the Integration Movement to let the other side know of his existence and show goodwill.

If you can get in touch, then you can find the file, that's great.

It doesn't matter if you can't connect with it, and being able to establish the most basic understanding with the integrative movement is even if it achieves the original goal.

Cannot sat on the flying machine and looked at the vast land under his feet.

Lurking in the shadows of the Arctic ice sheet, the darkness that swallows the vast depths of the sea, not to mention the ancient scourges buried beneath the earth.

Cannot sighed, he had witnessed quite a few ups and downs.

But it is a pity that the people of the earth still live in closed islands, busy conquering each other with stones and sticks.

The infected and impoverished people of Colombia traded flesh and blood for human dignity, but the gold beneath these bones forged a monster named Colombia.

Victoria, they are pedantic and conservative, their nobles are greedy and ugly, and their wealth and power will only serve those who are dignitary.

In their eyes, the infected person is a prop for conspiracy, a dagger to stab a political opponent, but not a living person.

In this so-called "most powerful country in the land of Terra", Cannot does not even see traces of the progress of civilization.

Time is running out, the world is falling apart, and change must come a little faster.

Rhode Island was in line with his ideas, but the other party was too restrained to lose any trace of hope, perhaps because of the collapse of the Tower of Babel.

This is one of the reasons why he urgently needs to know about "Dr. Babel".

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