"Well, these two were transferred from the main ship Rhode Island to assist us." After the introduction, Bitter Root looked at the swollen and swollen face, "Your face doesn't look like it's okay, Miss Susie." "

Haha..." Cheng Shan snorted perfunctorily.

Since the moment he entered the store, Red had been alert, the other party was very dangerous, and the kind of aura that he brought was not something ordinary people could have.

Bitter Root grabbed Red's neck, "This guy is called Red, my brother, everyone calls him Boss Red."

"Just call me Red." Red stretched out the blade he was carrying, and it was always right to be alert.

Although he did not find that the other party was carrying a weapon.

"Your company is finally willing to send someone to support you."

"Alas, the hard days have passed." Kugen came to Red and sat down.

Cheng Shen gave everyone a fruit wine with a general taste.

"Huh? This cider... It was the taste of fruit wine that I drank for the first time in Victoria. Ceylon looked at the wine glass in his hand and seemed to fall into memory.

"Haha, Miss Ceylon likes it."

"Calaton has not been very stable recently, you should be careful with the bitter root, those nobles are starting to get sick, maybe they will go to Rhode Island to trouble you." Red made a suggestion, turning the pages of the book in his hand.

"Hey~ After all, Rhode Island treats diseases, and he will be cured when he comes to see a disease." Kugen replied with a smile, he was not the kind of rigid person.

Rigid people will not be sent by Rhode Island to be the head of this messy area.

"Alas... Little Spark was bullied, and the wine was not delicious. Jims lay on the table and didn't look so spirited.

"Hahaha... Is it that exaggerated? Cheng Shan shrugged his ears a little embarrassed.

"Little Spark, this is for you." Bean didn't know where to get a bottle of ointment.

"Huh? This is? Cheng Shan looked at the ointment in his hand a little overwhelmed.

"This is an ointment to reduce swelling, just apply it to the swollen and painful place after washing your face at night."

"Huh, why don't you give me this kind of good thing?" Ah Shi held the wine glass on the side, pressed his body against Bien's back, looked at the ointment in Cheng Shan's hand and said.

"This is a Yan Guo product! It's very expensive, you a thick-skinned old man doesn't need this! Bean said mercilessly.

"Ahhh.... Such a valuable thing, Yanguo..."

"You take it, you are a bar clerk, and it is not okay that your face is always swollen."

"That..... Actually, this shop is not a bar.... Thank you, Mr. Bean. Cheng Shan, taking the ointment, if he hesitated at such a time, it would be disrespectful to the other party.

"Then, I won't charge money for today's wine."


Everyone left one after another.

"Mr. Kugen, why are you taking us to that... Bar? Black and Ceylon walked behind Bitter Root.

"Get to know your friends here, after all, you have to spend a lot of time here." Kugen looked up at the sky with his hands in his back.

"Actually, the main thing is to introduce you to Red, who knows you and knows that you are Rhode Islanders."

"Earth head snake?" Black came up with a word.

"What's that exaggerated, hahaha. It is not for nothing that Rader is called Boss Rader here by people. "Bitter root did not elaborate.

"Anyway, it's my brother, if you can't solve the trouble in the future, and you can't contact us, you can try with him."

“...... Listen to you so mysterious, Mr. Bitterroot. Ceylon walked down the street with black arms.

This time, I came mainly to determine the degree of infection around and the concentration of source stone dust.

Logos had two days to arrive at the slowest, and Ceylon needed to work with Logos.

Of course, it is only in terms of source stone survey and analysis, and Lentinim's operation Rhodes Island will not force anyone who does not want to participate to participate.

Even if there is even the slightest reluctance.

"Red is just that mysterious, okay, today is going well, do you want to go to the Calaton office?" After all, you just arrived today..."

"Guard, has the Colombian merchants arrived?" Red received the communication and arrived with Bean.

"Well, the other party has about five minutes left..." "

Good morning, good noon, and good evening, friend." Cannot emerged from the opposite intersection, not followed by a single person.

“...... Are you sure this guy is okay? Red whispered to Guard.

"Well, the other party is like that, the news should be reliable." Guard greeted the other person.

"Welcome, sir." Guard shook Cannot's hand.

"My name is Cannot, you can also call me Goodinaf, friend, how can you be happy." Cannot looked at the city.

"To be honest, it's a little unaccustomed to coming to the city after staying in the wasteland for a long time." Cannot took out a drawing.

"Let's get down to business, friend, this is the drawing of the source stone engine model you need, let's see how."

Guard took the drawing and looked at it intently, the data needed to be compared.

“...... Let's be honest. I don't trust you very much. "Red is always on alert.

"I know I know, friend, that I'm dressed a little weird." Cannot knocked on his iron bucket.

"But please rest assured, friend, the cooperation is sincere, isn't it?"

"You always put the word 'friend' on your lips..." Redra pulled his black scarf, "I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word 'friend'."

"Of course, I can call everyone 'friends.'" Cannot wasn't offended by Red's attitude.

"Everyone deserves to be treated well, friend, and you know the power of that word."

"Shhh..." Red no longer pouted with the other party, after all, he still needed to cooperate.

"Mr. Cannott, this sourcestone engine is perfect, then... It is said that you also have electronic control equipment..." Guard returned the drawings.

"Ahhh... The electronic control equipment is not in my hands yet, of course, if a friend needs it, I think I can get it in half a month. "

Thank you so much, if the price is not particularly expensive, I think we can cooperate and I can make decisions on this matter on behalf of the integration movement." Guard has been planning since he was ordered to take full charge of this matter.

"Hmm... A total of one hundred refining source stone ingots. Cannot said a number.

The two sides fell silent, not too high, but this price for these things, simply no difference from giving it away for nothing.

"What the hell are you planning, Canned Man? These things only charge a hundred refining source stone ingots? Red's voice questioned after everyone was silent for a long time.

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