somewhere in the deep sea

"detached, the scales on your body have festered, what have you experienced?" The first speaker and Tianshuo walk in the deep sea, and they are in the water as if they were on the earth.

"If you can really evolve on your own, then why might you try to evolve to the point where it can link my thoughts?"

"You know, you have blocked your thoughts on your own, and we can't find that channel to link you, even if you are a detached, there will be a channel, even if you no longer have our will."

"As long as you are still us, that passage should exist, if you still exist."

Tianshuo did not go to talk to the first speaker, that is meaningless, there is no point in discussing whether he exists or not.

He knew it in his heart.

"So you brought me here and you can't do anything with me, do you mean that?" Tianshuo couldn't sense anything, except that the water was still water.

This time, without the help of the equipment provided by Kelsey, the space deployment range is limited, and further away will have a load on his spirit.

It was as if he had returned to the days when he was still walking by chains.

“...... Yes, but at least, we brought you back, Ishar-mla she can know how. The first speaker took Tianshuo to a place where he could stand.

"Detached, you have forgotten how to sense the sea."

"Explain in advance ... I have never sensed the sea. "There is only one bottle of potion left on Tianshuo's body, hoping that he will not meet the giant beast, but there is a high probability that he will not run into it, and the sea heirs will take the initiative to plan the route.

The heirs also don't want to touch that thing, which would be a threat to their survival, not devastating, but not good.

"Leaver, your situation may be worse than we thought, you have even forgotten that you sensed the sea."

The corner of Tianshuo's mouth twitched, and he did not argue with the first speaker.

He couldn't have said that he had only become a sea heir and hadn't even been a month?

"I will be by your side until you re-sense the sea, and my fellow citizens have not evolved language organs, because that is not necessary, but you cannot convey through your thoughts."

The first speaker emitted scarlet gas and fed back to the sea: "You can't communicate with them." "That's

true, sometimes I can't figure out what you want to do." Tianshuo sighed.

Survival is the only goal, but for the sake of one's fellow human beings one can risk one's life.

Or is this so-called "survival" judgment other than another judgment?

Tianshuo pressed these thoughts to the bottom of his heart, he was not here to explore them.

"What are you doing in the deep sea?"

"Feeding the ocean, patrolling, finding fellow citizens, evolution..."

Tianshuo had already heard what he wanted to hear.

"What are you responsible for?"

"Looking for my compatriots, I found a lot, Ishar-mla, you... There are many more, and language organs may be necessary on land. This is the evolution that the first speaker found autonomously after losing contact with Ishar-mla.

“...... A lot of compatriots on land? Tianshuo was a little puzzled, the sea heirs had a sense of each other, it seemed to use that outrageous smell to a realm?

Or some other ability that Tianshuo does not have.

"Not much, much less than the ocean." The first speaker jumped from the "rock" and swam in the sea, followed by Tianshuo.

"There are compatriots calling us."

Tianshuo was silent, he suddenly wanted to have this ability, this outrageous communication to a realm.

That way a lot of things can be avoided.

Tianshuo followed the first speaker, and he couldn't even tell if he was going upstream or down.

It wasn't until he discovered the continental shelf that he could be sure he was swimming toward the landing site.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know, my compatriots are calling, and they should pass." The speed of the first speaker in the water has exceeded the speed of sound, and Tianshuo follows behind, and the space unfolds to explore the surroundings.

There were a large number of artificially made objects sinking to the bottom, and there were some things that his cognition could not understand what it was.

It can only be barely inferred from the feedback of information after the space is unfolded.

And some... Unidentified bones, Tianshuo could not tell what kind of bones they were, some were huge to tens of meters, and some were small.

An unprecedented war took place here.

"What are those bones, machinery?" Tianshuo raised his own doubts, he had some conjectures, but he was not sure.

"Behemoth, Agor, compatriots, they are buried here together."

"It's ?!! so close to the mainland"

"We fought all the way here, and Argor deliberately lured us over, cutting off the entire ethnic group in an instant."

"The compatriots lost contact and struck indiscriminately towards the land of the giant beast Agor, which lasted for a full five minutes."

“...... How it feels so familiar. Tianshuo pondered.

Cut off the connection of the entire ethnic group, and also carried out indiscriminate strikes on the land ....

This is very similar to the "Great Silence" event he saw, in which Iberia lost all communications along the coast overnight and went from peak to decline overnight.

Since then, he has lost his voice on land and has been relegated to the margins.

"Breakaway, are you going to remember? You are such a strong brother who has experienced that battle and is at the forefront. "

“...... No, I haven't. Tianshuo had never had that experience, and these were the information he had asked Truth and Vika to investigate together in time ago.

Vika's Source Stone technique is simply a bug, she dreams of a world exactly like this world, and it replicates the trajectory of the real world without changing at all.

As long as it was an event that she could observe, she could find it out of her dreams through the Source Stone Technique.

After determining the specific time and place, it was the truth who collected and sorted out all the data, and even had a series of misunderstandings with the Rhode Island system PRTS.

Let Tianshuo have to come forward to negotiate with Kelsey to solve it, although in the end (be) all (pit) big (pit) happy (one) happy (cool).

"Will remember, detached, I will wake you up, almost there, the place where my fellow citizens have called." The speed of the first speaker increased again, setting off ripples in the sea.

"You are in such a hurry to eat... Never mind. "Tianshuo is not very accustomed to moving in the water, and the speed is not as fast as on land.

Through the power of time, coupled with his current physique, he can easily break through the speed of sound for a long time (referring to a few minutes) on land.

There is only one chapter this morning, the eyes are not too (crossed out) and very uncomfortable, and another chapter (lying flat) will be made up during the day

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