"..." Tianshuo stood on the roof, and Red was walking down the street, followed by a man.

"Bien, the images of those source stone cameras you installed have come out."

"So soon? I thought it would take a long time for the results to come out. Bien was a little surprised.

After all, it has been on the cusp of the limelight recently, and it is easy to have an accident when sending equipment out at this time.

"The other party is in a hurry, it may be that there is a big problem on the count's side." The photo sent to Red is the same group that Red met when he left the city before.

"But Binn, how many devices do you really have installed? The entrance was opened temporarily. "

Hmm... Captain Faust used to ask us to pay more attention when we were doing things, and when I was investigating, I found that the entrance showed signs of electricity, so I installed a few more. A

faint smile appeared under Tianshuo's mask: "This guy Sasha, the team members who taught are not bad." "

“...... Hungry. Tianshuo followed behind the two, the structure of the city had been mastered by him, and he was a little surprised that there were dozens of small flying machines under the office in Rhode Island.

It's hard to imagine what a pharmaceutical company's office keeps these things for.

The second is the large flying machine that integrates the movement, which is larger than the one found in Colombia.

"Well... Black and that Miss Ceylon also came here. After Bean and Red separated, Tianshuo jumped from the top floor of the building and landed lightly behind Red.

"Conductor? Is it only such a short break? "Although Red knows that the Tianshuo Source Stone technique is special, but... That fell from a natural disaster.

"It's almost recovered, but you..." Tianshuo grabbed Red by the neck and clamped it between his wrists, "What clothes did you get me?" This is the women's model, okay! "

It's to hide ... Wow, it's a lot more strength to command you. Red was almost out of breath by the other party.

“...... So what is my current identity? Tianshuo let go of Red and walked down the street with the other party.

"My friend in the Mounties got you an identity, but it didn't work very well, it was a prisoner released from prison for Caraton."

"Prisoner? Wait a minute...... What prisoner's identity can be applied directly to me? "

Thirty years ago, a female prisoner who caused a super explosion in the city of Calaton and was sentenced to two hundred years in prison, but was released early for some special reasons, but died at the hands of some people." Red spread his hands.

"In short, this status is reasonable and legal now, but it may not be very popular."

"It doesn't matter, just have an identity." Tianshuo stretched his waist to loosen his shin.

"Do you have any missions in Clayton?"

"Survey the road, the rest of the improvisation." This is the task that Tallulah gives them at this stage.

"So now... Someone's coming. Tianshuo closed his mouth, after all, his identity was now that of a female prisoner released from prison.


After Night Smoke visited the count's house as usual, the food in his hand fed the stray cats.

"This is..." Night Smoke carried the cat around and came to a warehouse outside.

It was the warehouse that the Golem pointed out to Grani.

"Where I haven't been." The night smoke swirled around, "Nothing, is it because it is close to the abandoned city?"

"It doesn't look like some old warehouse that has been abandoned for a long time..." Night Smoke put the cats down, "Maybe there is something that can be used, go in and see..." Night Smoke

flexibly rolled in from the outer wall, and the source stone detector only recorded a black fog and did not sound an alarm.

"Just this kind of source stone detector has been eliminated in prison for many years." Night smoke patted the dust on his body and walked towards the warehouse.

"There shouldn't be any food in this kind of big warehouse..." The night smoker stopped in front of the window lock above the warehouse, and the black mist penetrated the lock cylinder from the palm of her hand, and the next moment the lock opened.

"Such an old-fashioned lock cylinder... This warehouse won't even have anything of value. Night Smoke pressed his witch hat and jumped down from the window and gently landed on the wall.

"Ahem... With so much dust, it doesn't look like a long-abandoned warehouse from the outside. Night smoke covered his mouth and nose and waved his hand to scatter the dust.

Night Smoke pinched his nose and searched in the dusty warehouse, like this warehouse that was taken care of by people on the outside but covered in dust on the inside.

There are generally some stale drugs, which is the experience of night smoke over the years.

"What a bad smell of engine oil... How can a warehouse have such a strong smell of engine oil, and there is nothing cute. Night Smoke wandered around, looking for something useful to her.

"This vase is quite beautiful..." Night Smoke picked up the vase and observed the patterns on it under the skylight.

"Don't mess around with these things!"

The sudden sound made Night Smoke's body stiffen.

When was someone behind her?

"I don't understand, isn't it just kidnapping a few infected people and an old man? As for such a stirring public? Only

then did Night Smoke react that the other party was not talking to her.

Putting the vase back in its place, Night Smoke came to observe around the two who spoke with the help of the source stone technique.

It was two men dressed in black who were sorting out some weapons that Night Smoke had not seen much before.

"Take money to do things, don't ask more, you don't know our rules, shut up."

"Have you finished counting the weapons?"

"It's already done, it's more than enough to deal with that old man councilor." The man patted the casting unit in his hand and played the ticket.

Yes...... Kidnapping, parliamentarians, weapons.

Night Smoke shook his head, boring things... However, the bad guys seem to be interested in these.

Night Smoke showed a faint smile and continued to listen in the dark, maybe this information could pay off the medical expenses paid by some bad guys.

"I still can't be careless, I don't really trust the hired thugs."

"What about explosives? We don't have to worry about those source stone bombs? The

burly man patted the somewhat thin man's head, "There are other people to worry about the explosives, we both don't care, if we have to worry about everything, maybe charge him three times the price."

"Let's just have the weapons and the casting unit ready, and someone will come and work in three hours."

"Then let's wait for them in the boiling zone to come and connect."

"Hey, have you touched this vase?"

"Who (Victoria's foul language) would touch that boring thing?"

"No... No, the dust has footprints..."It's

not good... The night smoke slowly retreated backwards, and the other party had almost discovered her.

Jingle bells....

"Uh..." Night Smoke turned his head to look behind him, it was a small bell, broken...

"What kind of person ?!!?"

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