"Sister? Are you going to save them? Shirogane stood up from the ground and looked at the four cities that had already wrapped most of the area around Isa.

“...... I'm saving my mom. The vortex in the air exploded under Isa's control, spreading out like fireworks.

The exploding black water watered the earth outside the four cities.

If it weren't for Tianshuo teaching him not to kill people casually, he would have slaughtered the city long before he saved Tianshuo. (Detail 135: He)

On the question of the herd, in 112, [The Salvation of One Thought], the dog said the words.

"You're blocking the view, I can't see the frost star." Shirogane stretched and walked towards the place that was not covered by Isa's tentacles.

Shirogane put her cloak over her scaled arms again and jumped down from the wall.

Frost Star looked at the tentacles that had covered the entire sky, and everyone came out of the house and raised their heads to see the movement in the sky.

In normal times, they may be frightened, flustered, and afraid.

But now, they seem... Got shelter.

Shirogane yawned and came to Frost Star, now there was nothing to cover, even if the Chamber of Commerce saw her?

Shirogane was able to tell that there was no one in the entire city except Isa and Frost Star who could pose a threat to her.

But it's a pity that one is her blood relative, and the other is her blood relative.

"It's Isha who did it." Shirogane was the first to explain.


Rhode Island home ship

"Monic?" Roy called out softly.

"Not dead yet."

"If you die, I'll be happy." Roy moved his shoulders to make the other person lean more comfortably.

"You can go and have fun now."

"Alas... Don't take it seriously, liven up the atmosphere. "Monique was only weak because he had ingested a little food containing black rain, and he did not show other undesirable characteristics.

"You said, we can get out... (Casimir foul mouth) It's dark over there. Roy watched as the area in front of him darkened in an instant, like a cube black square.

Just flickered, the surrounding black rain all disappeared, and Roy didn't even see how the other party made a move.

"This source stone technique... Is it Manna? Roy looked at the familiar Source Stone technique.

"Manna is so strong?" Roy's back was cold, but fortunately he didn't choose to do it that day.

If he had done it that day, he would probably have died at the hands of Manna, and there would be no one to save Monic, and the two Lapis Gold would have died overnight.

"It's not raining anymore here," Roy looked into the distance, "It's still raining over there." "

Kelsey... Uh..." Askalon came to Kelsey's side and saw that the other party was concentrating on developing the potion, and the first speaker stood by and thought.

The message that the first speaker has just received does not belong to anyone here, as if it were ... Memories from his blood.


: "Has anyone ingested black water here?" Kelsey asked, she had to race against time now, and the power of time in her body was almost gone.

“...... Yes. Askalen remembered the two who had intruded into Rhode Island before.

"Ask the patient if he or she is willing to accept treatment, it is likely to have an accident, tell the other party the risk, do not force it." The movements in Kelsey's hands did not stop.

If the other party does not agree, then she can only wait for the power of time to disappear and then use it on herself.

But Lucille looked at Kelsey's figure from the camera and did not speak, just quietly repaired the machinery.

PRTS: "Actually, Miss LeaderOne doesn't need to be so afraid, the probability that Kelsey will kill you is zero."

"OH, PRTS, THAT'S NOT HOW YOU UNDERSTAND IT. Kelsey handed Rhode Island to me before he left, and I'm making it like this now...

"PRTS" This is an accident, and the root cause of its responsibility is not Miss LeaderOne.

"It's not a matter of responsibility or not, PRTS."


""Let's fix it as soon as possible... Have you found out what the reason is this time? According

to the comparison of the collected data, the method of "PRTS" is very similar to the 'Great Silence' 59 years ago, the specific reasons are unknown, and the data is not available.

"In addition, information came from the source stone surveyor that a large flying machine was flying to Casimir from a distance."

But Lucille raised his head and looked at the data on the screen: "Can you capture the specific appearance?" The

"PRTS" camera is damaged, please go to repair and restart it. "

Ah-" Lucille scratched her messy hair, "and so on... PRTS, how did you reboot so quickly? Your core hardware is not affected?! The local hardware of

"PRTS" is damaged to varying degrees, and the core hardware is listed as top secret and the permissions are insufficient. "

Top secret? What is there to hide, I've seen it all..." But Luhill's hand froze, and she suddenly reacted to something.

It's likely that the core hardware she thinks isn't the core of PRTS at all, but exists somewhere else.

But Lucille slapped his face sharply to stop thinking about it.

The PRTS "unidentified large vehicle flew over Rhode Island, detecting a speed of 297 kilometers per hour.

"Such a fast large flying machine?!! Which big country made a move? The

"PRTS" function is corrupted, the comparison fails, please repair and restart.

"Got it, got it!! I'm fixing!! What happened to the power room?

The "PRTS" medical team has rescued the people injured by the explosion, the damage to the power unit is 73.4%, please go to repair.

"You directly said that it is broken, how can that degree of damage be repaired well."

The core part of the PRTS is not damaged, only local parts need to be replaced, and most parts warehouses have spare parts, and broadcast communication routes have been rebuilt and connected. "

Ahem..." Lucille cleared his throat and connected the communication to the Doctor.

"Doctor, the radio can be reactivated, take your time... I won't bother..."

Kelsey's voice was so startled that Kerry got goosebumps.

"I, I... I'm here. "

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