"Why can't I know?" Tianshuo asked a rhetorical question and headed in one direction, where there were also submerged villages.

Oletia did not rush to deal with the countless dire fish, but followed Tianshuo and walked with him.

Tianshuo dug out an iron chest from a place, and the information from the space was unfolded, but unfortunately it was only some metal armor that Tianshuo had never seen.

Tianshuo casually threw it aside, "How long are you going to follow me?" Or do you just deal with garbage and watch me rummage through it? "

“...... Who are you? You are similar to the hunter, but no, I haven't seen you. "

One of the supreme commanders of the integration movement." Tianshuo left his words and swam in one direction, and if something was washed away, then he could only look lower.

Things are packed in a box, or a box.

After being soaked for so many days, Tianshuo really didn't know why Cannott was so attached to this thing.

According to the other party's ability, they should not be so attached to this thing, or this thing is irreplaceable.

Oletia looked at Tianshuo a little lost, but only for a moment, it was not the hunter under her formation...

Integration Movement... Goretia shook, this is a clue, there should be no one on land who can create someone comparable to a deep-sea hunter.

Then there is only one possibility, the other party is the latest batch of deep-sea hunters developed by Agor.

After all, these deep-sea hunters who participated in the decisive battle did not see the specific whereabouts of the corpse of the Sea God.

It would not be strange to be taken away by Argor to study Goretia, she was well aware of Agore's style.

Of course, Oletia did not know that now the corpse of the god Haiji had given birth to a new independent will, and was singing songs on the walls of Cavalellaki.

Goretia serves as Agor's technical archon, commander of the Legion of Honor, and one of the chief war designers of Agor's military group "Deep Sea Hunters".

It has been a long time since the intelligence was updated after losing contact with Agor.

Of the land nations, only Iberia had a superficial understanding of the sea, and in her opinion, they had always been willing to create a gap in national power around ignorance.

The Agors people that Iberia received, as they often call themselves "islanders", were sea dwellers who left their country after the accident in Agor.

Most of the islanders are from technical backgrounds and few are scientists. As for the scientific archons, they disdained to leave their magnificent and advanced residences.

With the technology possessed by the islanders, that is, the bits and pieces of Agor's technology, Iberia can quickly jump from an ordinary power to one of the hegemons... Agore's overall national strength and technological level are unimaginable to the countries on the ground.

The deep-sea hunter is just the tip of the iceberg of Agore's military technology.

They are definitely not Agor's last line of defense - more like vanguard and death, like Agor's temptation to the monsters of the sea.

The power of the deep sea is gradually unfolding, although now Argor is being forced back by the deep sea, even to the point of being on the verge of losing it.

Agor is still silent.

Geretia followed towards Tianshuo, her speed in the water much faster than on land.


The huge sound generated by the collision between the blood blade and the long hammer formed ripples that spread out towards the surroundings.

"What do you mean you have been following me?" Tianshuo and Oledia were in a stalemate, and neither side took advantage.

Goretia picked up Tianshuo, and the original advantages belonging to Changji were fully exerted by her.

Goretia did not pursue, her purpose was not to come to fight.

"You're from Agor?"

"I also want to know where Agor is, you deep-sea hunters know?" Tianshuo fluttered in the water and fell to the bottom.

"You know us, it doesn't seem to be much different..." Oletia held her long hammer behind her, doing Agor's standard etiquette.

"Agor Technical Archon, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Oletia."

“?" Now it was Tianshuo's turn to wonder, did the other party treat him as an Agor?

"One of the total war designers of the military group 'Deep Sea Hunters'."

"One of the supreme commanders of the integration movement, Tianshuo." Since the other party treats him as an Agor, it will be easy to do, at least there is no need to meet each other.

"How long have you been out?"

"I don't know."

"How is Agor now?"

"I want to know too." Tianshuo turned and walked towards the next village, he didn't have time to delay.

With only two days, he didn't want to lose his trust.

"What are you looking for?" Coloria followed behind Tianshuo and did not let her guard down, and Changji has always been in the trend of dividing Tianshuo into two at any time.

Over the years, she learned to be vigilant, yes, wary of everyone except her hunters.

Although she has not yet found any hunters.

"A box, it could be a box, who knows?" Tianshuo wanted to scold his mother, and he felt that Cannot was deliberately embarrassing him.

It is outrageous enough to let a blind man come with something, and what is even more disgusting is that he himself does not know what it is like.

Goretia was silent for a long moment before she spoke, "I may have what you want."

"Now is not the time for jokes." Tianshuo stopped swimming and turned to face Oledia.

"I came here when I was hit by a box, a very hard thing." Coloria walked with Tianshuo towards her destination.

At that time, her speed was close to the speed of sound, and under the violent collision with the box, the box even smashed into the rock wall on the side intact.

It made her feel a little uncomfortable.

This...... And really. Through the box, Tianshuo can use the space to unfold and know that it is a paper item inside.

Oletia took the thing in her hand, with obvious intentions, and did not intend to let Tianshuo take it for nothing.

“...... Gloretia, what do you want?

"Simple, exchange information, I want to know you... How many generations of Agore biotechnology achievements? Oletia looked at each other, the other party was very strong, and Goretia could feel it in the previous fight.

"What if I say, and I don't know?"

"Then I'm sorry, this thing, can't give it to you." Coloria slammed the box into the rock wall again.

The long hammer waved in her hand.

Tianshuo rotated the blood blade, and the long-handled weapon did not have an advantage over his short blade.

As early as when he fought against the Demon Knight, Tianshuo could already feel it.

The two sides were in a stalemate, neither of them attacked first, Tianshuo was not sure what the other party's source stone skill was, if it was tricky, he could not destroy the long hammer in the first place.

Then he will fall into a bitter battle.

"Maybe talking about some other information, you will have unexpected gains."

"Tell me about it." Goretia didn't refuse, Agore's condition was just the information she wanted to know the most at the moment.

"For example, why is this place, or how the dinosaur fish got here."

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