"'Barron'?" Tianhuo showed a puzzled expression, this factory...

"Yes, yes!"

"Well, it's the Barron's factory." Skyfire has some impressions of this factory.

"Miss Montberan has heard of ?!!"

"Of course. In the parliament, we used your factory as an example to discuss the new bill plan.

"Privately, my teacher and I have also paid attention to your factory. On the list that was originally sent, the name 'Barron's Factory' was at the top of the list.

Tianhuo pondered, the factory on the report list seemed to have an average evaluation, not excellent, but there were no violations.

But...... Tianhuo Yuguang looked at Barron, why is the owner of this factory so... It's disgusting.

"Ah, really! What an honor!! So I can..." "

I've signed a non-disclosure agreement."

"Of course! Of course!! Naturally, you won't do such a thing as divulging secrets! We all know who you are, Miss Montberine, and I just hope you will let me participate a little..." Barron said, rubbing the sweat from his palms.

"Participate in this council chat, after tea and dinner, add some talk, such as... Hahaha, you know what I'm talking about..."

"For example, we are preparing to make new rules on working hours?"

"Exactly! I would be honored to invite you to visit my factory..."


The Grand Duke of Normandy, Victoria, raised his right hand and signaled all personnel to stop moving and remain on alert.

"Deep pool... Didn't we negotiate that the active source stones and weapons will be owned by me, and you will withdraw? "

“...... But you never told us that you still have such a huge war resource hidden. "Tianshuo did not mention this item in the deal between the Gamble, Deep Pool and the Grand Duke of Normandy.

After all, Shenchi's speech was intercepted, resulting in the code name of their organization not being passed on, and almost no one except insiders knew their code name.

"There was a crack in our previous trust."

"Is this what your leader means? Or do you mean it yourself? "

Naturally, it's the leader..." Tianshuo paused, he was thinking back to the title of the Shenchi personnel called the leader of the deep pool.

"Nature means chief."

Tianshuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief and almost caught the other party's Dao...

"What were the conditions for the first talks? I think you know very well, how many assets and weapons I sit on, and you have to stretch out your hand? Don't forget who is supporting you. "

“...... No, no, no, the chief means... We should be honest with the fact that you have blocked our key statements at a critical time. Tianshuo's right hand was slowly touching the blood blade on his waist, and the personnel who were secretly ambushing were ready.

The purple-red light gathered by Sasha's crossbow had been aimed at the Grand Duke of Normandy, and the thief captured the king first.

"The Chief's attitude towards the Grand Duke of Normandy ... Some displeased.

"That's not my hand, I'm in Kaiwen County and can't manage the local garrison of Hilly County, can I think that this is your deep pond's incompetence... Something down? "




"What is Big Sister Nian Qiu doing here?" Eno came to Nian Qiu and sat down, and they sat on the shore of a pond.

All those who came to support were attacked by his swarm and destroyed.

“...... Just come out and breathe. Yino

looked at Nian Qiu, he remembered that Brother Tianshuo said that this person's source stone skills were very special, and he could manipulate water, including the water in living organisms.

He needs to drag her here and not let her in, and no one knows what will happen when she goes in.


The Grand Duke of Normandy stood on a high platform with his back and looked at Tianshuo, "and... I also have a great opinion on what you, Fuka Chi, said. "

The scene that you guys hyped on the radio... This is my troop, how will the other Grand Dukes be hostile to me? How will residents of my jurisdiction treat my military?

"May I think that you guys have broken the trust in cooperation between us first."

Alas, good (foul) tired ....

Tianshuo sighed in his heart, that's why he hated doing this.

"You say, if we publicize what is hidden here, how many people will believe it?" Tianshuo clasped his hands in front of his chest and reached for the ice bomb made by Frost Star in his coat.

"Then you need to be able to get out of this room." Normandy waved his hand, and more than thirty figures flew out from the shadows, all dressed in armaments covered all over their bodies.

The sound of steam resounded throughout the room, and white air currents filled the room.

"One to thirty-nine..."

"Have you thought of your last words?" The Grand Duke of Normandy looked at Tianshuo, and the other party's hands were not honest.

"You might as well think about why there haven't been any reinforcements yet." Tianshuo showed a hint of a smile.

The space forbidden

the four ice bombs in Tianshuo's hand to reach the center of the enemy formation in an instant.

In the realm of time and space

, Tianshuo's right hand slowly rose and aimed in the direction of everyone: "Space compression." "

Four ice bombs were constantly gathering under the control of Tianshuo, and this level of damage was enough for them to explode.

And at this moment, it was madly compressed by Tianshuo, and violent fluctuations spread in the air.

One to thirty-nine... The advantage is in me.


Victoria Calton City

: "When did your factory move here?" Skyfire followed Barron's footsteps to the edge of the city, a town that had been abandoned due to the high concentration of source stones.

"Don't you know that all buildings that need to be inhabited or inhabited must not be built within a kilometer of an abandoned town?"

"I... Uh, I know! I know! Am I not planning to move? Lady Montberan, look..." Barron quickly took out a paper voucher from his pocket.

"This is proof of demolition, soon! Moving away soon.

Tianhuo took the certificate and looked at it, then said nothing more, just walked towards the factory.

"Whew... Almost..." Barron wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

Who would want to be here if it weren't cheaper?

What's more, there are many more infected people wandering here than those who are normally recruited.

They can be paid less, and they can also....

"What are you doing stunned? Do you still want me to lead the way? "The sky fire is a little irritable, and today is an unpleasant event at the end of the day, and the whole day is not smooth.

"Come on... Here it comes! "


"Whew... The last piece of this area. The last source stone in the area fell off and fell into the container they had prepared, and Tallula let out a long breath.

"Take these trucks, and refine them in batches when the time comes."

Tallulah commanded everyone, and it was urgent to clean up the source stones in the city, and even if it was cleaned up, it was necessary to bring in enough special purifiers for long-term treatment before people could move or live again.

"She is..." Tallulah looked in one direction, the man she had some impressions of.

"It seems to be the Miss Momberland."

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