Victoria Lentinim Thomas Alcohol Factory

"I... I thought..." Manfred looked at the dust that remained in Theresia's fingertips.

"I don't shed tears." Theresia lowered her head and looked at the dust that had been blown away by a fresh breeze.

"yes... Why don't I shed tears? "

...," Tianshuo's heart suddenly trembled.

yes, why don't I shed tears?

“...... It's time for you to go back, a lot of people are moving this way. Tianshuo reminded Theresia, both in the dark and on the bright side.

"Let me go a little longer, again... Isn't there still a cluster of you and the shapeshifter? The

cluster of shapeshifters shrugged that it didn't matter, they didn't have much to do.

Tianshuo silently followed, and the Sakatz made way for them.

In fact, after coming into contact with these Sakatz, Tianshuo found that it seems... Not as evil as rumored.

... It's really two-sided, what you hear is not necessarily true, and what you have come into contact with is not necessarily true.

This is what Tianshuo's experience told him.

Which side is real? Tianshuo is unknown.

Perhaps both sides are true, and no one is pure evil and no one is pure justice.

Tianshuo's fingertips gently flicked over the scabbard of the bloody blade, in the eyes of others, wasn't he evil?

The names of the disabled in the northern realm have begun to be distorted long ago.

The fourth commander of the integration movement, who has not been seen for many years, is known as the executioner, and in this environment, and Tianshuo has been slow to appear, even the people in the integration movement have gradually been influenced by subjective judgment.

Only those, who experienced the Chernoberg disaster and the small number that followed from Casimir, are still firming their judgment.

And now, Tianshuo pouted, perhaps the moment he really casts a space spell and the natural disaster comes, evil will forever fall on his name and will never be able to take it off.

...... Anyway, he can't see them, let them say, as long as the subjective consciousness of hearing is blocked, he will no longer receive those sounds that he does not want to hear.

Tianshuo thought so.

"You're in... Sad? The shapeshifters frowned, the mournful aura of the heir of Wendigo beside them made them feel uncomfortable.

"I'm just thinking." Tianshuo almost blurted out.


"Can you hear me? Succubus? Scout Inosasha was running across the ground, and they were heading in the direction of Rhode Island.

"Is something wrong?"

"Tell the Doctor that you can't move any further, the Blood Demon Lord is there."

Logos looked sideways at the Doctor standing beside him, close enough for Scout's voice to reach the Doctor's ears.

"All stop." ACE's loud voice made everyone stop and look towards this side.

"Leave, uh..." A sharp blade flew from a distance, grazed Scout's cheek, and sank into the ground behind him.

"When I came out to a family party, I accidentally caught a few little mice." The pardon master took his immediate guards to look at the three people who were surrounded in the middle.

“...... Forgiver. "

The little sniper who was with His Highness (Theresia), you are also here."


“Scout? Scout?!! The

phone had hung up, and the people in Rhode Island could no longer get even the slightest bit of information.

"Doctor, the front is the base where the rebels are hiding, and now..." Many of Heidi's group were members of the rebels.

"If it's really a royal court, it's a pity, Miss Heidi, it doesn't matter who goes there." The Doctor thought for a long time before speaking.

In the face of overwhelming force, it seems that all tactics are meaningless.

The Doctor looked around the pipes, recalling what he had been through.

"W, don't pretend to be dead, take out your last 'billion' bomb." The Doctor shouted at W, who was lying on top of the medical operator.

The Doctor knows that W is now just pretending after experiencing a real coma.

"Hey, hood monster, say you're a monster, you're really a monster." W rubbed his neck, got down from the medical operator's back, and patted him on the back.

"Little brother thank you, carry me for so long, send you a gadget for self-defense."

A bomb was thrown from W's hand and fell into the hands of the medical operator.

"This!! This!

"Don't worry, press here to blow up." Saying that, W tried to press it with his finger.

"Stop!! Stop!

W shrugged as she looked at the medical operator who was hiding away from her, and came to the doctor's side.

"Why, Hood Monster, what bad idea did you come up with?"

"How many bombs do you have?"

W looked at the doctor in front of him and narrowed his eyes for a long time.

"It depends on how much you want."


The three of them were back to back, and the hammer and crossbow were already in their hands.

All of Eno's beasts have been recalled.

"How much have you grown over the years?"

"Forgiver, you are not qualified to ask me."

“...... The same temper as at the beginning. The forgiver looked around, "There are no people from Rhode Island around you, and Askalun is not here." "

The fierce wind lifted everyone's clothes, and a flock of feathered beasts glided across the zenith and flew into the distance.

"His Royal Highness the Prince Regent will be willing to meet you."

"You're doing..."

"Your Highness will also be willing to see you."

“...... What are you talking about? Scout's sniper hammer in his hand was raised and aimed at the pardoner.

"Your Highness, she will also be willing to see you." The forgiver raised his hand to signal everyone to stand down.

"Your Highness... Oh, don't try to deceive me with such ridiculous lies.

"I'm not deceiving you, I'm just stating the facts." The immediate guard of the pardon division gave way to the Shard Edifice.

"Follow me, you will naturally understand."


have... I still have plenty of time, family gathering time and some days, you have ten minutes to think about it. "


Frost Star watched as the feathered beast in the sky landed in front of her, writing crooked characters on the ground with its beak.

"Frost Star... Big sister, danger, quick help..." Frost

Star watched the characters on the ground get up and followed the feather beast towards Ino.

Only a cold snap was left for the snow monster squad to spot her tracks.

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