“...... Not quite the same, somewhat weak. Tianshuo habitually wanted to get the blood blade, and only after touching it did he remember to throw it to Logos.

After all, he couldn't guarantee whether the space gate would go smoothly this time, if the blood blade was lost... Patriot, he didn't know how to explain.

"Have you seen them?" The Blood Demon Monarch looked at the tide in the distance and slapped it.

“...... Again, you escaped from Casimir.

Tianshuo turned and walked towards the door, he wasn't sure if these fake kaiji would be like the real kaiji.

After all, it is controlled by the god of wine.

The seamen rushed towards the castle, and the concepts of the head chef that the god of wine had spoken about before had long since disappeared.

"What does Bacchus want to do?"

For example, today Shuo stood at the highest place of the ancient castle, the god of wine lifted all restrictions, and the ancient castle that could not be walked around at will is now unimpeded.

The Blood Demon Monarch did not follow Tianshuo, but walked down, towards the dungeon, and he smelled the breath of a blood demon.

A blood demon filled with pure resentment.

The Blood Demon Lord looked at the imprisoned girl in front of him without speaking.

The girl stared at the blood flowing beside the Blood Demon Maharajah, begging, greedy, fearful...

The Blood Demon Lord crushed the chains that locked the other party, and the girl slowly stood up under the gaze of the Blood Demon Lord.

I don't know if it's excitement or fear, the body can't stop shaking, or both.

Instead of breaking free of the chains and splitting her face as always, the girl lowered her head and opened her mouth to ask the Blood Demon Lord.

“... I...... Can I drink a little blood? The

Blood Demon Lord raised his hand, and the blood condensed into balls in front of him, exploding countless blood thorns in the next moment.

In an instant, through the entire dungeon, the blood spur pierced the girl's body and pierced all the prisoners in the dungeon.

The blood of the prisoners was drawn and sent to the girl's body.

"Uh... No... No more..." The girl held one of the blood thorns that had pierced her body in one hand.

"No more... Too...... Too much. The girl struggled, her face ugly, her face constantly changing between cracking and healing.

"That's all, is it enough?" The Blood Demon Monarch quietly looked at the struggling girl in front of him, and controlled the blood with one hand to continue to send it to the girl's body.

"Poof... Ahem... Right... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have begged you for blood... My King..." A

large mouthful of blood spurted out of the maiden's mouth, and blood overflowed from her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

"You're not wrong here." The Blood Demon Lord lowered his arm and stopped pumping blood.

The girl was stabbed in the air by the blood thorn, and except for a slight breath, there was no movement for a long time.

"You're wrong in trying to sprinkle resentment on Sakaz, on Tikaz." The Blood Demon Maharajah's fingers were like plucking strings, and the blood thorns were all withdrawn.

The girl fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground, and the lives of dozens of prisoners died with the girl's fall.

“...... Wang, I... Hate..." The girl opened her eyes and looked at the Blood Demon Monarch standing in front of her, the Blood Demon Ancient King.

The girl was curled up and lay on the blood-covered ground.

The Blood Demon Monarch pulled the blood to lift the girl's whole person up and bring it to him.

"One drop of blood, kill three things outside, I allow you to follow me."

The girl looked at a drop of red blood in front of her lips, opened her lips slightly, and trembled slightly to probe towards the red blood.


Kaiji slammed open the door and headed for the dungeon.

A bundle of blood protruded from the ground, penetrated the opponent's body, and went around and pierced the neck again.

The Blood Demon Lord stared at the girl in front of him, waiting for the other party's choice.


"It's much weaker than the real Haiji..." Tianshuo ran his long hair with both hands, and even the hundred-meter-level Haiji did not exist.

The seamen poured into the castle, from the ground to the upper and lower levels.

"What the hell does Bacchus want to do?"

After Tianshuo, who straightened his long hair, threw it behind, and the golden lines spread from his right arm to his whole body again.

Kaiji had come to him.

Whether it's from the main gate or climbing up.

Already surrounded him in the middle.

Tianshuo, who was ready for battle, heard the indistinct timbre stirring in the other party's mouth.

But Tianshuo can understand, the system can make him understand all the languages, and the other party can understand his language.

"Same as ... Cell, you bleed, smell, rush. The

vibrations of the instigation in countless Haiji cavities converged into these two words.


golden lines continued to fade from Tianshuo's face until he completely disappeared in his right arm, and he didn't say it until he let out a long breath.

"You guys... No matter where it is, it is this one hanging sample.

Tianshuo picked up the long hair that was draped over the back of his thighs and sat down.

Now it's okay, the Blood Demon Lord asks for blessings.

"I'm fine, you guys go help the Haiji below."

Tianshuo relaxed his body and mind, and the battle with the Blood Demon Lord had exhausted him.

At least...... This is when he is truly able to completely relax and have no worries.

No need to listen to any sound, no space to explore anything, no need to warn anyone.

Just because, these Haiji, who think he is a compatriot, are by his side.



A deafening sound rang out in the dungeon.

The girl blocked in front of the dungeon door, and the Blood Demon Lord sat on a seat made of blood, watching everything in front of him.

"And one more." The Blood Demon Lord reminded the girl.


Until the third Haiji was killed, the girl did not slow down a little because of the injuries on her body, which compared to the torture she had endured... Nothing.

The Blood Demon Lord raised his fingertips, and the blood weaved a web of blood along with the instructions he cast on witchcraft, sealing the entire dungeon.

He who holds blood is the most prosperous.

The battle with Logos and Tianshuo was actually quite humiliating, and he didn't expect Logos to completely master the banshee's absolute learning.

What he didn't expect was that Tianshuo was able to hurt him through the past.

"Is it famous?" The Blood Demon Lord looked at the girl standing in front of him.

The girl froze for a long time, and then shook her head.

The Blood Demon Maharajah got up and put one hand on the girl, "Then it's called Al." "

The Blood Demon Lord swept past Al and came to the door of the dungeon, the blood net was unraveled, and the blood droplets pierced the bodies of the sea heirs.

The Blood Demon Lord stepped out of the dungeon and looked at the entire corridor in front of him.

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