Tianshuo rolled over from the ground and supported the ground with one hand so that his body could stand up.

Sleeping here is not a good option.

Tianshuo dragged his feet and walked on the desert with a drowsy head.

And where he is located, it is precisely the direction of the battlefield outside that is biased towards Lentinime.

"Cheer up." Tianshuo patted his cheeks with both hands, trying to knock himself up.

But that seems futile.




Tianshuo heard someone calling his name.


Squeezed out the last bit of energy to unfold the space, and did not notice who was around him.

Just a piece of loess.

A deep voice always came to his mind, intermittently narrating.

In the end, he was greeted into a sentence that kept being told in Tianshuo's mind.



The picture of the words put this paragraph of comment on the commentary, Haiji language.


"It's ... Say me? Tianshuo kicked a raised stone and fell to the ground.

His body was as if the whole world was pressing on him, unable to move.

“...... God? Tianshuo lay on the ground, no movement, only his mouth was still muttering the paragraph that had just been said in his mind.

Then he passed away completely unconscious.

Yellow sand scraped through his back and fell on his body, trying to bury him in the earth.

Golden stripes appeared on his surface and shattered the surrounding massifs, and Tianshuo fell freely with the collapsed ground, falling into the cave that the golden stripes had created for him.

A relatively speaking... Safe place.

Loess stones buried him in the ground.


"It's troublesome." The line muttered to himself, the risk of trying to interfere with the time and space that did not belong to him under many uncertainties was a little too great.

It's okay in the Dionysian space, after all, it is a chaotic time and space.

[Transaction has been completed

] [You should leave]

The mechanical voice of the system sounded in this sea of flowers, warning the lines.

"I think of a lot of things, system." The lines are soft and clicky on the flowers.

"After all these years together, it doesn't hurt to let me stay a little longer, doesn't it? What's more, I remember that not so long ago our deal seemed to be... I don't leave when I remember everything. "

【...... Yun]

After the sound of the system dissipated, the line did not move for a long time, and he needed to recall all the memories.


Victoria Lentinium

: "Where are we going?" The Knight of the Hunt carried the long-handled knife as always, only this time he was no longer alone, but acted with the captain of the Tallulah Council Guard.

"Go... A tomb. "

To meet your ancestors?"

"Uh... The same can be said. Tallulah always felt that this sentence was a little strange, but she couldn't say what was strange.

"Khan cowardly... I don't know where they settle. The voice of the chasing knight echoed in this corridor.


The original name of the Thunderchard Knight


Kuranta of the Thora Race, the last pure-blood nightmare, who manipulates the Fearful.

He left his hometown at an early age, or he didn't think it was his hometown, because he had no family there, and he had to look for his blood relatives.

After suffering for a long time, he decided to embark on his own "heavenly path". Maybe he will fall in the vast snowfield of Usas at the end of the heavenly path, in the opposite place of the heroic spirit of his ancestors, or he will be able to meet and make friends on the way... Or loved ones who eventually start living again.

He alone is an army, and he is both the khan of this army and the cowardice of this army.

On the way to Kavaleriaki on the way to complete his rite of passage, he has grown up under the guidance of many people.


"Leader, after Lentinium's party I will go north, by then I should have experienced enough tribulations to embark on the road of heaven."


The growth of the Demon Knight, Tallula, has always looked at it, and the pure bloodline makes him naturally higher than everyone's starting point.

It only takes a little time and a little more teaching to make him comparable to the legendary khan of a thousand years ago.

"Until then, I will assist you." The Demon Knight raised his head and looked at the door in front of him

, "It's here." The voice of the captain of the parliamentary guard sounded.

“...... I never thought that the place where kings slept would be in such a place. "Talulah looks left and right, and there are passages on both sides, which can be said to be very conspicuous.

"The original role here is just a passage for emergencies." The captain of the parliamentary guard stretched out his hand and pushed open the door, and a spiraling staircase appeared in everyone's eyes.

There was not a single light in it, and the captain of the parliamentary guard took out the source stone lamp prepared in advance to illuminate the surroundings.

"It's a pity... This emergency corridor has not been opened to anyone until now, and its role as an emergency corridor has not been opened. The

captain of the parliamentary guard said and stepped down, and the two followed behind him.

The gaze of the Demon Knight remained focused on the captain of the parliamentary guard, this man... If that breath of kings is really like the legend.

So will he start snatching?

The Demon Knight does not have the confidence to defeat the other party.

"Leader, maybe it would be safer to let His Excellency Tianshuo go with you, after all, no one knows what is underneath."

“...... Xiao Tian he, there are other tasks. "Tallulah always has one hand on her sword.

She understood what the Knight was worried about, both in the following circumstances and the loyalty of the Captain of the Parliamentary Guard in front of her to Victoria.

She took it all into account.

But she can't really do anything because of that conjecture, that's not her.


Logos hid in the shadows and followed Tallula, who was surprised when Tallulah called his name in a room.

But thinking that he was not too hidden, it was normal to be discovered by the captain of the parliamentary guard.

Logos exhaled a breath, enough to cut the breath of the kings of the natural disaster... If you do get it, there is also a chance to stop this war.

Please be in the dark just in case, as for the doctors, he did not explain, just told Askalon and left.

Is it afraid that the person will turn his face? Logos turned the bone pen and followed not far from everyone.

Except for the leader of the royal court and the Tianshuo who would find himself no matter how he hidden, no one else seemed to have discovered him under his full concealment.

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