"Can you joke, it seems that the recovery is not bad." Tianshuo snapped his fingers, and the golden ripples spread out.

"Then the Doctor and I will leave first, you find the right time to get out of here."

The Doctor patted Amia on the shoulder, and then turned into golden light and dissipated into the space.

Amia looked at Tianshuo, whose body gradually disappeared, and suddenly shouted: "Mr. Tianshuo! "

“... Is there anything else?

"You said you saw these memories... So what do you think... Is Sakaz a choice? Amia held two rabbit ears up, catching any sound that could do her favor.

“... Amia, I am not Sakaz, and even less the monarch of Sakaz. Tianshuo smiled faintly.

"I am just a bystander whose memories are shared by my fellow citizens, you are their sovereign, and the right to choose is in your hands."

"Even though they don't recognize you, the choice is always yours. Unrecognized king, you are not alone.

"Remember what you came here for? Amia, wake up..."


Amia stared at the golden light until it disappeared completely.

"The original purpose?" Amia asked herself, trying to find the memory that really belonged to her in the long river of memories.


"Stop this war."


"Dr. Kelsey." Amiya recalled the war that the other side started, the war that broke Kazdale.

Endless sorrow wrapped around her, wrapped around her hands and feet, blocked her mouth and nose.

No matter where she looked, clouds filled her vision.

A sakaz climbed the city wall.

Behind him was an iron-gray city with black flags flying above his head.

The wounded warriors lined up in front of them. The untrained Sakaz was about his age and guarded the walls with a rusty sword.

Countless other compatriots were standing behind him, old and young, probably holding only hunting crossbows.

And the enemy has stepped over the wasteland and come to their city.

He heard the tower sorcerer's staff cut through the air neatly.

He heard the Gallic artillery steer the Genshi cannon.

He heard the heavy footsteps of steam armor marching, and the sound of jets as they sprinted.

Amia felt like she was there, and the scenery around her changed under her memories.

Huge steam knights flew over her head, source stone cannon fire passed over her head, and she looked at the film who organized and started this war with the roar of war.

"Kelsey... Doctor. Amia tried to reach out and touch the other, and her hand passed through Filmin's body.

She wanted to call the other person, and her voice would not be transmitted.

But memory will not answer.

She heard the wind blow up the leading general's robe and collide with the armor, and Amia saw Feilin open his mouth and make an icy sound.

"I know everything that Sakaz is planning. Hatred is an incurable terminal disease, and your vengeance will bring incurable wounds to the earth.

"For the stability of the surrounding countries, for the peace of the next two hundred years, ambitions must be eliminated in advance."

Fire poured into Kazdale from all directions. Another Kazdale is about to turn into ruins.

Countless Sakaz died one after another in this fire, and those who came out of the fire will only be more unfortunate.

Six heroes rise from the ruins. Carrying the flaming banner of Kazdall, they charged the army in front of them.

Not a single Sakaz will die willingly. The mournful battle drums of thousands of Sakaz who have just fallen follow in the footsteps of the heroes towards the enemy army.

The walls of Kazdale are collapsing, and with ashes and debris, the dead Sakaz is falling.


illusion presented by the memory dissipated with Amia's silence.

She believes that everything she feels is real, and memory will not answer her, let alone deceive her.




Amia jerked her head up at the boundless sky dazed, she heard... Tianshuo's voice: "Mr. Tianshuo? "

“... You said yes, that's it, I've left, it's just a bubble of time left, while the guy with that tendon didn't pay attention, I deliberately left a bubble to talk to you, time is limited to make a long story short.

"Kelsey can't stop Sakaz from starting a war. You wear a crown on your head and a long sword in your hand. Since you are standing here, sometimes being tough is not a bad thing, and troubled times cannot be used as a good thing. "

The crown?" Amia reached out and touched the black crown that had been fully visible above her head.

Zi -

The moment Amia touches the black crown, something flicks her fingers away.

Instead of answering Amia, the line continued.

"Human beings need to work together, otherwise what Tianshuo did was futile, and in the end it would only backfire, and finally he would be buried in his own hands..."

Well, never again.

Silence fell in Amia's ears, and she raised her head and lowered her head to look at the cyan anger she held in her hand.

“...... Although some people don't quite understand what Mr. Tianshuo is saying, or is it not Mr. Tianshuo who said this? Amia raised her cyan fury, and the fireworks were burning at this moment.

"But Rhode Island's original purpose in coming to Lentinim was to prevent war."

Amia wielded her long sword and cut a line of fire, cutting through the illusion she was in.

"And now... For whatever reason, I shouldn't have stayed here any longer. The

long river of memories was shattered at this moment, turning into bubbles and scattered in Amia's mind.


Amia's eyes slowly opened, and she saw the cloud of natural disasters that was being destroyed, and Sakaz's wailing and hatred were extinguished in it.

Ascalon's face appeared in her line of sight, along with the Doctor.

“...... I'm back, Dr., Askalon. "

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