Sean's purpose now is simple.

Originally, he planned to find a way to disguise himself as a child and sneak into "Midnight Paradise", looking for an opportunity to find Mrs. Dominic who was kidnapped, and to investigate the disappearance of the three Dolins siblings...

And now, Midnight Paradise is giving out tickets on the streets, inviting tourists, and preparing games and prizes...

For Sean, this is really a rare opportunity-

There are bound to be many explorers that night, eager to move and scramble for the ultimate prize.

Whether it is a surging crowd or a team of explorers competing for the grand prize, it is an excellent cover for "hiding yourself".

At that time, he would observe quietly under that cover, adjust his plan according to the actual situation, and find an opportunity to rescue Mrs. Dominic's soul.

However, it is conceivable that if you want to find Mrs. Dominic, you must approach Peter Pan.

And if you want to get close to Peter Pan, you can only follow the slanderer's "strategy" and gradually advance to the castle area where the creator of the park is located.

What will happen next, Sean has no way of knowing.

However, he already has a certain strength, and he has no fear beyond the scope of reason for the spiritual master.

Moreover, at that time, there will be more than a team of explorers in the paradise.

"There are a lot of strengths that can be used, and there are also many possibilities that can be tapped..." Xiao En thought, silently digesting the information given by the slanderer in his heart:

"By earning points by winning games, you can continue to advance and enter more core regions.

"Upgraded from the market area to the courtyard area and then to the castle area...

"And the owner of Paradise, Peter Pan, is in the castle district.

"Mrs. Dominic's soul is also very likely to be at the core..."

The story stops after touching the "castle area".

The slanderer's face was a frozen smirk, and he rubbed his hands together, as if he was pondering the expectations of the listener.

Moonlight asked, "So what? What's going to happen in the Castle District?"

"Hehehe..." A shrill laughter sounded, repeating Moonlight's words, "What will happen in the castle district?"


In the darkness, vague memories reappeared.

"I only have one piece of advice."

Smith was running inside the huge building and suddenly heard a loud noise, he turned around in surprise...

"Don't trust anyone in that place - not even your teammates."

In the picture, behind Smith, the man he had trusted so much, smoked smoke from the muzzle of his gun, but his chest was stained red with blood.

With a shocked expression, he obviously did not expect that his teammates had already set up defenses.

"I don't want to tell you what's going on in the Castle District...

"That would be a lot less surprises."

He looked at Sean and Moonlight playfully, as if implying dark expectations.

"However, I can tell you what happened when I left that castle..."

He raised his palm exaggeratedly, as if whispering to Sean and Moonlight:

"Four teams, thirteen people in total, entered the castle.

"At last……"

The voice was so low that it seemed to have become a faint wind:

"I was the only one who left there."


"That is to say," after leaving the soul-shaking underground prison, Sean sat in the "Night of the Comet" cafe, the hot drink in his hand could not warm his palm for a while, "That Open Day event, There was a cannibalistic incident in the castle district."

"So..." Rarely, Moonlight didn't expect too much, "The last game is to kill everyone including teammates?"

That would explain the memories seen in the slanderer's soul - his teammates shot him in the back, killing himself.

Sean shook his head: "He said, it's clear in the rules that 'all games' are played in teams.

"All games, including the last game.

"Looking at the ending, the final game seems to be a fight without rules and taboos.

"Since the rules make it clear that the team will be used as a unit, it is impossible to temporarily change their minds and let the winning team kill each other.

"And the more likely scenario is..."

Sean's eyes slowly turned cold.

A gold statue worth $18,000.

If it is distributed to three people, it is six thousand for one person.

The two share 9,000 each.

And if one swallows it alone—

Take yourself as an example: the long-term goals that were planned before, and the costs required, were achieved in an instant.

Even though not everyone can betray their teammates, this number is enough to make many people tempted.

Not to mention, those who are temporarily traveling for profit.

Compared with external challenges, they should be more wary of the "enemy" behind them.

"Sean," Moonlight rubbed the back of his neck with his hands, looking a little uneasy, "I think, we have to make a decision..."

New Testament reporters understand what their companions mean.

As long as they decide to enter "Midnight Paradise" on the open day, in order to find the whereabouts of Mrs. Dominic, they are likely to go all the way until they step into the castle area.

And once you step into the castle area, you will have to face unknown challenges——

Everything that once let the slanderer "Smith" finally walk out of the castle alone.

Now, it is time to continue looking for the mother who is too late to say goodbye to her child...

Or choose to give up considering the possible risks?

"Moonlight..." Sean asked, "Will you shoot me in the back?"

"No," the pianist answered firmly. "And what about you, my friend?"

Sean laughed. "Neither would I—but if you walk too slowly, I might kick your ass!"

Squinting at his partner, the pianist smiled.

The underground prisoner obviously wanted to scare Sean and Moonlight through his own experience.

If they were still J-level rookies at this time, they might have been really frightened by his description.

After all, in most of the mysteries, the J-level struggles to even protect itself.

However, the current Sean squad is different.

They are already at the top of the Q class.

Judging by the size of the soul, if the slanderous ministers who are deceitful, if they meet him in the "land of redemption"...

Sean has the confidence to subdue him in ten rounds.

Not to mention, he also has insight and intuition far beyond ordinary explorers.

He already possesses considerable strength, and if he is still in a state of fear before a task that does not involve "gods"...

In fact, it's in the other direction, but it's definitely not much better. " We think too much." Sean sighed, "This case is still within our ability— —

"It doesn't matter if we step into the castle area, we can suspend the mission at any time..."

"Also, there are no intimidated explorers in this world."

Moonlight's brows also stretched out.

The gloomy aura from the "Place of Atonement" gradually dissipated.

Although disturbed, the pianist could hear the voice in his heart, and the voice was in line with Sean's thoughts.

After deciding to continue the mission, Sean and Moonlight found Father Taylor, and told the experienced exorcist about the information they found and the risks they might encounter.

After thinking for a while, Taylor said: "I have no objection to continuing this mission--

"Even if you don't go, in order to keep my soul at peace, I will go alone to investigate the whereabouts of the Dollings children.

"And, if possible..." Taylor clenched the diamond frame in his palm, "I will find a way to dispel the evil in that place."

Feeling the aura emanating from the priest, both Sean and Moonlight were a little surprised, and suddenly realized something——

Being immersed in the quest industry, Sean found that he was far away from this pure idea.

In the face of "what should be done", he is still repeatedly calculating the pros and cons...

Completely forgot the original intention of the explorer, which is the same as that of the exorcist:

Walking in the dark is to protect the ordinary world from evil.

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